Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

checking in with 11 months af yesterday. feeling good… on vacay with my son. have a good night yall.


#Day 1652 :walking_woman:
Quick check in. Today? Work.
Had a bad night of sleep.

Picture from visit the zoo last sunday.
See you :raising_hand_woman:


Some great captures there, well done. I have a week of annual leave next week and definitely plan a night of photographing some Cityscapes


@apes2020 some of my favourite captures around Town


Onto day 3 everyday feeling that little bit better would like this week in work to just be over tbh still got some brain fog I know this will pass hope everyone is well


Amazing! Is that a drone shot over the shrine??

I once apon a time lived right opposite the shrine on dorcas street, climbing the shrine steps at sunrise was always an epic view :sun_with_face:


Is the second photo down at south wharf ? That round white structure??


Yes I was a bit cheeky to quickly get the drone up near The Shrine. Yes that is Webb Bridge down at South Wharf.


Two for two lol ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: nice :clap:


Thank you do much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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These are amazing! :star_struck:

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Thank you kindly


Day 27,

Just checking in today.

Have a great day y’all


I had no idea he had multiple books!! I’ll keep an eye out, Thankyou :blush:


Day :o2:

A little hangovered at work. With new truck. Having theese thoughts to mix 100g vodka into orange juice on 1hour lunch break to get my fix… and wait wait wait wait waaaait a minute?!!

-How under he blue sky I got to this point here?! When I missed something?

No no no no no, I push stop pedal here, pack my tools and get back on track immediately!

Will do second check in today later to make sure I am on right path.

All in all, everything changed a lot since Friday. I was so stressed that a lot of workers will be fired - did not happened.
I cried so much about going to work for 12 hours with only 30 minutes lunch break - well, got new objects to work on / having 1 hour break now / starting job at 8:00 leaving on 17:00
What’s more, got a new truck for now. After little practice it runs and drives so smooth that my last truck reminds me a tank driving now. Compared to last one - it is basically an Office job. I mean everything is 10/10

…and the only thing that feels like pushing break pedal instead of acceleration here is my love to beer… well that later evolves into strong spirits somehow and into total rock-bottom’s time to time later…

I don’t need philosophy here, meditate on this or else, at this point it is totally cereblar and rational - I don’t need this.

My new credo :point_right:Thank You I do not drink.:point_left:
Alcohol is Poison.


363 days booze free.

I’m thinking I need to start another counter up, I’ve had a bit of a slip in another area of my life that I’m not proud of. I’m going to make an appointment to see a psych this week.

Addiction and trauma are weird and unpredictable things. I know I have a good grip on my cravings for alcohol at the moment, but I could feel my stress and emotions getting out of my control lately, and I’ve fallen to an old coping mechanism that I haven’t in a long time. And it’s stirred up a lot of memories of the big shitty things that happened over the last decade and how I coped with them.

Anyways, thanks for listening. I’m happy I haven’t had a drink, but I also need help. I’m still struggling, I didn’t want to say anything here too but I feel like you guys help me immensely so I’d put it out there.


Hey all, checking in on day 1,017. I hope everybody has a good one!


Welcome back!:slightly_smiling_face:


Apparently something has shifted… I woke briefly in the night and said, god i love being sober :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :star_struck: I do practice cementing that into my subconscious as I drift off to sleep so looks like it’s taking. Shifting my view from alcohol being a friend, to a joy sucking poison has certainly helped too. Off to feed the horses breakfast then attend my morning Tempest call. Supposed to be a sunny, warmer day here so will enjoy that. Love to all of you :heart:


Checking in day 205! Going to get to the gym before work, and then doing dinner with a friend for his birthday after. Should be a pretty good day- been a couple days without the gym so that will feel good.

Going to evaluate where to cut something from my life soon. Between a full time, part time, and on call job, I feel like I’m always in work mode. It’s protective in some ways as I’m steadily busy, but I’m also finding it hard to have restorative time. Just a thought I wanted to put in writing.

Hope you all have a terrific sober Tuesday :sparkles::mirror_ball: