Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Oh Dana - that is scary when a urge comes on suddenly and from a visual trigger. I know sometimes scents cause my urges.

Glad you were able to side step the urge. Hope you get some good rest tonight. Best of luck with your busy week ahead.

Sweet dreams :sleeping: :sparkles:


Checking in close to 61 days AF. I need the check in for me, but feeling meh. Tomorrow is another day.
Take care all.


Checking in 364.xx days sober. Going to bed shortly to have a sunrise hike at the grand canyon and celebrate my one year milestone free from weed and alcohol. On a girls trip and its been action packed. These ladies NEVER stop talking! Anxiety got to be a bit much at times. Im hoping i can be fully present tomorrow and enjoy lifes blessings.

Edit this is just a tiny sliver of the grand canyon!


Congrats on day 9, by now, Binx.
I kept the forum from my wife for about a week to ten days too. Then finally told her about the wonderful support I was getting here. I felt strange hiding it from her. Somedays Iā€™d find myself on here too much. Still do. But it keeps me sober. And thatā€™s all that matters.


Thats why its so important that we do this for ourselves.

Big hugs Megan. :people_hugging:


Congrats on your one year Deelze!!!


Congrats on your 5th year!!!


What a good way to celebrate your 1 year milestone with: a sunrise hike in the Grand Canyon :heart_eyes:
You make me jealous!
But well deserved, so enjoy and congratulations! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Itā€™s so beautiful there. I was there 25 years ago, hope to visit it again some day.


Time is passing. Dragging, or rushing by at times. But passing nonetheless.
Day 203 here.

Never felt a stronger urge/need to be sober before.
One day at a time is all anyone can do. So thatā€™s what Iā€™ll work towards


#Day 1685 :walking_woman:
Holiday started!
Well it doesnā€™t start with the best part of itā€¦a bustrip of 20 houres! :sweat_smile:
Tomorrow around 6 oā€™clock in the early morning I will be in Spain.

Ready to go!
Hope to post pictures of the sun soon. Here in the Netherlands we have a cold spring this year. I definitely need some sun and warmth.
See you later! :raising_hand_woman:


Checking in Day 295 AF

Starting my 4 week hiking adventure today.I am relay excited but also feeling a little anxious. Traveling and drinking has always been an big deal. My sober date is a week after my drinking bing last year when I was on holiday in Austria. I have noticed that I am thinking about having a drink more then usual the last couple of weeks and that I can have just one after a long day of hiking. But the truth is I can not have just one, The Truth is that I will have more than one and that I will drink the rest of the coming weeks. so this is not gonna happen, I will persist in my sober journey and keep adding those days!

Have a great sober day my friends :v: :blue_heart:


@SoberWalker and @ShadowFax bin voyage and enjoy your trips. :sunflower::upside_down_face:


Enjoy your holiday and I hope you have an pleasant bus trip!
And please send some sunshine and warmth to the Netherlands from Spain :wink: :yum:


Day 561 AF

Whatā€™s good, everyone. Havenā€™t been actively posting on here. Iā€™ve been busy with work and the kids.

Nothing new, really. Been dealing with heartburn again. I cut back on junk food and soda. TRYING to eat healthy.

Canā€™t really complain about much.

We celebrated our lil manā€™s bday yesterday. He turned 4 on the 24th. Time is flying!

The sober life is great. No more bullshit, no more drama, no more embrassing moments. Never going back.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thank you all for your posts and stories. This app saved my life. Keep pushing forward. ODAAT.

Take care, yall. Good night!


Thank you Roland, I will try! :sweat_smile:
Ps good travel for you as well and would you please spam us with pictures? I would love to see them!! :pray:
And thank you @anon74766472 as well! Just bought some nice snacks to eat in the bus. Normaly there is catering but because they have a lack of staff there isnā€™t any. It seems like everybody is short in personal these days :woozy_face:


Make sure to have an alternative in mind for when that ā€œoneā€ after hiking seems appealing. Enjoy the trip. It sounds brilliant!


Good morning, and thanks for sharing that Eric :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

After posting that, I thought about my reasoning for not mentioning the forum to my husband yet. As it turns out, I came up with a few answers, I just couldnā€™t encapsulate why at the time. Sorry for the long - winded reply :see_no_evil:

Firstly, my husband has always drank with me. Iā€™ve never really had a full discussion with him about our drinking, drinking to our level is not uncommon and possibly tame by some peopleā€™s standards here. Iā€™m still not even sure what you would call what we have been. Is it functioning alcoholics? Or is it alcohol abuse? Most nights would be a bottle to a bottle and a half of wine each. When your drinking is just night drinking after the kids go to bed, and not needing a drink in the morning or afternoonā€¦ you can easily fool yourself into thinking you donā€™t have a problem, that you just drink a little more than is good for you. I think saying that Iā€™m on this site means Iā€™m making a declaration that alcohol has had control over me, and by extent, that must mean him too. That talk just hasnā€™t occurred. I also donā€™t want to force his hand. When I was off drink for a year and a month, he was sober too with me. I think heā€™d like to do this with me again, but we have a problem. We have been out with his uncle three times in two weeks now, and the only place the uncle wants to socialise is in a bar. His uncle is a farmer, and loves some company. My husband is drinking with him so his uncle doesnā€™t feel awkward, and God love him, my husband was a bit drunk last night. I think we are going to have a chat about this, I feel sorry for him this morning. Iā€™ve left him some water, but heā€™s still sleeping hard.

The second reason why I didnā€™t mention the forum is, I didnā€™t know if anyone would talk to me here. I wasnā€™t sure if I would stay :see_no_evil: I have been pleasantly surprised by the support and real sense of community here. I have felt excited about going sober! :muscle::slightly_smiling_face:

And the third and final reason, I realised that I didnā€™t believe in myself at the start. I felt like those evening pangs for a drink would fight me and I would lose. After a year of not drinking I had the naivety to think I could control my drinking, and could moderate. I was a fool, it had snaked around me slowly again and constricted. I have had several stop-starts, not making it past day 5/6.

Well Iā€™m 9 days, and 9 hours sober right now, thanks to the support from everyone on this site, and I feel free again. No way am I making the same mistake again! Thank you for your kindness Eric, it means a lot :slightly_smiling_face::people_hugging:


Checking in on another day sober was at a meeting last nite going to get up and put my running shoes on got a marathon in 4 weeks my training for it has been up and down due to my relapse and last week I had a chest infection hopefully I can get through it hope everyone has a good day


And a old time told me last nite at the meeting WE can do it David but I canā€™t always stay connected :pray:t2:


@GOKU2019 Congrats on your sobriety and happy birthday to your child! Grateful you are a sober parent!!

@SoberWalker Exciting!! Wishing you a wonderful time! Look forward to your shares.

@ShadowFax wow! Itā€™s time! I know youve planned for and looked forward to this for a long time. I wish you the greatest enjoyment and best success!
I agree w Deezelbub, have a good plan.
You will be in a new situation. They always say that ā€œfirstsā€ are the hardest. So figure out exactly what your alternative plan will be rather than drinking and look forward to that!
Have the best trip!

Everyone else, stay strong and stay or get on your sober path, whatever your DOC