Checking in daily to maintain focus #56

:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 540
Well i did it! I was able to get up at 530am for a workout. Felt amaaaazing!!! It was just what i needed. I have been plugging away this morning on my tasks. Laundry is almost done. Dishes are done. Bed sheets changed. Just need to get the grocery shopping done and do my prayer to connect to my HP. I had a moment this morning where i started getting a bit irritable. I chose to stop what i was doing, take some deep breaths, and slow down. Im feeling better today and im grateful for this feeling.

Tonight we have no care for my son overnight. So i have to try and prepare for that the best I can. Being awake all day today and then all night with my son and then awake all day the next day can take a huge toll on my body. Thankfully its only 1 night.

Not much else to mention this morning. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day/evening! :butterfly:


Amazing, well done, and on a Monday morning! I really admire anyone that can get up with an alarm for the gym. I hope tonight goes well.


Hello all, checking in on Day 34 and first day of annual leave. Having a great day, gym and swimming this morning and a nap and organising, packing this afternoon. I am loving the swimming pool, have rediscovered how much of a water baby I am. Feel like this stage in my life was a turning point and (42) and I am choosing to have fun and get stronger.

We are off on holiday tomorrow, not sure how much I will be able to read on here. It worries me a little. I am really looking forward to getting away though. Need to break old habits.


Ah love - that has got to be rough (especially with kids). I do hope that the higher dosage in meds helps. Do hope that they are able to get to the bottom of this so that you can start to feel better soon.

I used to be a very active person and was always on the go and 90% on my feet. Now that im unable to do so i feel weird and do not know how to adjust. The days when i am utterly exhausted its easier to do nothing cause my body can’t move but when i do get a bit of energy i just want to burn it all (LOL) - i’ve been given this chance to figure out the balance in life and i’m working on figuring it out :wink:

I do try to do deep breathing, body scans, listen to soothing sounds and meditate / ;pray to help calm myself and relax. Also knitting a easy pattern helps or doing a puzzle or coloring. Do you have any go to rituals to help you relax?


I’m adaptable, mostly without problems. I’ll be just fine. And I’ve had a crazy amount of unsweetened ice tea today. :joy:


WOW what an amazing start to your Monday - I love this for you!

Sending you so much strength and energy for tonight!!! What are you able to do to help keep yourself awake? Grateful that it is only for 1 night and hopefully tomorrow is not too hectic of a day.


Do know we are just a click away if you should need. So happy that you will have time to relax and unwind. Love that you’ve discovered your love for water-- so therapeutic!
Have a wonderful get away! You are stronger than your addictions and have 34 days under your belt… just remember day 1 any time those urges arise. :muscle: :muscle:


Day :two::four: :seedling::sunny::seedling:


So I forgot I have this Air Compression Leg Massager. Very good after running workouts or leg workouts indeed.

:cupcake: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :no_entry_sign: Day 3
:no_smoking: :zero: :zero: :eight:


Thank you so much, have looked into it since my post and we have WiFi (so prepare to be spammed by images of the Peak District :rofl:) Seriously though, it should really help.

Just spotted your other post about always being on the go before. People like that are apparently prone to getting chronic fatigue. Makes it so hard as you are having to accept the limitations when your brain is screaming to be active. I had a lot of success with the lightning process. Wishing you strength.


Love this, need it now!


LOL - i’m excited now – can’t wait for the pics. Will be like we went with you :wink:

lightening process? will have to check into this - thanks love - appreciate it. I know you are going through similar fatigue issues. Hope you are able to kick back and just have a blast.


Gym before work this morning, quiet day at work for a change so decided to continue clearing out things in the house I haven’t used for so long when I got in tonight.

Hope everyone having a good Monday!


@SoberWalker changes in barometric pressure are my biggest trigger for migraines as far as I can tell. I don’t have a migraine today but it’s getting close - just bad sinus and ear pressure/inflammation at the moment. The things that help me the most are cold packs and hiding in my basement where it is cooler and possibly more balanced in pressure. I used to take some prescription meds but they really seemed to stop working and I have a doctor’s appointment to revisit that this week. My husband did some research on supplements but I haven’t tried many yet, I take the basic multivitamin, B complex, magnesium. He actually did buy me some Feverfew, Butterbur root extract and something called MigShield with CoQ10, magnesium and riboflavin but I need to look into all of these myself so I’m not combining too many things or over doing any repeat ingredients. It makes me a bit nervous but I think I will talk to my doctor about them first. It’s all so frustrating. I definitely feel your pain, anyone who deals with migraine and frequent headaches.


I just want to thank you for answering so many people on here. Taking the time to check in with everyone is encouraging and gives folks connection that’s lacking for many, especially as we struggle to overcome our addictions. Really appreciate what you bring to the table on this chat!


Day 205.

It’s been a few days since my last check-in. I’ve been reading but been too sick to actually post anythings coherent.

So after having the best day ever on Wednesday, I woke up on Thursday feeling like death warmed up. My periods are so painful they practically bedbound me for the first day. It’s bad. Really fucking bad. Yes, I need to see a doctor about it. I will. Soon.

By Saturday I was feeling ok, even spent the morning visiring this cool medieval festival with my husband. Life was all good again for a few hours and then… BAM! Food poisoning. Yes, food poisoning. And not just usual nausea and being sick from both ends food poisoning. Noooo. I also had the chills followed by a fever. With added constant nausea.

I hate the chills. My poor husband was cranking up the heating and giving me all his warm clothes and wrapping me up in the duvet and I was still freezing cold.

Anywho… yesterday I was drifting in and out of sleep all day. Today we moved countries. Travelling while still feeling ill was an experience. Especially having to do it without food or caffeine. Because my tummy is still delicate, I gotta stick to bland stuff for a few days.

But… I’m alive! I survived food poisoning and I’m still sober.

Funnily enough, today I’ve been feeling the same way I would normally feel on a bad hangover. Isn’t it completely insane how I used to do this shit to myself on purpose?!


I sometimes try breathing exercises, and very soon my mind will run around :see_no_evil:


Day 310

Took my first dose of the supplement when arriving home 4 hours ago and oof :sweat_smile: My mind went silent, I was calm. No racing thoughts, no skin picking (major win!). I went for a shower, cooked a meal (ate all of it tho so tomorrow I’ll have to buy something in the grocery store for lunch :roll_eyes:) and did watch 3 episodes of a show I like at the moment. Only watching, no cellphone and doomscrolling while watching.
I have warm hands and feet and my muscles are relaxed. I took only half of the dosage you start with, didn’t want to risk falling asleep on the couch while dinner is cooking.
I hope I’ll have a good night, see you tomorrow fam :kissing_heart:
Have a beautiful sober day, stay strong :muscle:


That sounds amazing, hope it continues for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ugh :weary:. Good poisoning is horrible, only had it once but I’ll never forget I. Feel better soon. :muscle:


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