Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Thanks kindly, happy Saturday to you! :+1:

Thx Matti, thanks for saying hi :pray::wink:

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@DryIn785 it’s great to see you reaching out whilst you feel pre-relapse, and I hope some human connection helps settle that down :crossed_fingers:t2: Sending strength :blue_heart: Congrats on 40 days :tada:
@SoberWalker have a great party! :partying_face:
@Sabrina80 I hope your back and mouth feel better soon :blue_heart:
@Nowenbrace congrats on your engagement :ring: :tada:
@KarenKW I’m glad you can acknowledge the progress you’re making, congrats :tada: I hope the new anti-depressant does help :crossed_fingers:t2: give it some time. Proud of you :blue_heart:

908 days no alcohol.
373 days no cocaine.
5 days no binge-eating.

Had another nightmare so I’ve been in pain again today. But, I’ve done some laundry, been for a walk, and caught up a bit with Love Island (guilty pleasure).

I feel content today. I’m going to try to shower when my towels are dry from the tumble dryer.

It is also that time again, for my favourite program this evening :grinning:

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends :blush:



74 :muscle: just started season 7 on game of thrones

Pain at a 7 so been a rough day :cry:

Cuppa and heating on to relax

Happy sober Saturday everyone have a great weekend


Checking in day 153! Went to the gym and had a phone call with a friend- have dinner with my parents later. Should be a great Saturday. Also officially got the apartment I wanted- really a great space in the location I wanted, and negotiated the price down which made me feel good :rofl: never had the confidence to do anything like that before.

Move should be middle of this month, which is quick but good- ex will be staying in the house. I’m excited for my fresh start. It will also feel good to be in a new space that’s never been tainted by alcoholism- something about that makes me feel good and proud.

Have a great sober Saturday friends!


Checking in
Day 356
I am beyoooond tired. I cant for the life of me, get any energy. All i want to do is sleep. I wish that 3 diff things wetrent happening at the same time, so i knew what was causing it this lack of energy. Theres PAWS which has caused tiredness during past recovery milestones. Theres my time of the month. And then theres my increase in meds. So basically it could be any of these, but PAWS is really the only thing that has made me this tired before. I cant stand it!! Everything suffers when im tired :tired_face:
BUT… yesterday during me and my sons wagon walk, he expressed thst he wanted to build a snow man. The weather has been perfect for it. He didnt have his son pants on so i said wed come back tomorrow prepared for it. We have all the supplies (2 sticks, carrot, old mits n hat, rocks for eyes etc) and we are going ro head out, no matter how tired i am. Hes excited and so am i actually. This will be fun. Just wish i had snow pants also lol
Other than that, i will get dishes n laundry done. Then i have to work tmrw (not at the hospital thankfully :upside_down_face:).
Hope everyone is having a good addiction free day!


That’s awesome about the genetic testing. Wow! Keep up the good work, Karen!

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Way to go, Karen. Each day will be better. Im glad you are feeling better.


Day 12

  • free from alcohol
  • being aware of toxic relationships
  • regular eating without drama

Day was very balanced. Did some cleaning and everything has new laundry, also my bed and the couching zone. Then I did some beauty stuff and lunch. By the way I made nice protein cookies. For breakfast I had spicy porridge for the first time … That was just ohmygosh! Love it. Will have it repeatingly now.

Had a deep nap of 90 minutes :sleeping::panda_face::zzz:

In the evening I had a yin yoga practice and…
a swim of cause! 3000 meters :swimming_woman:t2::muscle:t2:

Now I am just feeling relaxed, warm and strong. Hope to get a good sleep.

At the moment it feels absurd to drink.
Don’t know if that’s good or dangerous.

