Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Checking in
Day 446
I kind of surprised myself today. Was feeling a bit fatigued so i missed my 530am workout. But still, mid-morning I decided to attempt to do triceps and chest with resistance bands (which didnt go well bcuz im used to using dumbbells and i dont have any). Was feeling upset & frustrated about not getting an “actual” workout in but then decided to go for a 2.5km walk thru this huge park with my son. It was sooo nice out! So at the end of the day… i dont have to be perfect with my workouts, i just need to be consistent.
I did a few things for myself today. Painted my toenails & put on a little makeup which felt really good! I also did some tidying up and am prepping Shepards Pie for supper tonight (its one of the things i can actually make). Will spend some time doing recovery related stuff now such as readings and prayer, since i didnt do them first thing like i prefer. Im really having the urge to snack today (even tho im not hungry) so just trying to focus on being healthy and not engage in this. Not much else going on. Have a great day/evening everyone!


Checking in. Day 210


With all the really insane and terrible things going on in my life this week, i almost forgot to put out my happy news.

My little one is finally agreeing to potty training! We have had no accidents all week. And have even used a public restroom a couple of times!

It’s the only good thing to come of me being home all week and not working.

207 substance free
124 self harm free


@MooseTracks Congrats on your 8 months my friend. I do know the feeling of being stuck and not seeing the results from sobriety as quickly as I’d hoped. You are so right – keep continuing with the hard work and slowly but surely the benefits will appear. Do take care of yourself and don’t overwork yourself. Good luck with the car shopping :wink:
@Binx keep us posted with your sons results – hope the biopsy went well today. :pray:
@Markjackson ok – I’m going to be pushy and say you should reward yourself. This is amazing work you are doing for yourself. It needs to be rewarded - doesn’t have to be anything big even – could just be making your favorite meal to enjoy. Glad you got the MRI done with – hope they are able to figure out the issue and get you better.
@CATMANCAM Thank you for asking – been a better day for sure. I am sorry you are going through this chronic depression. I’ve had bits and pieces of depression and I know how hard it was for me to get to daily routines. I can’t even imagine what you are dealing with but do not beat yourself up for not getting to those tasks. One thing that helped me is forcing myself to have a routine (having to go out of the house to do tasks) - not sure if this is something that may help you. Hope you have a better evening my friend
@KarenKW glad you are feeling less panicked today. Sorry the cravings are strong and you are feeling depressed – I do hope that these feelings dissipate soon and you are able to enjoy your weekend.
@butterflymoonwoman so glad you got in all that selfcare today and enjoyed the outdoors with your son. Yeah to realizing that you don’t have to have the perfect workout. Enjoy that Shepards Pie :yum: :yum:
@scorpn Yeah to potty training – that’s such great news! Congrats on your clean days my friend

Checking in with my sober self :blush:
135 days alcohol and weed free
550 days cigarette free

It’s been a better day today. Did have a few hours of pain relief and little fatigue so got some work done. My brother made us some crunch wraps for cinco de mayo – not missing the traditional accompanying drinks. About to enjoy my dinner (much later than I like today as I did not have the energy to cook after baking all day. Can’t beat myself up over this – will most likely be up late so at least will still have plenty of time to digest…Have a wonderful Friday everyone :heart:


Day 22 no marijuana
6months 1day no alcohol

Yesterday sucked
Today was the aftershock

Everyone feels venerable but me and my wife made it and are both still sober


400 days :blush:


Whoo hoo! Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


Congrats on your sobriety!!! Doing so well- continue on with your hard work.


Glad to hear you and your wife are sober and well. Hope she is healing after her er visit yesterday. :pray:


Checking in day 369. Took a 3hr nap after a day of travel back home from our girls trip. The trip was a success! Showered, catching up on TS threads and awaiting my hubby to come home from work. Life sober is soooo good


Checking in with 66 days AF
Just when I thought I was having a great day - up early for spin, completing household tasks, planning my trip - WHAM! Discovery of leak in my main water line, slowly flooding our front yard and street. Had to shut off the water and though that isn’t the end of the world it IS a huge pain in the ass. And I had such a thought of drinking wine, which requires NO water by the way! But I didn’t stop at the stupid store when I ran out to get cash to tip the guys who SAID they could fix things by end of day, which they didn’t, as I am about to go to bed with a huge trench of muddy goo in my yard and still very much annoyed. Harumph!
Take care all


That suuuuucks @FeelingBetter! But every sober day is a victory, so good on you for making it through the BS without alcohol.


Day 35. Slept poorly and it was raining all day, so that was my excuse for not exercising. At least I ate healthy. Definitely had some hormone-induced crying for no good reason. It is what it is. :woman_shrugging:


Checking in sober hope everyone is well


Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

Had a good talking therapy session yesterday. Just talking doesn’t solve it all but it can be very enlightening with the right person. She is a fine therapist with who I have a good connection which is all in therapy. And Utrecht, where she’s based, is a lovely town. Back there later today for work. X


It is a satisfaction share with you my eighth month of sobriety.

It is indeed a new life, a new way to deal with other and to be other and better person.

I pray to continue to be sober and encourage all of you of renounce absolutely to the booze.

We can do this, happy 24 hours!


Excellent work friend! Big congrats & keep going!


Brilliant stuff!


Day :two::seven:

I think We just divorced with my Girlfriend…
Accept - is first what I do.
Accept because I live by fundamental rules of life.
I am believer, and told before - I no longer look at Life the same.
I seek light.

‘‘And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.’’

No longer I percept the situation from only my perspective of view.
I go deep into undergrounds of morals.
Deep into underwaters of our emotions and waves of patterns.
Tear off from my limited views and soar high with the stars.
They know. The Cosmic rules. They never lie.
We need to open Wide
See Far… More far than Eyes can See.
Seek High…
And dig Deep…
To fully feel the Light!

All darkness fades far far away.
All what superficial drown deep into darkness of underwaters…
All what is temporary becomes dust in undergrounds.
And the Love and Light always Fly above everything.

It is actually the very important Moon Eclipse. For certain individuals. Pluto plays big role now and it is very important planet in my life.
To be honest, divorcing on days like this, makes big shifts. Bigger than I can understand at the moment.

But I am open to accept it.



8 day AF with so much gratitude to go to bed sober and wake up sober.

This weekend is my mother in law’s 80th birthday and there’s a bunch of family in town. There was a dinner last night and a party this afternoon. This is the first time I’m around people drinking and alcohol since trying to get sober. I haven’t been tempted to drink but it’s been totally exhausting. I can’t believe how much focus there is in alcohol at these type of things. “What are you drinking? Do we have enough beer for tomorrow? Look how old this bourbon is!” And the SMELL omg… the smell of alcohol hangs in the air. It saps me of energy plus the draining aspect of meeting new people. And my routine is thrown off and that’s just the way it has to be.

Just checking in here to fortify myself for another event. It’s not really fun at all so I look forward to the eventual day when these types of things won’t sap so much energy. Had a meeting yesterday afternoon and will go to one tomorrow. I hate alcohol so much and it sucks that it has to be a part of these events.