Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Thank you, and this is very true. I agree AA may not be the best fit for everyone. I’m trying out Tempest too! The part I’m missing is the in person interaction, and AA dominates that scene here. I’m trying to keep an open mind. I also need more practice letting my negative emotions not consume me…. Anyway I will keep trying things and hope that eventually I find the right set of recovery tools for me, I know it takes time and often I want everything to get resolved immediately! I wonder if there is a correlation between addiction and impatience :joy::joy: thank you for the encouragement :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulation with your :six: months of sobriety. Amazing milestone! :muscle: :v:


Day 2 no THC day 135 no alcohol
Woke up feeling anxious.
Just taking it easy with the wifey


Day 2
2nd checkin

Stress is gone…
Did a walk, had a yin class, made energy bars and then… I applied for the job. Now it’s their turn! :sunglasses:

Colored my hair and just prepared some zucchini muffins, followed with some baked eggplants with rest of the chili and feta. It’s meal prepping and dinner for later.

I have a training for the lifeguard certificate tomorrow, don’t know how challenging it will be. Wanted to rest today, but now I feel the need to swim today too…
Just a few rounds :face_with_hand_over_mouth::sweat_smile::muscle:t2:


I’ve had many issues with the intherooms app where I can’t hear all the shares. The creators of that web site don’t recommend the app either. It works best if you go to the website from your phone’s web browser and sign in that way. Then you’ll have all the same functions as if you were on a computer.


Checking in :high_brightness:
Day 399
So i have decided to change things up a bit when it comes to my check ins. Lately, I have been checking in daily with my clean time but i havent been necessarily talking about my day. I do still read and comment on others posts but Im finding that my check ins are quite repetitive (recovery for me is pretty routine) and so dont feel the need to go in depth with my check ins on a daily basis. I do however, think its important to mention clean time like I have been doing bcuz it holds me accountable and keeps me connected to this forum. I am also realizing that I need balance. There are times when my focus is very much on TS and then other areas suffers. TS can very much be almost an “addiction” in itself for me. Initally my thought was I’ll just take a break completely from TS and focus on other things (very extreme, black and white thinking). But then figured that dropping TS entirely wasnt a smart idea as its truly my only recovery support. So i have been exploring the “grey area” and how to find balance in my life.
So anyway, I have decided that every Sunday (when i usually have a bit more time) I will just briefly talk about my week and what my recovery goals are for the week to come:

Past week: Stayed clean and sober! Son was home the majority of the week due to recovering from an illness so there was not much self care time available. Issues with homecare on Thursday really effected me and really pushed me to use my “toolkit”. Healthy eating and exercising suffered alot to be honest. Im super behind on my virtual Mt Kilimanjaro challenge which bothers me. But i did make my first big financial payment this week (1/60 payments) towards a financial amend to my parents. Work this weekend hasnt been too bad. My annual evaluation is coming up, and Im not as nervous honestly about that bcuz since being clean my attendance has improved.

Next week goals:
Health - Exercise 5x/week (daily weight lifting and 3km of incline treadmill/stairs a day). Make better food choices and watch portion sizes. Be aware of emotional eating.
Recovery - Meditation 3x/week. Make sure to set aside time for prayer every morning. Start a daily journal by using the journal function on TS. Work on my self love workbook 2x this week.

Sorry for the longer post. I wanted to sort of explain where i was at and what my plans moving forward are to find balance. Congratulations to everyone on another day addiction free, to those coming back, and to those taking milestones :smiley: hugs


Im glad you are working on balance. I too have that all or nothing thinking and am working on balance. So proud to be sharing this journey with you @Butterflymoonwoman


Thank you for the heads up!


@CueBall8n9 I traveled quite a bit, and what Lisa mentioned about In The Rooms is right on. You should be able to find a recovery meeting any time of the day or night. And you have a sponsor. I really believe you will do just fine.

@Catmama23 communities this Tempest probably have gotten big enough that you’ll find others that live near you. I’m in TLC and there are several of us here in Kansas City and we meet regularly.

@SoberWalker why do cats love to be in boxes? They are such funny creatures. What a wonderful addition to your family.


Day 16 and going strong.i can and I will


Evening check in :white_check_mark:

Today has been ok. Had a good 2 hours in the gym and pool.
Had dinner. Just relaxing in bed watching/listening to podcasts.



Day 71. Not too bad a day except I’ve been having digestive issues again. I’m gluten and dairy intolerant and don’t know if I’m accidentally eating something I shouldn’t or if I’m now sensitive to something else. It’s sappy what little energy I have. But getting laundry done at least. And enjoying some quiet alone time. My bf and I don’t live together but he’s been here almost constantly for the past week and we were starting to get on each others nerves. I’ve lived alone for so long that I find it hard to share my space all the time.


Day 946 :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:
have a good week everyone :four_leaf_clover::two_hearts::blossom:


Thank you! That gives me hope. I’m in Louisville KY so not too far! Excited to learn more about Tempest, I have orientation Monday and am just getting going.


Welcome Frank! Congrats on 2 days sober!

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Im grateful and blessed to be on this journey with u too lady :heartpulse:

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Checking in with 19 days AF. Watching my Lady Cardinal and feeling very stressed. Doing tea instead of my “ex” go-to.
Take care all!


160 (161 in an hour or so) substance free
76 self harm free
123 not restricting food

Today was super productive. Cleaned out an unused room in my house, or really not all the way but mostly. Went to the grocery store and got ingredients for dinner. Made a meal without a recipe, and it turned out pretty good!
Also, dyed one of the kids hair, folded clothes, washed dishes, and other chores.
I took a couple kids to their school week homes, and even had some time for playing a video game.
I feel better today than yesterday.

Hope everyone is doing well :heart:


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

New workweek. Did make the most of my weekend. Yesterday I had a walk through town, following a route along places that were significant in Rembrandt’s life. My picture and his sketch made at exactly the same point, 473 years apart. Ow, and yes @Scorpn, I did some home chores too. X


#Day 1644 :walking_woman:
Had a good day yesterday. Did the things I wanted to do like housechores and some gardening work. Had chill time left and in the evening we went to see the movie “The whale”.
A very impressive but also sad movie.
Today? Work.

See you around! :raising_hand_woman: