Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 550
Today was okay. I was less restless than yesterday. No issues with my ED or with thoughts of using. So thats good!
Im looking forward to tmrw. The weather is supposed to be cooler. Like 20°C cooler. I also get money tmrw so im taking my son out to buy new school clothes, and then i have to print out a few things for my DBT book. Im just excited to get out of our home for a bit. Will also be working out tmrw mrng to start my day off right. All n all today was pretty good!
Hope everyone has a good night! :butterfly:


2437 - Feeling depressed and don’t really know why. I had a zoom therapy appointment this morning so maybe that stirred up some old emotions. And work is slow so I didn’t do much today on my work from home day. Ill try to do better tomorrow since it’s another work from home day. I talked to my sponsor and that seems to have helped. I have a pile of clothes on my bedroom floor and just don’t have the ehergy to pick them up. Same with the dishes in the sink. Ugh.


Checking in on day 4.

Feeling stronger every day! (Mentally and physically). Spent the day packing up for camping this weekend. Tasty beverages that I’ve packed include: Grape Crush, Kombucha, Gatoraid, frozen fruit punch, and water of course!


I understand that “good mom” idea perfectly. Spot on description. At times I think I did it better drunk. It’s all my daughter ever knew. I would try and do everything right so nobody could tell what I really was. The other day she said to me “I think you’re happier in the mornings. You aren’t sleeping as much.” That made me sad and happy. Sad she remembered how it was. But happy she’s noticed a difference. You’re doing fine :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 61….
Tough day at work. For a split second thought of alcohol. Instead got up from my desk and took a walk. Looking for a new position is definitely on my to do list. The chaos and drama at work is not good for my mental wellbeing.

I think I’m beginning to see just how much I relied on alcohol to cope with the stress of this job. Not making excuses but I do believe it increased my alcohol consumption. I was an alcoholic before it just added to the volume I drank.

Looking forward to the upcoming storm :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: that AZ I’d suppose to get this weekend. Planning my next closet to purge.

Also I ordered new bedding that should be coming this weekend. So excited. I love new bedding. Lol.

I’m so grateful for my sobriety and the brain fog that’s getting better everyday!

I’m also grateful for this community and the support y’all offer me! :heart:


Continuing our conversation here…

Yes! You most definitely can defeat this addiction. Take time to read around here…i find the more active i am here - the easier it is to battle this addiction.

Ive also found that its best to find ways to keep yourself busy with hobbies /activities and try to change up routines. We tend to associate drinking with many activities and have to find a way to re-train our brain.


Checking in 506 days :heartpulse:
Happy Friday friends!


Day 321

Got a message this morning that 2 more coworkers are sick. One has Corona and the other one is the pregnant one.
I think she’ll be sick a lot, she’s now 3 months in and is whining all the time. I know pregnancy isn’t easy but…yeah :+1:
This is my new normal now.
I’ll call the main office when I’m at work for help.
If they don’t send anyone everything I was planning to do again keeps lying on my desk.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Day 4

Morning checkin after a night of sleeping 6 hours without a break. How energizing and healing was that.

Some things on schedule today, few hours of homeoffice, physio, lens check, carwash and a swim inbetween.

Much love to your beautiful souls :blue_heart:


23 days. I know some folk don’t count their days but I take satisfaction from it. Even a small bit of something helps. It’s about small wins right?
I have a work do on Saturday night. There will be a lot of booze there but I’m driving and plan to run long on Sunday morning so I don’t have any feear. I just need to turn up stick around for maybe 2 hours and I’ll bounce. No major concerns of breaking out.
Looking forward to having some serious time belt come Xmas… I know it’s a way off but I did Xmas sober last year and it was bliss… Small wins right?


Very tired today. Feeling weak, physically. So of course it was unusually busy for a Thursday night. And of course I was working with the newbies again. I wanted to try to leave a little early to spend time with my dad for his birthday but that didn’t happen. And I didn’t make it to a the store in time to get him a card :confused: (yeah, I’m that girl who signs a card in the store parking lot on the way to their house :flushed:) At least my daughter made him a nice card. And we had dinner and game night yesterday. Pictionary was a fun time.

It’s been pretty humid today but it just started to storm. I don’t have AC so it’s very refreshing. I sleep so good on stormy nights. Which I feel I need tonight.

Right, so, just seconds ago I went to get some water and there was another mouse on my counter. That’d be the 5th sighting this month.
I watched it run under a burner on the stove and disappear. I didn’t even know there were holes in there! Wtf.

Another wtf. I have a friend who used to hang out with me and my ex. Double dating and such. We dont talk a lot anymore, bc he’s gotten into some worse things I have no interest in, but every now and then. Tonight he sent me a video of my ex Fuhuuucked up. Like, I couldn’t even tell what he was on. A year ago I would’ve laughed and been happy he’s still doing shitty shit. I was so angry at him for so long. But now, honestly, I just felt bad for him. He’s a very sick person. I’m so grateful that hatred has passed. It’s such a horrible feeling. I don’t think I’ve forgiven him quite yet for the way he treated my daughter and I (and the cats), but maybe one day.

Off to bed soon. My body feels older than it should. Goodnight :green_heart:


I’m here I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 5

Hospital called and woke me up.
My husband was done with his surgery at 04.00 this morning.

It wasn’t just appendicitis, it was a ruptured appendix and Peritonitis. He gets antibiotics and is supposed to stay at least a week.
It could have turned really bad, really quick.
If something more happens the antibiotics doesn’t help or the infection turns and gets worse, it’s serious. Like in deadly.

Yet I’m not that worried. The kids are, we’ve talked a lot about it last night.

My biggest problem is that I feel so bad for not taking it seriously from the start, and made him go to the hospital quicker. If I’ve done that, it might not have gotten to this point. I should’ve known better. And I should’ve pushed to stay at home from work yesterday.


Don’t beat yourself up. There’s no way you could’ve known it’d come to this. If it looked like food poisoning, it would make sense to think it was food poisoning. :pray: to you all


Thank you. I know I shouldn’t but it’s hard not to. At that time I was the only responsible adult here. And I left for 8 hours to go to work.
I did ask my husband if I Should stay at home. He said it wasn’t needed, andI did call work to ask if I could stay home. But like usual it was a lot of kids (I’m a pre-school teacher) and no substitute to call in.

So I got to work, asked how he felt around lunch time. He said he was okey, a little better.

Got back home and he had gotten much worse, so I called the healthcare information line. And they sent my call to SOS. After that the ambulance came.

But just the thought of how it could have ended. The thought that I more or less left my kid with my husband their father,who was so I’ll that he could’ve died,is just heavy.

No when I think of it,he probably felt better because it was getting worse. The doctor said that you usually do that. If the appendix burst, the pain ease a bit and then it gets worse. I should have at least though that it could’ve been something else but food poisoning.



Looking at my schedule for the coming 3 weeks, I overdid it with the number of shifts I’ll be working (I do have some influence on my schedule), just so I can have a longer vacation after. Well, let’s take my medicine. And before I know it I’ll be off. At least there will be no hangovers to deal with. And no drunken nights wasted. Less than 3 weeks to go for a whopping 3.5 weeks of holidays. Yay!

Now it’s therapy Friday first. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


I am glad he has had the surgery and is on the road to let’s hope a complete and full recovery in a timely amount of time. Of course you are going through it all in your mind, the different scenarios. You are a wonderful mother and a wonderful wife… you are not an ER doc … and you had no way of knowing.
The good thing is he has had good and quick care and surgery. Big hugs. I was so hoping that when you woke up and posted you would have news… and you did, thanks from here. Thinking about all of you. xoxo

@Mno Have a good Friday and the next while, working, and on vacation. You Do work hard! xoxo


Hey all, checking in on day 1160. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thank you.
I’m not a medical, but somewhere I feel like it’s basic knowledge, that I apperantly lack.
But at least we managed to get him to the hospital so he could survive. That’s a good thing :smiling_face:


Definitely not an easy time for you lately Sophia, sending you big hugs and wish you tons of strenght and patience. Hope your husband won’t have any complications and you will have some peaceful time with your daughter.

Checking in 49 days sober. 7 weeks.
Today I started day with cold shower. Well, I finished my shower with cold water to be precise. It feels so good! I used to do this every morning before I lost myself in alco and mornings became a struggle. I will do it every morning again. And I highly recommend it to all of you (there is tons of articles about benefits of cold shower on internet) :slight_smile:
Love, Mischa


I had a complicated appendectomy 20+ yrs ago. Gangrene had set in and it had grown very large. I had the whole pain and food poisoning symptoms too. It wasn’t nice and I have an unsightly 10cm hernia that distends my tummy on one side that I’ve had surgeons worrying about even this year, but I’m here! I’m confident your hubby will be fine. It’s just not pleasant. :slightly_smiling_face:

PS. My ex wife thought it wasn’t serious but I wouldn’t blame yourself.