Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Getting on with it.


Amazing work, 4 years! I canā€™t even imagine how good that must feel :tada::tada::tada:


Big hugs, well done on one year! Such a great accomplishment :heartpulse:


341 days :heartpulse:
Itā€™s a long weekend, doing some cooking today. Iā€™ve been feeling flat as a tack, really trying to push forward. Going for walks and gym sessions for my stupid mental health. Iā€™ve been playing Stardew Valley on the switch to try and calm my brain down and do something that requires absolutely nothing from me. I must say, itā€™s been nice.
I hate that I seem to go through such lows, and I try and remember that these lows were pretty catastrophic for me when I was drinking.
Anyway, big hugs to you all, hope you are having a good day whatever you may be doing today x


Day 156
Another monday morning :yawning_face:
Still cold and raining here, Iā€™m so fed up with that weather and with the fact that you have to wear so thick clothing :pleading_face: I canā€™t move in this and when Iā€™m in the train itā€™s hot as hell :sob:
Iā€™ll see my dentist again today, feeling nervous already. But I know whatever they have to do, it will be okay. They just want to help.
The boss wonā€™t be happy about me being away from work again, but Iā€™ll ignore that.
Now that itā€™s not mandatory any more to wear a mask everyone in this train is sneezing and coughing. Of course in their hands like Covid never happened and we never learned that thatā€™s bad. Awesome.
Iā€™m masked up again until this time of the year is over.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Checking in with sober day 28. Im getting moments of contentment. Stay strong and grateful all!


Good morning from Spain. Today is specially a good one.

I accomplish half a year sober. My life has changed a lot in a positive way. I feel better physically but, even more important, spiritually.

I have regrets, of course, but I am eager to continue doing my everyday better.

Kind regards.


Checking in on day 633. I took a big step and told work colleagues that I wasnā€™t drinking. I chickened out and said itā€™s because of medication. Thatā€™s not a total lie, as my antidepressants donā€™t mix well with booze. Iā€™m still terrified of the stigma and being looked down on. I guess I still have a lot of work ahead of me. But I wonā€™t be drinking on this work trip, so that is a win.

Hey @Minatasha congratulations on a year!

@Kdog way to go :star_struck: four years! What an inspiration.

Congratulations :tada: @EFountains on a half year! Keep up the great work :+1:


Congratulations @Kdog :partying_face:
4 years are awesome! Iā€™m not into AA, but I love those chips! Decided I want one to so I ordered a personalised one a few days ago :sunglasses:


And congratulations for you as well @EFountains , a half a year in your pocket! :facepunch:
Bham!! :boom:


And almost missed your beautiful milestone! :star_struck:
I still remember my first whole year! My best milestone ever I guess.
Now you did everything sober ones (birthdays, Easter, Christmas, New Years Eve, etc).
What a good feeling isnā€™t it! :sunglasses:


Huge congratulations
@Minatasha @EFountains @Kdog


#Day 1630 :walking_woman:
Had an easy day yesterday. Brainstormed about a new name for our new old cat. Finally we found one we think fits her:
Referring to the lead character in the animation serie I liked when I was little in the 70ā€™s.
Today? Grocery shopping, house chores and maybe some creative stuff. I have to finish my ā€œartworkā€ from goldsmith class.
Bye for now and keep doing the good stuff! :sweat_smile::facepunch:


Day 51.

So, Iā€™m finally starting to feel better physically and seeing significant improvement on my energy levels. And this week Iā€™m starting a 10k steps per day goal, and within the month I wanna get back into workouts. I know I keep going on about working out, but Iā€™m also apprehensive about starting too much at once as previous attempts at doing a 180 on my whole life ended ended in disaster. So for now, itā€™s daily meditation, lemon water, once a week lifering meeting, this place, therapy and now the extra walking. Baby steps.

I need to grab some Voltarol for my hands because my my carpal tunnel is a monster right now.


I had sugar cravings for a few months into sobriety. I never ate sugar before i became sober. I decided ill let it be and then once i became strong enough and in touch with how the sugar made me feel, i stopped eating sugar. I found it easy to stop thank goodness. Congrats on the 11 days!

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Day 5

Good morning. Feeling sad today. Terrible sleep schedule and I think it has something to do with being in the early stages of AF. All of my dreams were around romanticizing drinking and itā€™s upsetting. Iā€™m catching myself fall into a negative thought pattern.

I will do my morning pages today. Iā€™m anxious because I have been putting them off and today was going to be my first day but I might not have time to get to them this morning. I will try to do it anyway.

Feeling discombobulated and not sure whatā€™s for breakfast. I will go to the gym later for arms and shoulder day.

Wishing you a good day


The tooth is fine, it had problems because the filling of the tooth above was too big. So it got irritated. All fine now, the funny feeling should vanish in the next days.
I was so happy I couldā€™ve hug the Dr haha.


Hello all,

Checking on in Day 1,682 Sober.



Especially the first week is the hardest, it was the same for me. After about 2 weeks it started to get more and more easy to go on, also the sleep got way better. It takes roughly 10-14 days until the body got rid of all the alcoholic waste and after that time the physical healing starts, with improved sleep, better mood and a general better wellbeing. Enjoy gym time and stay sober :muscle:t3:!


Day 997 clean and sober. Have an amazing day today, love you guys and thank you again for all of the messages and support you gave me while I was gone youā€™re fucking awesome :sunglasses::metal:t2: