Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

520 days checking in- Happy Friday :heartpulse:
I’ve been making some big leaps in my work space, really appreciating my growth in different areas in my life since sobering up. Life really did just open it in many positive ways when I focused my energy in the right directions.
Im going to help my friend tomorrow clean up her home, and support her. She’s been having a tough time with her mental health and is newly sober, so im bringing some nice soft drinks, snacks and we are going to freshen up her home and enjoy the Saturday together. Im really looking forward to it!!!


@RosaCanDo congrats on 700 days :tada: have a great time camping :tent::blush:
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope your son had a great first day at school :blush:
@Soberbilly thank you :blush: grateful for you too 🩵 also, awesome photos of the supermoon, thank you for sharing :full_moon_with_face:
@Chosen2001 congrats on 90 days :tada:
@JazzyS it made me feel sad because I really struggled to think of anything comforting to say to those parts of myself. My homework is to try to write a compassionate letter to myself, before our penultimate session next Monday, going to attempt it over the weekend but I’m scared of feeling sad. Did you get any decent photos of that Supermoon?
@DanaM56 I’m so pleased you finally have your parents’ ashes at home with you. :people_hugging:🩵
@Wakikki its one-on-one thankfully, I do have some homework to do, I think it’s going to be very emotional.
@Hoss congrats on double digits :tada:
@Sabrina80 well done for playing that tape all the way through :clap:t2:
@SadMemeQueen glad the interview went well, good luck :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:

1116 days no alcohol.
581 days no cocaine.
96 days no vape.

Feeling depressed again today. Have done my morning routine and newish daily activities, but no walks. I couldn’t face it today. Hope to feel stronger tomorrow. I’m having my Testosterone shot in the morning and that does usually lift my mood, so here’s hoping! :crossed_fingers:t2:



5.45 days no weed
43.11 no smoking
113.44 no alcohol

Damn I’m glad to be here
Sobriety is nessasary for someone like me

Glad to be here


Appreciate your shares & journey. Keep at it youre doing big things! Xo.


Checking in night of 205 AF. It’s been a great week in Mexico. Fly out in the morning.


@mrsodh what’s going on Sophia? I do hope you and your family are doing well – been a minute since you’ve checked in.
@sabrina80 its weird how are additions are always ready and willing to jump in just given the chance – that’s why we have to stay vigilant. Congrats on resisting the urges and man that apple tea sounds lovely :yum:

Oh Mira I am so very happy to read this – glad that at least this meeting went well and they were kind hearted sympathetic people that you were dealing with
@mindofsobermike Never apologize for talking about what you love – I can sense the passion in your words and am so stoked at how awesome this experience is thus far. Grateful that you are sharing this journey with us. Have a long weekend – best of luck with all the studying.
@icebear I am sorry you are feeling bad about it – you are not a failure for having an non alcoholic beer. Grateful it did not trigger you into wanting the real thing. I try to do mocktails which is really juicy drinks or flavored tonic water. Like Alisa said – you don’t need to fit in with drinks – be you and they will just enjoy your company.
@starlight14 ah man Kelly that bites big time. I know he’s been struggling with mental health for a minute now. Not that you would know – is he planning to get a different job or some help? I am so sorry that this is all on your shoulders and you are dealing with all this pressure. I do hope the brain dump helped a bit. Grateful that you are handling this so well and protecting your sobriety.
@sadmemequeen That’s awesome Megan – wishing you the best of luck!
@catmancam I do hope that your mood starts to improve tomorrow. That is a tough exercise for sure – try to set up happy tunes or shows to watch afterwards or during so you can be compassionate and honest with yourself without feeling on saddened by the conversation. Wishing you luck with this – do jump on here if you need some support. I unfortunately did not get any great shots but I loved Billy’s pictures and also this one posted by Anthony super moon

Glad you are here with us as well! Doing so awesome with all your addictions – keep up the great work.

Checking in on Thursday night
253 days free of alcohol and weed
668 days free of cigarettes
Grateful for a decent day. Was able to take a 1/2 hour walk with my mum this evening - thank goodness the temps have been nice. I hear its supposed to get nasty again in a few days so glad that i’ve taken advantage of the good days we’ve had. I start my PT tomorrow so i’m super stoked about that . No urges and not triggers. I do hope everyone has a great addiction free day / night - sending much love to you all :heart: :heart:


Checking In:

Day 156 :heart:

Feeling clear minded, refreshed, happier about the future, and a lil more of my true self as each day passes.
It’s an honest true Blessing. I give my thanks to all you wonderful supportive folks here, to my amazing family that loves unconditionally, and to our God for His works on me and he continues to direct my path and fill me with hope, courage, strength, and wisdom.
Keep the faith you all. You’re ALL doing spectacular and know you’re not alone in this.
Sweetest dreams you guys!!! ☆☆☆


You’re not a failure. Not with those numbers! It didn’t make you want to drink, in fact the opposite. When I went out with coworkers last week I ordered a ginger beer that came in a bottle, which made my sober friend do a double take when she arrived. I guess it was for the same reason. Fitting in. Idk. The point is you’re still sober after the fact and maybe next time you’ll get a soda instead :blush:


Sorry you’re frustrated with your ex. I’ve been there plenty. My ex has never had a license and didn’t help with anything monetarily for over 5 years, as he was sick himself. He was constantly in and out of jail so I basically had our daughter full time. Finally he got the help he needed. This took some time, but it was worth it to see him get back on his feet and be able to take care of her by himself again.

