Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Day 5

Good morning. Feeling sad today. Terrible sleep schedule and I think it has something to do with being in the early stages of AF. All of my dreams were around romanticizing drinking and it’s upsetting. I’m catching myself fall into a negative thought pattern.

I will do my morning pages today. I’m anxious because I have been putting them off and today was going to be my first day but I might not have time to get to them this morning. I will try to do it anyway.

Feeling discombobulated and not sure what’s for breakfast. I will go to the gym later for arms and shoulder day.

Wishing you a good day


The tooth is fine, it had problems because the filling of the tooth above was too big. So it got irritated. All fine now, the funny feeling should vanish in the next days.
I was so happy I could’ve hug the Dr haha.


Hello all,

Checking on in Day 1,682 Sober.



Especially the first week is the hardest, it was the same for me. After about 2 weeks it started to get more and more easy to go on, also the sleep got way better. It takes roughly 10-14 days until the body got rid of all the alcoholic waste and after that time the physical healing starts, with improved sleep, better mood and a general better wellbeing. Enjoy gym time and stay sober :muscle:t3:!


Day 997 clean and sober. Have an amazing day today, love you guys and thank you again for all of the messages and support you gave me while I was gone you’re fucking awesome :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 6

Does anyone have any tips for dealing with strong urges and cravings in specific time of the day?
I get crazy urges between 6pm and 9pm (time when I usually go out and get drunk)


Im 13 days sober today and very happy to have made it almost 2 weeks. Yesterday i was really off. Feeling depressed, aggitated and just crabby. Had a good sleep and now im off to work this morning and hopefully will have a better day. Hope you all have a good day as well.


Getting myself very busy and tired is what was helping me. So I cleaned a lot when I had urges and was restless :face_with_peeking_eye:
Do yoy have hobby’s you can pick up again? Something that needs focus?


Good mornin" my personal favourite was chasing the endorphins rush of exercise but I guess any healthy hobby would be a good distraction till you free and clear with good amount of clean time. For me I was ignoring the advice ’ avoid extrremes’ meaning don’t let your hobby become a form of addiction swapping.
Ty for helping me remember sobriety first :pray::person_in_lotus_position::person_raising_hand::heart:


Congratulations on 4 years! Thanks for sharing your success, it inspires us all!! :blush:


Hey all, checking in on day 995. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning everyone! I hope you all have a happy, sober Monday! :blush: celebrating Day 15, upwards and onwards…!

My mental focus has been on knowing in my soul that sober living is my destiny and being consciously aware of how lucky I am to be able to meet that destiny with open arms.


I guess I’ll try working out during that period.
Thank you for the advice!

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Then I’ve to nap even more than you.:smile:

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Congratulations to 1 sober week!:+1:t2:

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Thanks for the response! I knew it wouldn’t easy but this is insane. My moods are all over the place. I ended up doing my morning pages anyway—journaling and that calmed me down but I’m still in a wretched mood. I’m gonna head to gym now because I found the energy


Congratulations to 4 years of sobriety!:tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada:

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Nearly 2 weeks is a big achievement and something to be really proud of! Keep it up, the longer you put your energy into things that matter, the easier it gets to say “No”. Have a productive and good day!


#27 days Sober !!! Beautiful morning.

I still have no power to my place. 3 days a counting no electricity……

I have had no urges to drink thanks to AA, my sponsor, and this Community.

I feel very fortunate. It’s been way over two years since I go anywhere past two weeks.


If possible, go for a swim, jog, hike in the evening, hit the gym, watch a movie in a cinema and use your time actively. That is one of the biggest changes in my life since I am sober: in the past, I would wait until I could call it a day and have a drink, but there was no energy left for me besides drinking, all I did was watch TV, play video games and drink. Now I hit the gym 4x a week, sometimes add one or two cardio trainings if time permits, read, meet with friends and cook quite often, things I never had time and energy for and to care about before. What a change in life! That’s also all ahead of you, just concentrate on staying sober this evening, by doing something you haven’t done for a while and you would enjoy doing. All the best!