Much love :blue_heart:


Eeeeep well done on almost a month!!! Depression is so hard to battle, and I hope your new medications help.
For me, the longer I was sober, the better my depression got. At first I just felt really awful but eventually it got much better. And now my worst days of mental health sober are what some of my best days with depression when I was drinking looked like, if that makes sense.
Have you read a book called the Upward Spiral? It talks about how it’s so hard to break the spiral downwards with depression because you feel so awful and it’s so hard to practice the things that make us feel better. Exercise, healthy eating, socialising, sobriety… depression makes starting and maintaining those things feel almost impossible. But the more you can do those things, the better you feel and eventually you start enjoying activities that improve your mental health. Your sobriety feels easier, the spiral upwards into feeling happier and less depressed becomes a positive snowballing effect. That’s how it felt for me after a few months of sobriety. And I hope that it will start to get easier for you now you have almost a month under your belt. All the best💗


Checking in with 312 days :sun_with_face:
I’m feeling better this weekend than the last few. I had about 2 weeks of pretty average mental health, mainly because of stress in my new job and the travel, plus school starting back up for the kids and all the preparing we had in the lead up to getting them back into school.
But they started the new year, everything has been pretty smooth for them, my daughter likes her new school and is making friends so I feel really great about that. And this week at work I reached out to a wellness coordinator (an amazing resource my workplace offers) and just had a chat about how I was feeling pretty exhausted from travel and anxious some parts of my job were particularly challenging. And after I got it off my chest I felt a lot better. Towards the end of the week I started to feel a bit better about my work and my abilities.
I’ve been a bit hard on myself in the learning phase and I just needed to ease up and remember I’m learning and stop expecting so much from myself.
So yeah, this weekend I’ve felt a lot better than I have the last few. I’ve been working on my new planted aquarium hobby which I LOVE. And I can see myself already buying another hahah.
Today I’m going to bake and I think I may finally finish another crochet rug which is exciting. A nice relaxing day before back into the work week.
Oh and we pick up our new adopted family member Snowflake on Friday!!! The carer sent me a photo of him yesterday and I just can’t wait to get him home.


Checking in
Day 356
So im feeling quite abit better right now. Getting outside into nature really helped. I took my son in his wheelchair with all of our snowman supplies, found a good spot to build our snowman, picked him up out of his chair and let him crawl around in the snow with his winter gear on. It was sooo much fun! The most frustrating part was getting those damn snowpants on haha But other than that it was sooo much fun! I must have been maybe his age the last time i built a snowman. Kind of therapeutic for me :slight_smile:

Once we got home i had my energy back. Did up the dishes. Will begin laundry soon. My eating has been unbelievably horrible though. Like so bad that im not even caring that i ate icecream for breakfast. And im struggling in determining how much grace to give myself while im going thru whatever im going thru. I have severe fear in gaining all the weight back that I worked so hard to lose bcuz of this entire week of poor eating. Its like im not even trying to make sure i watch what or how much i eat. I told myself monday id get back to it. But i dont think i should wait until monday. I think ill plan for tomorrow to focus on my healthy eating. But yes… giving myself grace is great during hard times. But i feel like theres a certain point when enough is enough of letting myself slack off. Maybe i confuse grace with being easy on myself. Now that i think of it, do i really know what grace means? Idk. Maybe someone has an answer to that? :slight_smile:
Anyway… im full of gratitude today for the time i get to spend with my son bcuz i am clean and sober. Im grateful for all that i have and grateful for this day to get a few things done.
Love u guys!


Omg!!! What a special moment!!! Congratulations on the two of you on your engagement!!! Beautiful ring by the way!


@anon53116147 Seems to me a counsellor needs to do a lot of listening.

@Nowenbrace Congratulations! How wonderful! I hope you have a wonderful life together.


Beautiful snowman @Butterflymoonwoman


Cool. Keep working on it.


Our special weekend :blush:
@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks a bunch Dana , hope Hun likes it , it’s flashy :sunny::sunny:
@Misokatsu Thanks so much Flo , we’re both happy :heart_decoration::musical_score:
day 568nicotine & alcohol moving forward and tryin not looking back so much.
Must remember easy does it
Happy trails w appreciative joy found in recovery​:heart::sunny::biking_man:


Hello all,

Checking in for Days 1,651 to 1,653 Sober.



I’ve been really bad at updating lately but Day 7. It’s been good so far, working hard and not having much time for anything else helps overall but I’m looking forward to going home in a week


That’s a great looking snowman. Fun memories for you and your son.