Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

So glad to see you checking in and rocking the sober life.
Keep doing what your doing. Except for the sick part. That can FRO. :blush:
And remember the lights are always on and we got your back.
Have a great trip


Lots of sober days and strength checking in today. Thanks for sharing TS crew, very encouraging.
Longest time sober for me in probably 10 yrs.


sometimes it does take our bodies time to adjust. When we were drinking we suppressed a lot – just because we were not getting sick does not mean that we were healthy. I do hope you get better soon.

i do hope you have a blast on your trip – you can use the travel thread here to help you travel sober.

glad to see you doing so well with your sobriety Gen - Keep up the amazing work!



I’m off to work. Grateful I have such a good one to go to. Just like I’m grateful to my excellent therapist. Grateful for so much more. So much of it I thank to being sober. ODAAT. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Oude Gracht in Utrecht.
@BT824 Huge congrats friend! Keep going. Nothing can stop you but your own mind.


Congratulations on your 2 weeks sober BT.
Keep up the good work.


@butterflymoonwoman that dreamcatcher looks beautiful. So talented! Ah man I don’t know how you managed to get all that done this morning – at that point the coffee would have put me to sleep LOL. Glad you were able to get in a deep nap – the exhaustion caused the using dream. I am sorry that is how you woke up. I do hope you remember to take the meds and get some awesome sleep tonight.
@teresa.13 man that can be disturbing – maybe not getting good REM sleep. I do hope you can get some good rest and shed the tired feeling. I do know that being tired can shorten our nervous responses and ability to absorb information. Hopefully you have a good relaxing weekend ahead.
@timetochange ah I am sorry friend – do hope you don’t have any bad symptoms and indeed are feeling better and back to usual by Monday. Make sure to take good care of yourself!
@sabrina80 sorry you are dealing with psoriasis – do hope you feel relief soon. GIRL you look amazing for 42-43! Age is just a number – its all about how you feel and how you behave. Embrace another year of being alive. OK – seriously – you have to bake a cake for your birthday – really need to change this tradition. Have a wonderful time getting your hair done tomorrow
@try2change I know its easier to say than do but don’t let the no plans for the weekend get you down. With your leg healing – can you do anything around your town that may be fun (are you on crutches)? Maybe order takeout and do a movie marathon or puzzles or games (board or video) in case you need to be at home?
@ceeds CONGRATS on your 3 weeks – this is awesome! Your weekend sounds amazingly healthy – productive and fun! No wasted time – I like that. The thread does move fast – so great to see so many people checking in. Thanks for asking – symptoms are a bit more manageable – working on healing so that they will be gone for good soon enough.
@Axsis you are killing it with 47 months – keep up the amazing work and thanks for the inspiration. I am still working on the weight bit myself – wishing you luck my friend!

Congrats my friend on living your life – for all or nothing! I am glad that you are not ok with that old lifestyle and you are making such positive changes for yourself. You have an amazing support system at home and we are here for you – you have the strength to keep working on an addiction free life.
@bt824 WOOT WOOT !!! this is awesome my friend – great job on 2 weeks – keep up the amazing work!

Checking in on Friday evening
254 days free of alcohol and weed
669 days free of cigarettes
It was a decent day. I did have to fight the urge to drink - it was strong for many hours. The urges did not win!
My PT was great but it did leave me with more pain then what i went in with. Today was day 1 so i’m hoping this is not normal for all my sessions. I have been doing some deep breathing to breathe through it.
Ok - i’m hoping to get some sleep soon. Sending you all much love - :heart: :heart:


Congratulations on ur 2 weeks!!! Way to go :smiley:


Day 15 for me. I am feeling confident I can do this. I am avoiding my triggers and trying to focus on hobbies to stay focused and busy.


Always good to see you Dan. Keep going. X


What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. With everything I’ve been through over the years I realized that with time and patience, just about everything works itself out eventually. Being in the moments suck but things usually get better in the end. I hope you’re doing alright :blush:


Day 76……

Late night check in. Away this weekend with friends at the lake. Feeling a bit triggered with the exception of my friend everyone else in the group are big drinkers. We will have a day off if the lake and away from the heavy drinkers so it should be easier to maintain focus. Didn’t think it would be as difficult as it was.

The view though from their home is beautiful, and peaceful.


Checking in
396 days no booze
14 days no tobacco
I spent all day long in the flatlands. Too much. I’m going to bed. Goodnight everyone


Huge congratulations BT… Good job! :hugs:



Checkin. Wrote down my commitment.
Will habe a meditation now and then a walk combined with bringing some stuff to the gift box and tiny grocery shopping.

Meeting online this afternoon. :v:t2:


This week has been a bit of a bore. Of course I could have put more effort into doing things, but I just didn’t wanna. Idk. Sometimes when I should be getting things done, I end up doing nothing instead. I still have to get things ready for the start of school, but as usual keep putting it off until it has to be done.

Procrastination has always been a problem for me. Have you ever had to do the dishes, but you really didn’t want to, so you start cleaning everything else instead, and then purposely run out of time for the dishes? Wtf is that about? Those damn dishes have been in the sink for a while :grimacing: Like, I know they’ll be there tomorrow, so that’s when I’ll do them. Not! Maybe Sunday. :face_exhaling:

But then, at work, I work really hard. Maybe bc I’m getting paid. Maybe bc I know they’re watching (camera’s everywhere). If I didn’t get out so late, I could clean the whole house after work with the energy I have. Just not before for some reason :thinking:

I’m not really upset about this. I’m used to it. It’s usually just a summer thing. Last year when school started I went ham on the house bc I was finally alone. Here’s hoping🤞

Anyway. Great job everyone! We’re all still here, and that’s definitely something :heart:


Day 6, taking kids to the beach need to try get my mind in the now it’s all over the place today, enjoy the weekend everyone


Hey Billy, i hear you…ive thought about supervised visits myself to be honest but where my daughter is concerned i think she would find it strange if i was to accompany her and stay the whole time and i know we would all be uncomfortable…i feel like im open enough with her dad that should he start to feel off in any way then he can call me straight away and il go collect her straight away…i only live 5 mins away, ive reassured him that he can do that without judgement or question from me, its about keeping her safe, so for now im ok with that unless anything else happens in the meantime then id have to make a different plan xx


@Amy30 i dont think i answered your question about why he left his job, he quit apparently because he felt he was being pushed out because of the amount of sickness hed already had due to his mental health


38 days and building some nice sober time. Happy at where I’m at to be honest. Anxiety under control, desire to drink loads of beer is somewhat there but I’m managing it well and using my Tools effectively. I will be sober this Christmas which will be my second sober xmas in a row. I came through last year thinking it was the best Christmas ever. These are the kinds of things I lean on when temptations creep in. Have a great Sunday everyone.


Day 70 :slight_smile:

Aiming for a quiet weekend. Rubbish sleep but a sunny morning.

Blessed to be alcohol free