Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Day 16 no weed
Day 122 no alcohol

Off to work
Have a good day everyone


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 386
Woke up late today so wasnt able to workout as planned. Kind of sucks but i think i needed the rest. Today im trying to memtally prepare for me and my sons outing. He has an appt at the hospital and i also have to pick up his formula and supplies. This part in itself isnt an issue, its the damn snow here thats piled high which makes it difficult to access the wheelchair accessible cab. My husband was sweet and shoveled the walkways on friday to make a path but it snowed again on sat/sun so im trying to prepare myself for stress snd frustration lol but quite frankly i think doing this is actually what is stressing me out haha
Will pray this morning and do my 3 min morning meditation to help get my mind in the right place.
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Checking in day 183! Presentation seemed to go ok this morning- didnā€™t have any guidance on time or topics to cover so just hit on what felt important and it seemed to go over fairly well. Working 12 hours today so thatā€™ll take up the day. Also on call this week so will feel like a busy week, but Iā€™m up for it. Feeling pretty good overall.

Hope youā€™re all having a magnificent sober Monday!


Oh, thatā€™s interesting!
Iā€™ll definitely try that today. Maybe without crying, but weā€™ll see. Lol
Thank you!


Perhaps our eyes need to
be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with
a clearer view again.

Alex Tan


15 days, and feeling good, getting through the cravings by reminding myself how bad it makes me feel and messes everything up :muscle:


13 days here andvi agree. Ive tempted but when i remind myself how awful i will feel the next day really helps. Keep up the good work and im right behind you. One day at a time.


I am so tired of saying ā€˜day 1 againā€™.
This is garbage because I GENUINELY want to quit drinking but my will power is crap.
Went out Saturday with a girfriend I rarely see, we went to a wine bar. Went out to dinner with the husband last night and had 4, 22oz beers. I couldnā€™t sleep, the guilt was killing me. I feel like absolute hungover crap this morning and cannot take the day off.
Why do I do this to myself and why cant I just NOT DRINK.
Iā€™m so sorry for the pity party everyone. I just want to be frigging sober.


Oh, I like that!

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You can do it, Iā€™ve been going round and round for ages every 3rd or 4th day I would drink and feel awful, this is the longest I have done, Iā€™ve done lots of cardio exercise, and hopefully found a good mind set, kept myself busy, you can do it :muscle::+1:


Glad you back and venting.
I could never get sober with Willpower. I needed a team and many tools and lots of support.


Thank you Liz22 right back to you :grinning::muscle::+1:

Checking in, day 1583.
My boss asked me if Iā€™d go work in another dependency in France near Nice for up to 6 months. I should be pleased and yeah and hurray. I am stressed and see organizing things when my last move is barely 6 months ago. I am grateful I donā€™t drink anymore. Truly grateful. Just having some stress related hot chocolates. I am grateful for people who can calm me down and see the yeah, when I cannot.
Now, I focus on my massage in an hour :innocent:


Well the good news is that this can be your last day 1! Stick around here and read, post alotā€¦I hope your hangover goes away soon!


Yeah ive bought all my annual coins on amazon or other internet sites. Its kinda funny when people see it cause at first they have a sense of reverence towards it ā€¦ that seems to dissipate slightly as i say ā€œyeah i bought it on amazon, but it still counts.ā€ Lol


Yes, madam! 1 whole year of soberness! Congratulations to your achievement!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::birthday:

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Congratulations to half a year of soberness!:+1:t2:


I would attend sobriety support meetings during those witching hours. I still do, actually, even though I donā€™t have cravings to drink anymore. Lots of online meeting options. I lot of people go to the gym.


Thank you ver much, kind regards!

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If we could ask my grandma - definetly yes!
Give it a try :yawning_face: