Checking in daily to maintain focus #56

Day 5

Yeah. Morning checkin to maintain focus on staying sober and personal progressing. :woman_in_lotus_position:t2::pirate_flag:


Checking in on day 16. We go on holiday on Friday, and I should start some preparation. Good to know some things about me haven’t changed a bit since getting sober, and I will probably pack the morning we leave. I was the Mum who bought the birthday present on the way to the party and got a kid to wrap it in the car. Maybe that is just who I am.

I had some thoughts about drinking on holiday yesterday but nothing that I couldn’t dismiss as a bad idea.


Day 24

Not a very productive day, but a chill day spent with my boyfriend. Last night’s metal show was fun.

I went for one 45 minute walk up to the store and back.

My dad fixed my oven! WhooHoo! I’m super grateful for his help. I’ve missed the damn thing.

Now I’m tired, so I will cut this short. Tomorrow I’m planning to jog again and get some shit done!

Stay strong, sober lovelies! :kissing_closed_eyes::people_hugging::blue_heart:


Day 107 not feeling too good sore throat chills and temperature not sure how going to get through work today


Good Morning on Day 142 to all of you my sober family! :heart::peace_symbol:
I hope you all have a good day. Sending out Strength to all who need it :muscle::muscle::muscle:

You know I’m not ckecking in every day, and I’m usually not a big talker when I do. But today I thought I do a proper check-in for the past couple days. So, with me jobless since last week (yeah, I’m still slightly :face_with_head_bandage::angry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: about it), I do have more time on my hands.

Monday we went to the swimming pool, with big slides and water rapids :swimming_woman::playground_slide::sweat_drops:
Yesterday I volunteered at a fundraising stall in the morning, we collected quite a bit of money for the charity I volunteer for :moneybag::+1:

In the afternoon I had a doctors appointment I had been waiting for since February. That didn’t go to plan! The 10 minute procedure took 30 minutes, they had to cut around in my arm and glue me back together afterwards. Took so long because the bleeding didn’t want to stop. I’m usually not a big bleeder. Big bandage on my arm now and no more swimming for at least 2 weeks :frowning::sob:

Cancelled my aqua class at the gym today, but on the bright side: the spa had a last minute appointment free, so I’ll be going for a hot stone massage instead! And while I will be getting my pampering I’ll think of my former colleagues to :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
NO I am not at all vengeful, what makes you think that? :innocent::imp:

Picture is from the stonework at the National History Museum, taken at my last trip to London beginning of the month.


That really does look like a vengeful squid :octopus: :rofl:

I am glad you are able to find positives. I had to leave a toxic role and it took a long time to get over it. My health massively went downhill too. Ultimately you will be better away from there.



Yeah, mine was a toxic position too. I am somewhere between the grief of losing a good job and relief of the big weight being off my chest. Glad you got over it, I will get over it too. Probably not today, but maybe tomorrow or the day after.


That’s exactly how I was. Took me a long time to get over it but so much happier now. Sounds like you have a good mindset so hopefully will be a lot quicker


Hey all, checking in on day 1137. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 32 , all ok . Working 8-4 then logging off . I work from home alot which is good but a bit isolating at times


Day 10 Had a long real talk with my best friend yesterday we have been close for idk probably almost 20 years. We have been through everything together from addiction to prison. We were both clean and sober for years before we both fell off at separate times. I was telling him how I haven’t had a drink in over a week and he broke down telling me how he wants to stop to. It kinda hurts knowing he is where he is at. I know I cant ake him stop but dont want to see him continue down the road he is on cuz I know there is only two outcomes prison or death. I hpe my being sober will inspire him to get back in recovery.


AWSUM ERIC You’re an inspiration dude! So grateful for you. You’re a hero to me my friend. Fuck yeh!


Thanks @Nordique back atcha!

I really didn’t know that I would be actually HAPPY in sobriety. Everyday is a good day.


Day 1 sadly, I had 290 but had a “planned” relapse while on summer vacation. 22 days of beer beer and then some more beer. Thought I would have had a little bit more control after my dry stint but sadly no. Starting fresh and hope to engage here regularly to keep me honest.


Wanted to share an embarrassing truth. Today is day 207 of 2023. Of all those 207 days, i’ve gotten 7 hours of sleep minimum only 4 times. 4 out of 207 days have i prioritized rest. Trying to fight a Cognitive War while being this sleep deprived is like fighting someone with both hands tied behind my back while kneeling. No shot, no chance at sobriety when i’m exhausted every single day of my life. Yesterday i got 7 hours 8 minutes of mostly uninterrupted sleep. What If…i got rest every single day? Common Sense for most people like Duh dummy, why aren’t you sleeping??? I know. This is the immaturity i’ve been journaling on here about. I’m managed to lose 30 lbs without actually giving my body any recovery time. But the bill always comes due. You can’t fight your addiction when your bodies defenses, specially my exhausted brain, is already not working to capacity. The gaming addiction plays a critical role in this. I put the game in the closet yesterday. My put headphones with ambient sounds and go to bed now. There are 158 days left. I just want to do an experiment.

  1. Go to bed with my wife, every single night.
  2. Avoid my phone in my trigger spots.
  3. Even if she’s on the phone, crawl in bed, slap those headphones on with ambient sleep music. See if you can average a sleep score of at least 85-90 minimum.

7.5 to 8 hours of rest. At least give myself a fighting chance of sobriety. This is my priority going forward. If i dont sleep, i can’t progress. Simple.


9 more days. I’m counting down with you to 300. With our inner struggle, 300 days is a triumph!


Hi All, checking in on Day 22. Another busy one but at least the sun is shining.

Managed to play goalkeeper for my kids in my lunchbreak, and now have the Canada vs Ireland game on in the background. Also monitoring the Spurs match. So much sport :grin:

Hoping to get to the gym later but really tired. Throwing myself into the summer holidays with the kids outside of work hours (guilt for working!) which means I am quite sleepy now :sleeping:

Have a good day everyone


Day 949,

Made a little walk in the mountains. Stayed in a mountain cabin for some soup. The thought on something else was there. But sticked it out. Last night some snow fell, so it was quite cold, last year I climbed to the top in 30 degrees, skipped that part today due to the conditions.


Checking in, the urge for drinking is not present today. I have the last cuople of mornings woke up feeling hangover, it really took me back to when I acutally was hungover, I dont miss it. The last few days I also feel Im back in a place mentally where I dont feel good, it reminds me of how I have been the last few winters(oct/nov-march/april), and Im afraid its coming back again and even earlier then it use to. Its a dark hole where I dont want to be. Some of you migth remeber me talking about this.

So thats whats on my mind today. I need to keep it togheter, show myself strong for my kids.

Hope you all have a great day.