Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Less coffee
Water is key today

Stay strong everyone
Let’s get through today clean and sober


Checking in on day 70
Bit of a headache, but besides that, I’m feeling great and mentally clear.
Happy Sunday :white_heart:


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 567
Morning TS! Hope everyone is well today. Im really enjoying my day off from work. I actually decided to go grocery shopping since hubby is home to watch our son. We needed a big shop done so i took the wagon. Heading to Walmart now :slight_smile:
I dont feel completely rested but i do feel better than yesterday. Idk why i cant seem to get a good nights rest lately. Its a mystery to me haha Going to stay focused on my health today. Not going to let things get mw down. Much love :butterfly:


Long weekend alot of my demons this trying to get the best of me but life is changing hope for the better but still have a lot of work to do just want to be mia


Checking in at 208 days AF. Beautiful day here. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


@catmancam hoping your letter to yourself is going well – we are here if you need us. We all love you and hoping that you can now start loving you with same compassion. :people_hugging:

Man oh man – fuck that indeed! I am grateful that you freed yourself and am in awe with how you are handling this (grateful for your spiritual path). Grateful that the Tara Brach course is so fruitful for you! I do hope you are feeling lighter and at more peace today.
@jennyh sometimes we need to let paragraphs flow out of us. I do hope that you and yours had a wonderful time celebrating your sons 14th Birthday. How are you feeling now – lack of sleep gets me all out of sorts for sure (hope you were able to get some resting time in today).
@mrsodh so great to hear from you Sophia – congrats on your 21 days of sobriety! Hope you and the kids get well soon. Sorry that your husband had an infection – hope he is healing well at home now. Fingers crossed that all the insurance stuff gets sorted out quickly and without hassle for you. I know its still a bit away but looking forward to the Halloween festivities you have planned.
@deelzebub that is an awful way to wake up – I am so sorry love. I do hope that you were able to start feeling better and enjoy some scones. Grateful that you are not waiting and will contact your GP tomorrow. You do not need to suffer even one extra day (hopefully can figure something to provide relief).

Isn’t this always the case – we know deep down the answers and can easily come up with them for others but somehow forget them when we are in need of them. This is why I love this community so much – I try to re-read my answers or take others answers for someone else’s posts and apply them to me. Totally helps! Love that you are the Chatty Cathy – love your enthusiasm. Great having you here with us Quin.
@tyland I’m sorry for the struggles – are you able to either go to or jump on a meeting online? Being around people going through same stuff might be helpful. We are also right here if you want to talk about it with us. Long weekends are hard as we are wired to think about enjoying them with some sort of drinking activities. We can still enjoy those activities sober – a thing we need to rewire our brains into seeing. I do hope you can find a way to keep yourself active so that the urges don’t have time to occupy your thoughts.

Checking in - still addiction free and no urges. Not much else to report.


Late check in tonight…but I am 1 week sober, a little less excited than last time but a little bit wiser too, my husband took me out all day with Coops to take my mind off the weekend, another lovely day and it has been great, actually being out and enjoying the sun rather than lying on the couch feeling ill with the blinds closed and terrified somebody would come in because I had the weekend paranoia and fear :woman_facepalming:

Yesterday was exhausting trying to get through but I made it and made it through today, I am on annual leave for the next 2 weeks from work and this is going to be a test, and it begins tomorrow when I go out for lunch with a couple of friends, this has been arranged way before I decided enough was enough.

Now this would usually be a few wines with food but not tomorrow for me and my friends already know this, the problem is they still drink and like a wine or 2 with food and I don’t feel like I have a right to tell them not to as this is my addiction not theirs but I suppose I need to learn to deal with this situation at some point as I can’t avoid every situation where alcohol is involved.

Fingers crossed this doesn’t set me back, hope everyone has a great day :heart:


Hey Chatty Cathy welcome! :joy: It’s been a beautiful Sunny Sober Sunday where I am too :heart:


Day 2, 15 hours

Some cravings were rolling over me today.
I remembered the inventory of stress my addiction caused. Exercise of the program. Only some points, the list is long. It helped.

