Checking in daily to maintain focus #54

Congratulations on your 90 days of freedom Billy.


Totally agree! I love all the wisdom im learning from you all. I am “addicted” to this site :rofl: just learned tgat i could bookmark posts
my life just became so much richer :heart::pray:


Checking :white_check_mark: 83 AF
Forgiving fear of my past, Ty HP for giving me the courage to learn from it . Ty HP for fellowship and people helping people.
Time to get cracking on the lawn, first time this year :muscle:
Love Absolute will see us through :hugs:


Day 567 AF

What’s good, gang.

Been dealing with heartburn all week. Can’t shake it off. I’ve been waking up at 2-3am with a nasty heartburn from hell. I went to see a doc and they told me to try prilosec for 8 weeks. I already stopped eating junk food, soda, spicy foods, and caffeine. FML. Nothing but fruits and veges. Not sure what else to eat.

Anyways, besides that, everything else is good. The fam and the kids are healthy. No thoughts about drinking. Those days are behind me. Can’t believe I’m about to hit a 1 yr and 7 months. This year is flyin! Crazy.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care.:blush:


Congrats on your sober days! Sorry to hear about your heart burn. I have found “Khakshir or also know ar earths milk or teff” to be helpful. You can purchase at indian or Arabic stores if you have around you. A spoonful in glass of water - let soak for at least 10 min before drinking. Avoid acidic fruits. After years of drinking, we have damaged our gut and need to work to repair the gut lining. I do hope you feel relief soon. I know im not in the clear from this but it is better than before.


I think your wife was just looking out for you. But I get hiw you’re feeling. There’s gonna be a time where you can be around booze. It’s hard early in recovery. I wasn’t comfortable going out at the beginning. It took me a minute. I’ve been to restuarant/bars, family parties, etc. Doesn’t bother me anymore. My cousins used to give me a lot shit for not drinking with them, but they’ve stopped now.

Wish you the best.


They didn’t came easy and I still have my struggles.
I have no words to describe how I feel about this achievement. One think I do know and that’s how true freedom feels like.
Thanks for all the support TS

Have a great Sober day my friends :v:t2::blue_heart:


You’re doing awesome!
I agree with @GOKU2019 that your wife was being supportive and not undermining anything. It’s still early so you’re both navigating this sober journey.


Congratulations on your 300 ODAATs Roland.


I’ll check it out. Thank you!


Congrats on your 300 sober days!!!


Thank You. I really respect that approach of Yours. This is very wise way to speak about discipline You are not familiar with. Most people tend to underestimate Astrology without even knowing much about it (and not even about it - probably it is quite immature attribute of humans to pretend they know everything, especially about things they knew at least) only hearing that superficial fake one - pop astrology that is actually has nothing to do with it’s roots. Zoroastrian astrology has very deep roots, and it is years and years of studying that it is really absurd to sometimes read mocking comments about it from someone who only knows something from some or few internet articles. It is very complicated discipline and has lots of mathematics and formulas in it.

Speaking about my relationships, I am not sure if they really over, but I am open for everything. That was some strong signals from universe, but it is also a time where we should not hurry to make changes. Actually everything in life comes with time. Me and my Girlfriend have some situations what are hardly to solve, its like every time we try to manage it - we hit the wall. From that comes complaints, but then comes emotions and I don’t know if that comes from my divorce with my Wife about 3 years ago, I no longer get very emotional, and I am quite cold for emotions. I changed a lot. I don’t want that drama and loose my mind anymore. I think a lot before doing steps and try not to hurry to make mistakes.
Hey, lessons are meant to be learner and I am still learning, but this one part over here, I think I am going to make it right this time.
Time will tell.
All I can do - is to try to do MY PART right, I can’t control other person.


This helped me. Thank you :yellow_heart:


I love astrology! I only know enough to be dangerous. I’m a Scorpio sun / Taurus moon / Pisces rising.


How you said that - shows that Pluto working strong here :wink:
There is a body language, body signs, traumas that also comes into whole context and expression of one. For example a person can be born under earth sign, but has a lot of fire in him, even body language shows that, or signs on the head
 and then after reading his cosmogram - it shows Mars in many places.
Yes that is one of the biggest misunderstandings that I see nowadays - is when a person says it it nonsense - (for example) I am Taurus and astrology is totally misleading, says everything wrong about me. It’s nonsense, I don’t believe that :sweat_smile:
First of all there is nothing to believe in. It must be studied, not believed.


Checking in during the afternoon of

23 days no marijuana
6 months 2 days no alcohol

I feel ok
A few bumps going on but I think it will be ok

I just woke up during the afternoon
Making coffee and chillin :slight_smile:


Absolutely amazing to see! Huge congratulations Roland!! :smiley:


Try getting more fermented foods into your diet. Kimchi, miso, kombucha, yoghurt etc


@Scorpn yay for successful potty training :raised_hands:t2:
@JazzyS thank you for the empathy :people_hugging:đŸ©”
@KellyKelly congrats on 400 days :tada:
@FeelingBetter oh no, that sounds like a nightmare! I hope they can fix things ASAP :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on staying sober :tada:
@EFountains congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Catmama23 I’m sorry you’re having to endure these events so early in your sobriety, I hope you can get back to your routines and have it all behind you as a sober victory :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:
@anon53116147 congrats on being accepted :clap:t2: :raised_hands:t2: :tada:
@Billy85 congrats on 90 days :tada:
@ShadowFax congrats on 300 days :tada:

999 days no alcohol.
464 days no cocaine.
86 days no vape.
60 days no energy drinks.

My mood matches the weather today, but I’ve done both walks in the rain, and my meditations.

My bingeing totally escalated today and I need to sort myself out and stick to my diet before I end up having a heart attack or something like that. I don’t want a lower bottom so I must try harder and take my health more seriously.

I managed to shower last night so that’s a good thing.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Youre doing great Juli
honour the parts of yourself that are coming into the light. We all have different things going on for us. I lapsed coutless times beflre getting to where I am and staying humble that im a risk every day is important. Every time you lapse just keep picking yourself and going deeper. Youve got this!
Look into conscious drinking. Im not promoting drinking but its a way to drink consciously and quit for good, so if you drink again, stay conscious and ask yourself why am i drinking, what am i escaping, how am i feeling etc. Its one thing that really helped me, coz now if i get tempted i immediately do that routine, why do i want to drink, how will i feel afterwards, what part of myself am i escaping etc. Then i always come to the Resolution that i dont want to drink, instead im having a big feeling about something else, or i should be doing something more with my time, etc and the alcohol is one way to avoid thise things, its a distraction. It cant hurt to give it a go.