Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

I forgot for a moment that I am 30 days sober today!!!


Hey all, checking in on day 998. I hope everybody has a good one!

Big congrats to my sober twin @Rockstar24777 on 1,000 days today!! Proud of you man!! :heart:


Congratulations :heartpulse:


I keep drafting and deleting posts more days than not, overthinking whether I have something to say worth sharing. But, checking in helps, and thatā€™s what matters. Day 63.


Absolutely, anything you have to say is most definitely worth sharing. You are important, what you say is important and can help inspire anyone. Good job on 63 days keep up the great work.


Thank you Hoss

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Sharing helps clear the mind. Itā€™s great for me to see people that are sharing things that I think only I deal with. Thatā€™s why fellowship is so important in life. Especially in recovery.


Day 282. These classes are flying by. Yesterday we did a skit, surprisingly I didnā€™t feel awkward or have anxiety, I did the skit and had fun. The growth i see in myself is amazing to me, Iā€™m so proud of myself. We learned about motivational interviewing, the stages of change. And the stages of recovery. So much good information, not for just as a coach but to work on myself even more in lifeā€¦ There is definitely some stuff I suppose I donā€™t agree with in the class. But thatā€™s not what being a coach is always about, itā€™s about picking someone up and helping them get back on track. Anyways I hope you all have a good day. I finished the tattoo I want drawn up so will see if I can get it done. Much love


1,000 days clean and sober today wow thatā€™s a trip! I joined this community when I had just about 30 days I think and itā€™s been such a journey with you all. Thank you for loving and supporting me even when I couldnā€™t offer that back to you at times. You all are awesome and I love you very much. Have an amazing day! :sunglasses::hugs::metal:t2:


Congratulations Donna!!! So very happy for you. Hope you are doing well!! :heart:


Congrats @Rockstar24777 for 1000 days!! Thats incredible


Congratulations on your 1,000. It is hard to imagine until YOU turn it into reality. Happy for you!!


Youā€™re so right. Thank you!!


Congratulations on 1000 days bro. Youā€™re the man rob and just a inspiration


Amazing work man :muscle:


Day 313.
Recently Iā€™ve taken my FB app off my phone as I was finding myself scrolling mindlessly and didnā€™t want to be doing that. I got into a habit of checking for any news maybe once a week, and when I logged in on Sunday I saw that the barmaid from my old local had died unexpectedly (late fifties, lovely woman)
Of course Iā€™m sad and shocked on behalf of her husband and kids but what has also come up for me is that Iā€™m no longer included in that old scene. No one let me know about the gathering on the day of the funeral. This was the place I met my husband and I had felt like I belonged but now that he has died, and I no longer drink, I just feel as if all those supposed friends have just evaporated.
I think this sad news has triggered deeper feelings of sadness and loss within me than Iā€™d realised.
Thankfully drinking has not occurred to me for quite a long time now. Iā€™m grateful for that.


Well i think i missed the window to check in with the doctors, but if it happens again, I will ask to be seen immediately. Even as a child when I had seizures, there wasnā€™t much the doctor could do after a certain amount of time had passed except watch for another one to happen.
I havenā€™t had a seizure disorder since i was young, maybe 9 or 10?

So now this has happened, and I told my partner about it, and he said ā€œyeah, you do that sometimesā€
So since I didnā€™t know about having episodes like this, I asked that of he sees it happen again please take me to a doctor or at least record what happens so it can be shown to a doctor.


@Markjackson thank you friend. I really needed to be reminded of that actually. Doing this one day at a time is one of those things i definitly know about but it really has been slipping my mind lately. Thanks for the reminder :slight_smile:
@Scorpn girl you are absolutely deserving!! Youre such an incredible human being and i know others would agree! I love you lady and we will get thru these feelings. If u ever need extra support, im always here to chat :slight_smile: Also, i hope ur okay. I read what happened at work. How are you feeling today? And a HUGE congratulations on 150 days!!! Super excited for you :heartpulse:
@zzz congratulations on 3 days!!!
@Seb congratulations on your 10 days!!!
@alisa thank you for your support friend. I really appreciate it and always do :heartbeat:
@rockstar24777 congratulations to you Rob on 1000 days!!! I cant even begin to describe how huge of an accomplishment this is! Quadruple digits :star_struck:
@Twizzlers Hoping you get a nice relaxing day in today. We all just need a healthy break now and again :slight_smile: sending good vibes ur way!
@nowenbrace i am praying ur wife that she is okay and its nothing serious. That must have been so scary for u too. How is she doing?
@misokatsu so glad to hear that ur feeling abit better :slight_smile: im really excited for you about ur quadruple digits! That just seems like such a huge milestone! Have an amazing day friend!
@cueball8n9 huge congratulations on 1 month!!!


Iā€™m so sorry to hear this! :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: Sending well wishes and hugs to you. :heart::heart:


Aww THANK YOU youā€™re pretty incredible yourself! :smiling_face::smiling_face:
I appreciate you and chats to make sure Iā€™m ok. :heartpulse:
Today I still feel super tired. My neck feels a little better. And my regular headache is here, but not the worse version I had yesterday. I have had a coffee but i think i will probably take a nap after my little ones therapist arrives for the day. I bought breakfast for them so when she gets here they can eat together. :relieved: