Checking in daily to maintain focus #51

Check in Day 28

A lot of milestones hit today so congrats to you all! :raised_hands:

Dealing with some toxic behaviors at work by a manager & Iā€™m trying to deal with it differently than I normally would. She was trying to stir the :poop: pot between people instead of dealing with her own issues with another manager. Iā€™m trying to find a way to nip it in the bud, while making her aware that I know what she did, and it is not right. Itā€™s just kind of hard to do that without ruffling more feathers. However the fact that I am one of the people that she brought into her web, makes me want to just be upfront about it and let the chips fall however they do. Yet at the same time, I know it could make things even more uncomfortable for myself. Itā€™s hard to get some people to understand or see things from a different perspective, when they donā€™t think they have done anything wrong, or at least wonā€™t admit it.


Really good work, mate! You can be proud of yourself!


Welcome to TS! The worst is soon be over.:+1:t2:


66 days :muscle: just started season 4 on game of thrones

Happy sober Friday everyone have a great weekend


Day 4:

  • free from alcohol
  • being aware of toxic relationships
  • focusing on eating without drama!

I am fine, relaxed. Yesterdayā€™s yoga class was nice and challenging. I am tired, but just trying to de-stress life and keep things simple.
Reminded the KISS principal.

Tonight i will hit the pool and tomorrow too. :heart_eyes:
Excited about my energy level.
Rest is relaxing, napping and eating :sweat_smile:
Some yoga streches in between.
Back to my fundamentals.

I was able to implement mediation back to my morning routine. At the moment i am joyning Linda Hall mediations at YouTube.

Love :blue_heart:


How do you end up in TS jail? :joy:


Starting day 10 this morning. Seems miniscule and obsolete compared to some of these veterans with a year or more of sobrietyā€¦ oh well, you have to start somewhere and then maintain right?

Feeling amazing however. Heading to an indoor water park/resort called Great Wolf Lodge on Sunday for the night with my wife and twin 6 year old girls. This will also be a sober first for me. Wishing my 11 year old boy could come, but heā€™ll be with his mom in Virginia. Hopefully next time.


Always look forward to ur check ins to see how ur doing :slight_smile: lots of positive things happening ur way! Proud of u!


Day 1910?

Exact day count isnā€™t all that important to me, how Iā€™m living the days is.

Iā€™ve noticed the last few months Iā€™ve been incredibly busy, but in a good way. My life is quite full in fact. That being said my self care alone time has decreased. Sometimes I forget that even an extrovert like me needs space. Next week I get to engage in my favorite solo hobby by going snowshoeing in the mountains. The combination of cold and quiet does wonders for me. When I first got sober I couldnā€™t spend 5 minutes in my own head. Now I look forward to spending 5 hours there.

Getting a sponsor and working the steps did wonders for me.


Every day sober is an accomplishment. Those early days are harder and well earned! Be proud of your days!


Day 4. Had many day 4s in the last few months but this one feels great. Has a calm and hopeful feeling to it


I feel free. Finally.
Thanks for asking.


Congrats on those 9 months.

And @alpine_1975,

Good to see you back at double digits.


Your words and mine. Youā€™re absolutely right we all start somewhere. Weā€™re all on this journey together and weā€™re happy youā€™re here :two_hearts:


@Grumpy welcome :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@Danna17 @TryingToBeSoberGuy welcome back both :blush::blush:
@Bear21 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@zzz congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Jasty2 thank you :blush: :blue_heart:
@alpine_1975 congrats on double digits :tada:

900 days no alcohol.
365 days no cocaine.

Feels good to be at these numbers with these vices, but the battle with binge-eating and nicotine continues. My next cessation phone call is Monday, and Iā€™m planning to ask for more support bcuz itā€™s just not getting any easier.

Today I had my assessment for the support group for trans, non-binary, and gender questioning survivors of sexual violence, I have been accepted. The group meets online, on the second Saturday of each month, for 2 hours, so I will attend for the first time on 11th Feb.

On my way to the shop to buy lunch today, two males were coming towards me, and one shouted so loud that I could hear him over my music and noise-cancelling headphonesā€¦ā€˜Yo, is that a girl or a boy!?ā€™ Iā€™m so done with this bs. Iā€™m a very insecure person and things like this deeply effect me. Itā€™s something that most trans men escape from after a short time of taking Testosterone, but unfortunately the same miracle hasnā€™t happened to me and sh*t like this is still happening after being on it for 9 years. Ugh.

I went for my walk before coming here, glad I did.




Huge congratulations!
You are doing great and itā€™s always good to read your posts!

I have a strong sense of justice and if I had been with you I would have yelled back something probably. What kind of idiots! Pah.


Proud of you too girl. Thank you Iā€™m still here at the half way house. Soon I will be looking for an apartment


Youā€™re doing the hard work at the moment and time counts now more then ever. With more time it gets easier and more important to remember the beginning.

So itā€™s the exact opposite.:wink::+1:t2:


Congratulations @CATMANCAM! :tada:
A full year of no cocaine is absolutely fantastic. That was one of my vices too so I know the challenges of completing tasks without it. Itā€™s been 3+ years and I still get fleeting thoughts when I clean my home. Anyway, Iā€™m really proud of your accomplishments. Sorry to hear about those idiots you came across. Wish I was there to have a few words with them. People can be so f**king cruel.


Wow, nice achievements and impressive numbers!


484 Days

Today I did the rest of the cuboard, creepy as it was I actually have lived here for 10 years and kind of found a secret room :astonished::woman_shrugging:

This is the cuboard and the door inside the cuboard

Just have lots of black bags like 15 of them to carry to my dads car, no parking outside is allowed so will have a 4 minute walk with each bag. And then all the unwanted stuff will be gone and i can reorganise with the soace i have made.
I have not climbed through the little door, or been inside, today is the first time its been opened in years so thats too creepy for me right now but will make future plans for it soon.

Cant wait to chill out and just have some dinner once iv put all the bags in the car.

Hope everyone is well i will be catching up tonight :blush:

Who ever lived here before me has left some stuff in there.