Had a wonderful drive back home on the highway with this pinky heaven. Clear mind. Loving heart.



2y 11m 2d
Got a cold from Hubby. He’s had it for a week already so I thought I dodged that bullet but no. I have 2 days off so it’s very convenient to spend my free time sick :-1:t2: meh. Well, it is it what it is.


Checkin in for day 6.


Day 27
Its been a good weekend, I got my apartment cleaned and have made several meetings, going to take it easy the rest of the day. Hope everyone is having a good day


Congrats on 1 week! Be strong my friend- buckle down with your tools to help you.
Kerp yourself busy and occupied so that you can stay clear of the urges.

Its best to protect your sobriety- especially on the early days when we are super vulnerable. It is ok to cancle plans if you think you may be tempted to drink. I am sure your friends would understand. If they dont know about your sobriety you could say you hust were not feeling well.

Keep up with the hard work :muscle:


LMAO! :joy::joy::joy:
@JazzyS thanks, Jasmine! It’s definitely true. It’s my first sober weekend in years. With a 3 day weekend on top of it, I was pretty worried about blowing it this weekend. However, I’ve found I’m enjoying my weekend much more than when I was laying on the couch all weekend feeling like a bag of dog turds. So I’m sure I’ll get less chatty, but being active on here has saved my ass this weekend and kept me in a really great headspace. So thank you all for putting up with me! Lol
@Saturn81 thank you, Michelle! Congrats on getting that week!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: glad your husband has helped keep you busy and distracted. I Hope tomorrow goes well for you! Do you have an exit plan in case you start struggling? Hoping your friends would be understanding in the event you need to excuse yourself! But you got this!!! :heart:


new haircut!

just by coincidence i got the same girl who cut my hair last time and last time I was really crushing on her and this time I got her number just to be friends but who knows maybe one day it’ll be more. if not she seems like a really cool person to be friends with either we talked about the movie Coraline the whole haircut


@JazzyS thank you so much it’s so appreciated, your always so supportive :sparkling_heart: your in everyone’s corner just cheering for us all :blush: @Qhob13 @JazzyS so this catch up with friends has been cancelled many times and it’s been by us all for some reason and we all promised this catch up would be a definite, I would feel terrible cancelling, but after my last post tonight my friend asked us back to hers after lunch for a dip in the hot tub and drinks “but no pressure on me to drink, just hot tub” (this friend doesn’t understand) so I replied saying I was planning on taking the car and would pick them up and drop them off after as I needed to go home for Coops, my dog would be fine until my husband was home but I used him as an excuse anyway, now I could leave my car and still drink, that is still a possibility as tomorrow is tomorrow but I’m trying everything in my power to have a good sober day :crossed_fingers: right now I have so much determination to be on here tomorrow after my lunch and say “checking in on day 8” :heart:


Glad you are using doggo as an excuse.
I get it - not wanting to cancel plans yet again. Maybe call place a head of time to see what non alcoholic beverages they have to offer or what mocktails they are able to make. So far i’ve only run into one place that was not accommodating and then i just got lime and soda water.

May even want to possibly skip the hot tub for tomorrow. I’m sure it will be hard to do once you all get together the the catch up session starts. You know you best - just have this out in case you start feeling urges at lunch. It will be much harder to pass up relaxing in a hot tub laughing and having fun (at least it would be for me).
We are only seconds away so reach out to us before / during /after - whenever you need!

Love the determination and this thought alone kept me sober when i went out to meet up with a friend at a bar – i really did not want to come home and say that i had caved. You are stronger than the addiction :muscle:


Cute cut Megan :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

happy for your connection made today :heart:


You are so right, I am definitely not going back for the hot tub, I have already said this, I just can’t, I will drop everyone off and say I need to be home for Coops, like you said I know me absolutely and if I go back for that hot tub day I won’t come back for I don’t know how long, this is a big challenge really early in and I’m so aware of it and terrified, thanks for your constant support Jasmine :heart:


This made me smile. Not because you’re not well, obviously. But me and my husband ALWAYS share colds. If one gets sick, the other is sure to follow. At this point we’re used to taking turns looking after one-another.

Hope you get better soon!