Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Thats beautiful Dana i love it! Ive tried to do these n cant get my head around how to do the the middle part …lol :upside_down_face:


Congratulations @Mindofsobermike on a hundo!

Fantastic job @Deelzebub on the big 90! :partying_face:


Hello sober friends. Checking in. I realized that one of the reasons I have been feeling a bit bad lately is that my taper off meds is almost completely done. I’m almost completely off, and I think there’s some discontinuation syndrome. So that’s something.

I had a really nice dinner with a former supervisor tonight. I was dreading it a bit, but it ended up being great to catch up. I was going to reward myself with ice cream on the way home, but the good ice cream place was closed :sob:. Maybe tomorrow. Going to bed sober again. Tomorrow is a brand new day. Much love.


Day 509
Woke up feeling again very tired, almost lost it at work at the end of the day, had to log off early as my head was just not in the right space at all, as in bad shape, felt like when I was drinking, super strange feeling today. Just didn’t know how to handle.
Now ready to try and go to bed
Have a good day everyone.


Lol thank you!! That means a lot :heart:


Hi all, checking in. Day 59.

Last day of annual leave today and my world is about to get busy. Had a lovely day doing pitch and putt with the kids, then lunch, a nap and finally the gym. Just watching the football and transfer deadline day now (was tempted to write that in caps lock to emphasise the shoutiness of sky sports news!)

14 years ago today I went into labour with my eldest. My sister is due today and hoping it is a special day. Hopefully her labour won’t take 2 days like mine! Gave my son a big cuddle earlier :blush:

Tomorrow my daughter’s football season kicks off again, birthday on Sunday, then back to work on increased hours and daughter starts secondary school. Trying to live in the moment as next week terrifies me :rofl: Have to squeeze in a 15 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday before my daughter’s birthday the following week. At some point there will be a baby niece to welcome to the world too!

It is all good though and my family is emerging from a period of tough times, so celebrating the chaos really.

Sorry, I always get thoughtful around this time of year, remembering past years. And I don’t think you ever shake the new academic year thing!

Hope everyone else has a lovely Friday and weekend.


Positive sadly but all ok. Just a bit run down. Should be back to usual by Monday.


@Just_Laura I’m new here Laura and I don’t know you but I really felt this, I read a lot of posts on here since I’m just starting out and noticed a little of what you’ve been through, it sounds so hard and your still picking yourself up and dusting yourself off :heart: thats strength :muscle:


Day 335

In 4 days I’ll turn 43, damn. I won’t lie, it doesn’t feel good. But I can’t change it. We’re all getting older.
I try to focus on the things I have instead on the things I don’t have.

I took a long bath, much needed because my psoriasis started to go crazy after Covid. It’s now on my hands too. Awesome :roll_eyes: I hope it calms down after some weeks, others with psoriasis experienced the same.

I’m usually not a fan of James Bond but I’m currently watching the second movie :grinning: It’s really okay for a long cozy evening.

Tomorrow morning I finally get my hair done! Oh my goodness I’m so looking forward to that. To feel like a human again. And I have to get all kinds of baking stuff because here in Germany those who have birthday have to make the cake for the guests. Dunno wich idiot had that idea :joy:

Okay guys, have a beautiful sober day and stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


Day 144 sober


Checking in and still sober. Feeling kinda down that I don’t have any plans for the long weekend. I’m still healing from a broken leg so there are very few things that I can do right now. I’ll probably be spending the entire weekend at home :pensive:


Thanks @JazzyS this thread goes so fast so I’m almost positive I probably missed an update but I hope your migraine and painful itches are well gone by now.

Day 21*
Cooked! Absolutely drained from this work week. I am so excited to not waste this long week drinking or sick from drinking. Three full days comin’ at ya and I am going to live. Productive home projects, time with friends, outdoor movie night/camping with my nieces. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :sun_with_face:


Well, I’m still here, that strange… Usually I quit fast but I am still here…

I prepare for second battle. My biggest personal problem now is my wight.

So maybe you know applications similar to this only about wight?


0.44 no weed
45 no smoking
114 no alcohol

I’m just greatful to be sober right now and to be with my wife after a long days work and falling asleep in my sober bed. I remember my weed burnouts… the headakes… and then the alcohol hangovers at around this time of the day I was soo sick to my stomach, sometimes even thinking I had covid because I couldn’t breath during the hangover, prob from the ciggs. I had nothing going for me. I thought I’d die living on SSI and I was ok with that

Huge milestone by the way, I’m off SSI. I’m now in life, all or nothing. Very nourvous but I think I can do this.


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 565
Ive been a little “off” today. Having had been awake for over 36 hours threw my whole day and routine off. And then I realized halfway thru the day that i didnt take my mental health meds last night bcuz of having to do the awake overnight shift with my son. So im feeling “off” right now. My hubby got home from work early today tho, so I was able to nap at that point. I slept sooo heavy and woke up having a massive craving to use :weary: I had awful dreams but I cant remember what about. Took me a few minutes to jolt myself out of it. Walked to the coffee shop to grab a pumpkin spice latte for myself and a coffee for hubby. The walk helped. Now im feeling much better. Just need to make sure that i take my meds tonight and get a good rest. Thankfully we have a nurse coming in tonight bcuz i work this weekend and need my rest. All n all tho i am beyond grateful for my life today. And im sooo grateful that everything is going so well for my son in his new school :pray: Hope everyone is having a good Friday! :butterfly:


Always appreciate your shares. You give me hope each day, and I jist appreciate your story and want you to know that.
You must be proud to hit that place getting off SSI, and I just be doing a slow clap over here. Want to just say one thing though, no shame in needing that support (though I know i wouldnt call the systems support)…but just…i dont know, had someoje close to me done made to feel like a failure bc she needed it…never want anyone to feel that way. Thats all. Xo.edit: think im talking about the same SSI as you but if im not just go on an ignore me LOL

You got this bruv, go kick some ass!


Well done! Real cool movie :popcorn:


Bit of a late check in for me, but day 68 :white_heart: hope you all had a wonderful sober Friday :white_heart:


Day 62

Still rocking the sober life.

I have another damn cold…the second in a short amount of time. What gives??! I’m not drinking, eating healthier, washing hands…I’m doing WAY better than I was when drinking. I used to rarely get sick. I don’t get it. Oh well, probably my body still adjusting to changes.

I’m going on a trip for about a week to Washington next week. My friend lives there, and she’s picking me up on her way back up from southern California. It’s the first trip I’ve been on since I last saw my ex before our relationship ended (and my mental health took a nose-dive) almost 2 years ago. Hopefully it’s fun and healing. It’ll be nice to replace my negative memory with a good one. I’m nervous though, as I don’t travel too often. Fortunately, my friend isn’t a big drinker. :+1:t3:

I’m also having a yard sale this Sunday, because it’s supposed to rain Saturday. It’ll be a good way to rid myself of some stuff, plus make some money for my trip. BUT I’m not a salesperson, so it’s not my favorite thing to do. I’ll get through it. I remember my last yard sale, I just drank mimosas all morning, but of course, that’s not happening this time. Thank goodness.

My family is doing well. My dogs are good, apart from one having fleas, which I’m in the process of dealing with.

My boyfriend’s work schedule is changing, so we’ll have to figure out new times to see each other throughout the week.

Tomorrow makes 3 weeks on the new antidepressant, and I’m holding steady (knock on wood).

I’m still going to AA at least once a week. I went to an online one today, because I’ve been under-the-weather.

That’s basically it. Life is moving right along. Not too bad. I will take it, lol.

You guys are awesome badass sober rock stars!
Stay Strong! :+1:t3::heart::people_hugging:


I used the Noom app the same time I started this app. But it’s not free.
Congratulations on your 3 and 11