I was sick the majority of that time as well and I made it through. The fact you’re sober, and doing awesome btw :wink:, will make this much easier to handle. Just take each day as it comes. I wish the best for your family :pray:


Day 5 check in. Surgery scheduled for the broken ankle (suffered during a boozy holiday wknd away with the girls, hence why I’m here… again) is on the books for Tuesday. Ran around all day for pre-op stuff. V grateful that my partner was willing & able to help with all that, and with everything around the house i can’t attend to on my knee scooter or crutches (nearly everything). I feel like I’ve been shouldering a lot of the weight in our domestic life the first 8 months of the year; now he has a chance to step up and take charge for the rest of this year. Silver lining to this, i guess. Plus getting refocused on sobriety, something that’s been on and off with me for years.

Okay, need to try to sleep but my wrapping is so uncomfortable tonight and my leg is just icky. :frowning:


Day 75

The end of a short work week that felt like it would never end. Looking for a holiday weekend away at the lake with friends. It will be peaceful and magical.

My narcissistic ex reached out today. I could feel his energy. I did respond but much like alcohol I no desire to engage. Having been outside the relationship 6.5 months since our last interaction has made me realize just how sick he is. I’m grateful to be beating this addiction as well.

Grateful for my serenity and all the love and support that I have in my life. :heart:


Checking in.
Still here.


One Day Smoke Free
One Hundred Twenty One Days Sober

Hope everyone has a great Long weekend…Also wanna say I’m very thankful for the joy my little boy brings to my heart and soul…So glad to he sober and enjoying his beautiful personality. He sure fills my heart…


2451 checking in. Have had a busy work week with onboarding a new employee. My boss sent a meeting invite for a few weeks out to discuss team goals for 2024, so I guess that means job stability for me, yippie! I have to feel more secure about what I have to offer that is of value at work. Things are all moving to cloud based and 3D modeling and I might never be as good at certain skill sets as younger employees. But I can still guide them and mentor them and it will be okay if I have to take a backseat in certain areas. I am okay and I am enough. As long as I keep working at learning and improving.


Late night check in. Going to bed soon. Just another day again. I was in a pleasant mood. Had a good amount of energy. Work was boring but fine. Pretty normal. Have a great one :grin:


Checking in.
It’s 8 in the morning and I had the most intense trigger in my recent sober carrier. Was washing the dishes and cleaning up kitchen from yesterday and found 3/4 full can of beer that my h didn’t finish yesterday (never happened to me btw, not finish my beer). Normally, before, that things made me super happy and I would just chug on it, bring kids to school/playgroup and go buy some more beer (even if we had some at home, just so my h won’t know how many actually I drank).
So I took that can in my hand and when I realise it’s almost full I got that spark of joy and I almost drink it. Automatically. ALMOST. Watching him or anybody else drinking some alco is not a problem for me but this was unexpected, so quick and so intense. I’m glad I recognise that bullshit fake feeling and a beer ended up in the sink.
Have a great sober day lovely ppl!



Remind me to not schedule a late shift before a morning therapy session again :yawning_face:. Will make it with some more :coffee: but not feeling rested. Well, at least I’m sober. By now it’s hard (but good) to remember and remind myself how I felt waking up after a night of boozing. Never again. Couldn’t be doing anything I’m doing nowo, like work in a detox and be happy going to therapy. And so much more. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Sloterplas.
@Mischa84 Crazy stuff right! A good reminder of how addiction works. Have a good day friend.


Day 69. Going to take a covid test today as still feeling groggy.

I will not drink today. I will tho tidy the apartment, go the shop and maybe do some studies whilst listening to something relaxing. Have a good day folks!


Checking in
Day 565
Normally i wouldnt be checking in at this time but we have no overnight nurse for my son so here I am doing the awake overnight shift instead. Its amazing how things have changed. Doing overnights used to be such a trigger for me bcuz it reminded me of the nights id stay awake alllll night using. But tonight i have some beading supplies out and im working on a project :slight_smile:

Keeps me awake and makes the time fly. Hope everyone is doing well amd enjoying their day/evening :butterfly:


Nice to see you at this time Dana. Wishing you a good watch. It’s going to be a pretty dream catcher :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: