Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Still kind of blah. But I don’t think that’s because I’m not using… I think it’s my home environment. Depression has sunk its claws in and holding on a little too tightly some days. I’m proud of myself though. Depression used to hit hard and that’s when I’d be like (eh oh well let’s just make the call and be numb for a few days) now I’m just riding the wave and holding on to sobriety for dear life.


Checking in 11.88 days free from vaping. Turns out my strategy when i have too much time on my hands is to nap. Just woke up from a 3hr nap. Oh well. At least im not vaping another day


wow - This is awesome progress! I am very sorry for the depression love - i do hope you are able to find relief from it very soon. Sending you much love and strength - so proud of all the hard work you are putting in daily! :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :heart:


Good work crew. Many messages of gratitude and determination, can usually get the medicine I need here is this community.
Went to dinner tonight for my sisters birthday and stayed sober. 12 days now , the longest stretch in over 10 yrs. How about 24 more!… good night all


Checking in. 44 days without alcohol.


@trustybird Hey Emilie how are your challenges going love?

Love this – thank you for sharing!
@Mischa84 Checking in to see how you are doing?
@Katiee You are doing great with 48 days. Sorry that you are dealing with high anxiety today. Saw this post today that you may find beneficial Gratitude and anxiety Hope you had a good Saturday. So good to see you DJ . Glad you are doing well and looking fabulous as usual! Grateful that you had a great show! Have fun connecting with your friend

This is beautiful – I too find that starting the day and when possible ending the day with meditation really helps keep me centered and helps make it easier for me to fight the urges.

Damn skippy—kicking vape’s ass! I did rely heavily on sleep when I quit smoking.

Checking in Saturday night
234 days free of alcohol and weed
649 days free of cigarettes
Yeah - i did not feel well today at all. Pain was intense at times but really the fatigue and non stop itching (luckily i cut nails before too many deep scratches). Rashes again - UGH. I did manage 5k in steps and that is about it - couldn’t concentrate on mediation - did watch 3 moves :crazy_face: (Friday the 13th 2 and 3 and Happiness for Beginners). I did manage to cook and bake for tomorrow. I am now super exhausted and going to turn in fully sober! Hoping everyone has a positively charged addiction free day - sending much love! :heart: :heart:


Yes it is! Thank you for remembering Lisa :hugs:


Congratulations @Charlie_C on the 1001 and counting, ODAAT! You have been a tremendous inspiration to many! I looked for a 1001 meme for you but will have to settle for the 1000! So proud of you and your accomplishment! Celebrate every day!


Day 307 sober


On track to go to bed sober soon. Good night, all!


Day 42

@JazzyS Thanks :blush:. Yeah, I spoke to my doctor. She says splitting meds is fine as long as I don’t forget. I just set a timer on my phone. Nausea is definitely a common side-effect, but she said it should wear off. Today wasn’t so bad splitting them.
I’m sorry today wasn’t a great day for you. Ugh itching is a nightmare. I flare up in hives/psoriasis when I’m anxious and stressed. It’s hard to say what is worse…itching or pain. Glad you got to watch some good distracting movies, though. :people_hugging:

Thanks @Soberbilly. I’m so glad your meds worked for you right off the bat. Congrats on your days! I’m glad you were in a jolly mood today! :blush:

Went on a long walk. Ate healthy and didn’t overdo it on portions. Now I’m just tired. But grateful to be sober :+1:t3:. My boyfriend is sick, but it’s not COVID. Hopefully I don’t get whatever it is. I’m hoping I get some good sleep, so my immune system stays strong.





3 years, 4 months sober today :heart: feeling extra blessed to be raising my son, enjoying my relationships, having a great relationship with my husband, etc etc… all sober.


Great to see you still in the game Claire.
Congratulations on the 3 y and 4 m and raising your son and family. So much to be grateful for in sobriety.
Keep up the great work.


thank you @Dazercat ! hoping you’re enjoying your summer! :purple_heart:


:sunny:Day :two::nine:

:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :sunny: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


:cupcake: :white_check_mark: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :arrows_counterclockwise: :no_entry_sign: Day 8
:no_smoking: 14
:fallen_leaf: 01

Sugar detox. Only 1/3 allowed slips used. Huge improvement over last week. I ain’t doing this for numbers - I’m doing this because it feels good.
Smoked few bowls of a Pipe Tobacco. Back to Day 1 :fallen_leaf:


Day 12. Last night was rough. Had a rare argument wth my partner and am still feeling pretty upset from it this morning. Urgh.


Day 50 :slight_smile:
Went for pizza last night, my partner and her brother where drinking wine and i was on lemonade, being the designated driver fir life now helps !


Congrats on your 50 days and your driving skills.


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m hungover.
Back to square one.

Eventually it got to much having two bottles of Champagne in the freezer. Chugged them both down yesterday. And then some vodka (Haven’t had that for years)

I feel like shit. So unnecessary. Feel even worse because I’ve promised the kids exactly a month ago to never drink again.

And it went easy,the first 30 days. Then I did this. Didn’t even had a reason, I did it because it was available.

Did a reset, going to make a new try. And I have a new strategy. There will be no alcohol in my house, not under any circumstances. If my husband wants to drink he is welcome to do so somewhere else. Because apparently I can’t handle it if it’s a available.

Don’t know what I will say to the kids when they wake up. Not sure I’m even getting out of bed today. And I’m supposed to work tomorrow. Why am I this way? I’m so mad at myself.