Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Day 5
Good evening/morning sober peeps! I wish I had something to report today. Unfortunately, I ended up napping most of the afternoon, and spent the rest of the day on YouTube triggering myself. Apparently, getting angry creates dopamine, which is bad news. I’m glad I’ll have a therapist soon.
I’ve got an appointment tomorrow morning (a follow up, I doubt they’ll find anything else wrong with me). I’m going to have a hard time sleeping since I did so much today). Anyway, just wanted to stick my head in the door and say hello. :wave: Take care, everyone! :v:



153 substance free
70 self harm free
116 not restricting food

Today I am so tired. I feel sick. Maybe i am getting a cold?
I worked this morning. I was told by coworkers that they really appreciate all of my hard work on closing shifts. That made me happy. I do try hard. I have a meeting for next steps within the company sometime this month. I hope i am not sick on the day my district manager comes out to talk with me. :crossed_fingers: Hope y’all are having a good day


tonight will be day 376 of no self harm

not quite feeling like myself today. not really sure why I just really in my head and thinking about my childhood and not great things. just trying to push through



Checking in. 12 days. ODAAT. Yep.


day 175

Mornings are getting colder and darker, warming during the day, summer is fading quick.

Just a general check ODAAT team! Smash it out!


Checking in late. I had a weekend where my drunkie voice was screaming, and I nearly tossed my almost 4 months away. But I’m going to bed sober.


Day 163
I made a decision, I’ll go to the Dr today to ask for a sick note. I’m not burnt out but I don’t sleep good at the moment. The nights from Sunday to Monday are a horror and I can’t sleep without taking melatonin or herbs that help you sleep.
It’s just too much. Today we would be understaffed again, I don’t know how long this time. And next week we’ll miss another coworker bc she has vacation for one week.
Work is piling up day after day, the management doesn’t care and puts more and more work on our shoulders.
And the worst thing is, here are no good jobs any more to change to.
I hate it :pleading_face: Like a hamster in a spinning wheel.
I can’t relax neither the body or the mind.
I’m pretty nervous to ask the Dr but I have to. He knows the hospital I work for and he doesn’t like it :joy: He once took me outta there for 3 weeks because of the same symptoms. We’ll see.
Cross fingers :crossed_fingers:
I know it’s shitty for those coworkers who are left but if I don’t stop this now I don’t know how my body will react to this stress.
Okay, time to get up and prepare myself for the phonecall :sweat_smile:
See you later this day fam :kissing_heart:


529 Days

Up nice and early managed 3 days of good sleep in a row and I can say I feel quite good about it/having the sleep :slightly_smiling_face:
Iv had to wear myself out with intense exercise to get it though :sweat_smile:
But it’s working and I need the exercise.
I can hear the wind outside is so noisy ! Probably going to rain today.
I’m just planning my day ahead and what meal I will cook. Waiting for reasonable time to stick the hoover on its 6:10 am.
I’m doing much better atm which wasn’t the case the list 2 weeks with such lack of sleep causing all other things to just show ball. I will enjoy this moment.

Have a lovely everyone :slightly_smiling_face:



Day 12 here. Slept really well again for which I am grateful. Woke up feeling great but am a little anxious for my first business trip sober today. Doesn’t help that it’s to Munich, home of the Beer-hall. The colleague I’m travelling with also has young kids and doesn’t drink much. I’m hoping that and the fact it’s Monday will lead to an easy discussion about avoiding alcohol and going to bed early with something on my iPad to watch.


Heartfelt congratulations @Rockstar24777 :orange_heart: :tada: :sparkles:


Have as good a day as possible all. Sober and clean. Love.

One day off. The number of people calling in sick for work is staggering atm. Every morning there’s a message in the group app asking who wants to come in and cover. I’m not going. My own working hours are more than enough or I’ll end sick myself. Pic is from work, yesterday, at the beginning of my late shift.
@Sabrina80 Take care of yourself friend!


Wohoo. Congratulations :tada:


Day :seven:

One Week :+1:


Congratulations @zzz :facepunch:

#Day 1637 :walking_woman:
Monday, back to work after a whole week holiday at home. If I would win the lotery I would quit immediatly. Does that mean I need to look for another job? I don’t know.
Maybe it’s just the holiday vibe I do not want to let go. Busy week ahead and that messes with my head also. Have to remember: one day at a time". Picture from waterdrops on grass yesterday, loved it.

Going for a walk before work. Have to push myself to do so, but I know it will make me feel better.
See you later! :raising_hand_woman:


Same here. Those who cover get sick themselves bc it’s too much.
I’m trying to call my Dr since 1 hour, nothing. They seem to have a lot of sick staff too. Don’t know if I should just go there and try? But I know most offices hate that :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Enjoy your day off Menno :smiling_face:


I had luck, finally. My Dr answered the phone himself, what means that they’re drowning bc of sick staff too :disappointed:
I told him about my problems and I won’t have to go to work this week. I’ll go to his office someday this week to give them my insurance card and hopefully to have a chat with him.
Maybe he knows someone I can talk to or something I can do to stay in a stable mental position.
Of course I (again) made the mistakes I already know are bad for me. Too much social media, no sports and not enough time outside to shut down my spiraling thoughts. And not eating regularly plus eating the wrong foods.
I also told him that I don’t want any medication bc that won’t cure the problem. I need time.
And this my friends is a dangerous situation bc how easy would it be to get some alcohol to calm me down, right? I’m an addict, and I’ll always be.
I was in a similar situation the last time I relapsed, but now I realize it and I know what to do to not let it happen again.
That was longer than I wanted it to be. Seems I needed to let it out.
Take care fam :kissing_heart:


Day 12,

Good morning. How are you today? I’m doing good. I really want som fast food today. But no there’s food at home.

Wishing you a good sober day


Hey all, checking in on day 1,002. I hope everybody has a good one!


Congratulations on your 1000 days. Also I just seen @Ravikamor and @Rockstar24777 recently hit that milestone as well. Congrats to all of you. I know you all work really hard at your sobriety. :+1::muscle::green_heart: