Checking in daily to maintain focus #57


Checking in today to maintain focus. So, my plan for today:

  • Brush teeth, shave, shower cold
  • Brunch
  • Meditate
  • Shopping
  • Visit parents
  • Cooking with flatmates in the eve
  • Sleep early (not past midnight anyways :laughing:)

Something like that, letā€™s seeā€¦

Already planning for tomorrow when the week starts again too! Several things Iā€™m looking forward to setting in motionā€¦

Have a wonderful sunday guys! :sunflower:


Got out of work relatively early tonight. Itā€™s weird bc I feel like the past few Saturdays I had somewhere to go for fun, but not tonight. Itā€™s fine though. I can relax tonight and get some good sleep so I can get up and get things done tomorrow.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s the weather changing, but Iā€™ve been a bit stuffy and feel congested the past couple days. And now a headaches coming on. I donā€™t feel sick though. Itā€™s funny though. Iā€™ve been sick once, maybe twice, since I quit drinking, and it was a cake walk. Nothing compared to hangover sicknesses. Iā€™d always up my intake when I got sick, to forget I was sick, but in turn suffer even longer. Glad I know thatā€™s not a solution now.

Well, thereā€™s not a whole lot more to say. Just gonna relax before bed and try not to overwhelm myself by thinking about everything I need to get done. Thank you @JazzyS for reminding me that everything will eventually get done. Itā€™s true, so I need not focus on it all.

Goodnight my friends :heart:


Glad you could help your friend!
Hopefully you can slowly start adding Foodā€¦ also fluids, juices, water, whatever you are able to tolerate. Bodies need salt, sugar, nutrients. You may get a job next week! @SadMemeQueen


Sleep well @Soberbilly and wake peacefully. Glad the Tara Brach was helpful to you and that youā€™re comfortable in your head about the ā€œinsultā€ you had that was hurtful to you.


#Day 1810 :walking_woman:
Sometimes I loose my trust in people for a while. Friday was such a day. I was cleaning the windows of the shop I work in when I heared shouting. When I looked I saw a young guy, almost a kid, beating up a old man at the end of the street surrounded by bystanders who tried to help.
I ran inside to get our phone and when I called the police outside the kid passed me on his scooter so I could see his face and licenseplate.
The victim where helped by bystanders and was bleeding. He probably broke his nose.
I heared someone photographed the licenceplate so they lifted the guy from his bed early next morning. He was 16 years old. The old guy has asked him to quit driving on the sidewalk.
This kind of stuff makes me sad.
Just another day in my hometownā€¦



Checking in on day 2 :green_heart:


Checking in, day 61. I slept terribly and am now wide awake waiting for my children to appear. My sonā€™s birthday today and I am so proud of him. Keep thinking back over the last 14 years. What is it about birthdays that makes you look back?

I am going to leave it there as could write several paragraphs, feel like once I start writing it will turn into an essay. Feeling all out of sorts.


Checking in, Sunday hangover-free morning.

Headache is gone although I feel a bit weird still.
Iā€™m afraid you might be right @JennyH (Happy Birthday for your son) @icebear @happyfeet @CATMANCAM @JazzyS and itā€™s migraine.
Luckily I fall asleep pretty early yesterday and I had some good sleep so Iā€™m ready and happy for another sober day.

My two little kittens are with new family, 3rd day now. Iā€™m so grateful we found such a good ppl and they took both of them together. They are sending me fotos and updates, they are happy and cats seems happy, kids mention them from time to time but itā€™s better than I thought it would be.

Have a good Sunday everybody :revolving_hearts:



Rode my :bike: to work. Pretty quiet early morning commute. Glad I did it. Three shifts till my vacation. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Love your photos - your commute looks like youā€™re already on vacation ! :heart_eyes:
Hope you have a productive day at work. Three days to go :pray: X


Hey all, checking in on day 1176. I hope everybody has a good one!


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 21.

@Soberbilly @JazzyS @M-be-free49

Iā€™m still here yā€™all.
Currently having the cold from hell, so I havenā€™t really had the energy to do anything, not even log in here.
Iā€™ve checked occasionally, and now I saw that a lot of you have been asking where I went.

So I thought Iā€™d make a post, to not make yā€™all to worried.

My husband had to go back the the hospital because he got an infection in one of the wounds from the surgery. Heā€™s back home again and hopefully itā€™ll heal without a problem.

Iā€™ve managed to book the Halloween Party, the Ghost train ride and the Hotel Stay at Daftƶresort and Daftƶland as I was hoping for. (The Pirate Theme park)

Unfortunately we couldnā€™t go back to the Old Western theme park this weekend because of my husbands health and the rest of us being down by this cold. But hopefully the Halloween celebration at the Pirate Theme park makes up for it.

Me and the kids had been out for over a week, fever, headache,sore throat and cough. Iā€™m feeling a bit better today, but have barley no voice left. The curse of having a cold with asthma.

Iā€™m praying that my husband wonā€™t be sick, so weā€™ve more or less isolated him from us during all this. But this far he seems well. If he gets sick heā€™ll need to go back to the hospital.

The insurance (or as it is in our country FƶrsƤkringskassan owned by the government) wonā€™t give him a dime because they said that his Doctors opinion, which you have to send to them, wasnā€™t valid. So now weā€™re trying to get the doctor to write one they will approve. We have two weeks until they close the case and weā€™ll need to apply again. Which takes as minimum 9-12 months.

The pharmacy in our entire country is out of his meds so he has gotten new ones that doesnā€™t really do the trick. For me itā€™s a freaking mystery how a well developed country, with one of the highest tax rates and government owned pharmacies can be out of meds. But unfortunately itā€™s not unusual.

But overall, itā€™s all good.
Thank you all for looking after me, wishing yā€™all a great Sunday.

Iā€™m going to rest and hope that this cold is going to pass very soon.


Day 92. TW vomiting

The morning anxiety has worsened today. I woke just after 7 and just lay there worrying. I tried my breathing and to dulls the anxiety a little but then it builds again. Eventually when I did get out of bed I vomited several times and was shaking throughout my body. I made a pot of tea and went back to bed and did some puzzles, and then I had my shower (three ohms under a cold blast) and I went to the corner shop for some eggs so that I could make the kidā€™s pancakes. The smell of the cooking was getting to me so Iā€™ve come back through to the bedroom while they eat.
Iā€™ll get in touch with my GP first thing tomorrow morning as although I have an appointment in a couple of weeks I think I need to speak to her sooner rather than later. I have a fear of becoming depressed again, and I wonder if itā€™s happening again. Thanks @Soberbilly for your suggestions, I may ask about Cymbalta tomorrow.
Iā€™m still just drinking tea at the moment as I still donā€™t have an appetite but I did pick up some scones from the shop so I can have one of those once I feel better.
Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Get well soon, all of you at your house @MrsOdh ā€¦ I missed you too and just sent energy that whatever was wrong would get better. Glad you all have some nice plans to look forward too.
Thereā€™s drug shortages in the US too. Itā€™s sad and scary.

@Deelzebub hope youā€™ll get through your day okay and glad youā€™re going to see the GP sooner than later. Hugs for your instability youā€™re having ā€¦. I think of you as strong and stable but also realize that you have your ā€˜not as good as other timesā€™ times. Please eat a scone for me. Hope you can do something therapeutic like make the bread. Feel better soon. :purple_heart: Big hugs.


Oh Iā€™ve read about that in the news. So sad !


Hi Megan, sorry youā€™ve had to go through that with your friend and itā€™s created some panic for you as well. Iā€™m familiar with how unsettling and helpless that can feel. Just wanted to suggest 988 (suicide and crisis lifeline) for you and your friend. It has text, chat, and call options. (You can also reach out to them for support if you find yourself in the talking down situation again!) I hope you find a way to unpack your feelings as you go through this with your friend. Just remember to take care of yourself too! My therapist years ago gave me this nugget that changed my perspective on life/myself/my responsibilitiesā€¦ self preservation does not make you selfish! If it becomes too much for you, donā€™t feel bad involving someone else who is better equipped and not emotionally tied to the situation. :heart: sending you strength and love. Please reach out if you need any extra support. Signed, a-hot-mess-social-worker-who-knows-lots-of-resources-who-sucks-at-using-them-herself


1.95 no marijuana
46.63 no smoking :no_smoking:
115.56 no alcohol

Just checking in :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in, day 53.


Good morning all. Iā€™m here, todayā€™s plansā€¦ crush it and wake up to that 9 on the counter tomorrow. Trying to hit an online SMART meeting today. Ordered the workbook and it should be here today. Always swore off meetings and we see where that got me. Insanity. Going to try something different this time, I know AA isnā€™t for me, so figured Iā€™d give SMART a go. They have meetings for military/veterans, so want to check those out too. Other than that, just going to enjoy this beautiful sober Sunday. Oh and hopefully the tattoo artist gets back to me and I can go get some ink therapy today. :crossed_fingers:t3:

@Just_Laura hope every gets to feeling better in your house! The allergies have been kicking our butt here too. The wonky weather has been giving us hell! Sending healing vibes to you and your fam.
@SoberWalker that is awful! Sorry you had to witness that! Iā€™ve found that Iā€™m starting to sound like my parents/grandparents when I say some kids really need a good spanking. Lol
@Juli1 congrats on 2 days! Keep kicking ass! :muscle:t3:
@Soberbilly Congrats on being so close to the number we will not mention!!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

Happy sober Sunday yā€™all!!!


Had to wait to post because TS told my Iā€™m an over-enthusiastic Chatty Cathyā€¦ so I got that going for me today!! :joy::joy::joy:

Jokeā€™s on you, TS. You arenā€™t the 1st to say that about me. My mother was so proud that every elementary teacher I had put that on my report card! :smirk: