Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

On track to go to bed sober soon. Good night, all!


Day 42

@JazzyS Thanks :blush:. Yeah, I spoke to my doctor. She says splitting meds is fine as long as I donā€™t forget. I just set a timer on my phone. Nausea is definitely a common side-effect, but she said it should wear off. Today wasnā€™t so bad splitting them.
Iā€™m sorry today wasnā€™t a great day for you. Ugh itching is a nightmare. I flare up in hives/psoriasis when Iā€™m anxious and stressed. Itā€™s hard to say what is worseā€¦itching or pain. Glad you got to watch some good distracting movies, though. :people_hugging:

Thanks @Soberbilly. Iā€™m so glad your meds worked for you right off the bat. Congrats on your days! Iā€™m glad you were in a jolly mood today! :blush:

Went on a long walk. Ate healthy and didnā€™t overdo it on portions. Now Iā€™m just tired. But grateful to be sober :+1:t3:. My boyfriend is sick, but itā€™s not COVID. Hopefully I donā€™t get whatever it is. Iā€™m hoping I get some good sleep, so my immune system stays strong.





3 years, 4 months sober today :heart: feeling extra blessed to be raising my son, enjoying my relationships, having a great relationship with my husband, etc etcā€¦ all sober.


Great to see you still in the game Claire.
Congratulations on the 3 y and 4 m and raising your son and family. So much to be grateful for in sobriety.
Keep up the great work.


thank you @Dazercat ! hoping youā€™re enjoying your summer! :purple_heart:


:sunny:Day :two::nine:

:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :sunny: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


:cupcake: :white_check_mark: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :arrows_counterclockwise: :no_entry_sign: Day 8
:no_smoking: 14
:fallen_leaf: 01

Sugar detox. Only 1/3 allowed slips used. Huge improvement over last week. I ainā€™t doing this for numbers - Iā€™m doing this because it feels good.
Smoked few bowls of a Pipe Tobacco. Back to Day 1 :fallen_leaf:


Day 12. Last night was rough. Had a rare argument wth my partner and am still feeling pretty upset from it this morning. Urgh.


Day 50 :slight_smile:
Went for pizza last night, my partner and her brother where drinking wine and i was on lemonade, being the designated driver fir life now helps !


Congrats on your 50 days and your driving skills.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m hungover.
Back to square one.

Eventually it got to much having two bottles of Champagne in the freezer. Chugged them both down yesterday. And then some vodka (Havenā€™t had that for years)

I feel like shit. So unnecessary. Feel even worse because Iā€™ve promised the kids exactly a month ago to never drink again.

And it went easy,the first 30 days. Then I did this. Didnā€™t even had a reason, I did it because it was available.

Did a reset, going to make a new try. And I have a new strategy. There will be no alcohol in my house, not under any circumstances. If my husband wants to drink he is welcome to do so somewhere else. Because apparently I canā€™t handle it if itā€™s a available.

Donā€™t know what I will say to the kids when they wake up. Not sure Iā€™m even getting out of bed today. And Iā€™m supposed to work tomorrow. Why am I this way? Iā€™m so mad at myself.


Good morning! Iā€™m good, thanks. I fall asleep yesterday together with kids (before 9pm) and woke up around one hour ago so 7:30am. Pretty long sleep I would say. Now Iā€™m drinking coffee and just hope h gonna wake up in good mood and at least one day of weekend we can spend in pleasant way. Finger crossed.
Sorry for your itching sensations, itching is fckn terrible. Hope you feel better soon.


I had a long talk with my doctor last year and he had prescribed Doxepin as a support for the first weeks. Itā€™s an antidepressants but one of the more light ones without strong side effects. One of the wanted side effects is reduced cravings, so in combination it helps you feel better while also making it easier to stay away from the bottle. Might be a topic you could talk to your doctor about. Wishing you a strong and sober day!



Anyway. Feeling some negative emotions by posting here for like last few months.
Some people hate me, or dislike me for a reasons unknown to meā€¦ Itā€™s like I never understood that.
For me, I never hold negative emotions in me. If I dislike something - I tell them. Thatā€™s what I am doing right now. If I feel hurt - I forgive.

Thatā€™s the problem. If my posts gives negative emotions, cause tension - I do feel that and I donā€™t like that.
I feel like Iā€™ve been too active lately here. I do like it, it became like my personal journal, helped to annalyse myself and understand many things. You became like very close Friends to me. Like Sober Family.

I donā€™t want to make some of you feel bad.

From all my depths - I am very Sorry if there was something I had said and had Insulted You or made hurt towards Someone. I am very sorry.

But I do feel bad about it. I donā€™t want to go away from TS. I am thinking to post less. Or just avoid Checking in daily section. I am still not sure what to do. But been feeling like this for more that 2 months now. Maybe more. I wanted to leave TS back then, but I kept going back because it helped me.

Now I am left with this opposite feelings. I do like this. I like to read. To share. To explore my own story. My own journey. I think one of the strongest aspects in Sobriety is Union. Itā€™s similar like going to BAR and drink with other people that you feel accepted and welcomed.

So having those negative emotions here really does not help me. So as Iā€™m said I am not leaving, but thinking to be more active on other threads probably. Not really sure. This all came out very spontaneously, but I feel like want to share it.

If there are someone that feels offended, or insulted or hurt by me - Please PM me.
Letā€™s talk


Having drinks around never was a good option for me, at some point I would always open that bottle of wine, because: I was being so strong and hadnā€™t had a drink for a week / had a bad day / had a good day (pick any reason from the list). We now only have alcohol-free options at home, including beer and sparkling wine, so thereā€™s still the option to have something else than juice or water available.
For today, I would recommend to have strong coffee, a long shower, then take a walk to walk off the side effects of the hangover. Drink plenty of water. I canā€™t tell if it would be good or bad to talk to your kids about what happened, but if your relationship to your kids is good, they will support you. Stay strong and we can all do it and become the better versions of us!


Hey, I am sorry you feel this way. What makes you think people dislike you? Why donā€™t you have a go at starting your own thread here as a journal? I donā€™t know much about you and would like to read that.


Checking in on day 1. Letā€™s make this a daily routine again :+1:t3:. Feels good to be sober and even better to know that I continue my journey of sobriety with you. Have a good and sober day, my friends!


I canā€™t tell about the others but I like reading your posts. I even follow your marathon preparing thread. Keep posting :slight_smile: Iā€™m sure you have many sober friends in here


Somehow I feel a bit shy to have a thread dedicated to only me. I do created Road to Marathon thread. At first I felt bad about it. Donā€™t get me wrong. It was always one of my dreams and it is strongly connected with sobriety. So I think I will be more active there.

No I donā€™t think people dislike me, but there might be some people that are hurt from what I had said. Even lately there was some unpleasant situation that was hardly unmanageable saying something without hurting one or another side. I think I managed that poorly and do hurt few people. I am sorry.

Other thing can be that I tend to do things differently, sort of Show Off - Look at me. Thing is It just me. I always loved to put attention to details. Although I am a driver - My original specialty is and Graphic Designer. That was my passion since school. I give a lot of attention to details. I like aesthetics and it gives me joy.

Also pretty useful, by theese bold numbers I can easily find any of my old Check-ins to read :zero: :zero:
and now I can even see what Week day it was. :five: :three: :one: :bulb: :two: :four: :six:


There is always the option to post your journey in your own thread which makes it also easier to trace back you personal journey and how you develop. Just like you do with your marathon thread. Many people have their own thread on here. :sunflower: