Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Yessss!!! Great attitude to have going into it! Glad you have an exit plan in place, it will be much better than trying to exit on the spot. Hoping you can enjoy your get together without too much temptation. Looking forward to your check in tomorrow! :heart: Stay strong, you got this!!! :muscle:t3:


@CATMANCAM I love all your numbers. Be kind with yourself. You are very loved and respected here!
Day 6 here. Tired and not doing well with management of time.


Sober but sick. Maybe flu but idk. All I know is I had a fever dream Friday night that I used and drank and I woke up TERRIFIED that it was true. Even being sick and woozy now feels like I’m coming down from being high. I don’t know why this is happening right now but I hate this feeling.


Hope you are feeling better! It does sound like migrane and they are no fun. Sending hugs! Xo


Congratulations on ur week!!! Great work!!!


I actually cant believe its 40-something days. Just taking a deep breath. Its been a long time since i got this many days in a row, and I havent felt this well doing it. So grateful for you all here.

Bit tired. Getting ready for date night in with hubby (if and when we get kids off to sleep). Wish us luck! Xo.


Hope you all are enjoying the weekend. Been nice here, no more than a few moments of craving. Grateful to wake up feeling well and spending time with the family this weekend. Day 16 :white_check_mark:


Thanks i appreciate your input i just cant put myself out there to much the way people are this days


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 567
Pretty good day overall. I am so glad that i took work off to recharge. I really needed it.
Im feeling good about things today. Lots of gratitude present in my life. I went grocery shopping today and having full cupboards, a full fridge and freezer, fresh fruit and healthy options to eat, makes me very grateful for my recovery. I was able to have a nap today. I spent time with my family and had a nice hot shower just now. Im feeling good :+1: I have eaten well and taken care of my body. Worked on my DBT program for a bit also. All n all it was a very calm and relaxed day! And tmrw is the beginning of a new week (Monday is my fav day of the week), so im excited about that!!! Hope everyone is doing well today also! :butterfly:


Congrats 60 days how exciting. I think it is great how you and others share your progress and milestones met. It is a big celebration every day!:tada:


Checking in on day 814. Was hoping to be back home from traveling but missed a connecting flight and am stuck in Chicago. At least the airline sprung for a hotel. Drinking hotel room chamomile tea and trying to decompress. Much love


I LOVE Coraline! I used to put it on every single night to fall asleep. That or The Nightmare Before Christmas. Fresh cut :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in with 58 months sober.
First day back at work in Germany. One week then another week off. Counting the days.


Checking In:

Day 159

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: A lil easier everyday :pray:


Day 338
First day at work after catching Covid and being sick for 2 weeks. Feels okay now, but we’ll see how I feel this evening. If it’s too much I won’t hesitate to ask my Dr for another sick note for one more week. I’m masked up again in the train and got already some, let’s say, interesting looks.
I’m tired as hell bc I only slept like 3 hours. My sleeping rhythm is messed up but it will get better.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Day 200! Whoot whoot! I just like whole numbers :crazy_face:

I’m glad I slept good the past couple nights bc the next few are gonna be brutal. Heat advisory til at least Wednesday, no AC. I might cave next year, but I say that every year ($25 summer electric bills are pretty sweet). Then having to get used to the new school/work schedule. When my daughter’s in school I switch to a couple lunch shifts a week so I can have weeknights at home, and not need a sitter. It’s a bit less money but time is more valuable to me. I’ve wasted too much of it.

As far as I know I bought everything we needed for school today. I’m gonna organize and go through it all tomorrow to make sure. And I managed to get to some of the cleaning. But guess what didn’t get done? (It rhymes with wishes) Ah well. Tomorrow’s another day…that I’m planning to fully enjoy outside of my house.

Hope you all have a good one! :heart:


Day 3

I am happy I didn’t drink for 3 days.
I wrote down my commitment to not drink today, no matter what.
I want sobriety :heart:


@Just_Laura congrats on 200 days :tada: feel better soon :people_hugging: 🩵
@SoberWalker that sounds awful to witness, I hope you’re okay :people_hugging:🩵
@MrsOdh congrats on 3 weeks :tada: I hope you and your family all feel better soon. :people_hugging:🩵
@Deelzebub I hope you are feeling better by now and got to speak to your doctor :people_hugging:🩵
@Katiee congrats on 70 days :tada:
@Saturn81 congrats on your week :tada:
@Olivia feel better soon :people_hugging: 🩵
@SadMemeQueen I like your hair, it suits you, so nice you’ve made a friend too :blush: 🩵
@Bomdhil thank you :blush: 🩵
@Rebabeeba feel better soon :people_hugging: 🩵

1119 days no alcohol.
584 days no cocaine.
99 days no vape.

Slept late. Did my morning routine, read one chapter of the book I’m reading, and did my AM walk. Then for my ‘compassionate letter’ I wrote :

Dear Camden,

I know you are struggling right now. I know life has been very traumatic, and I know it continues to be. I want you to know that I am proud of you, because no matter how many times you think you have failed, I see that you have never given up. You are always trying to do better, and be better, and I admire your tenacity. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you have came a really long way, and you’ve found ways to manage your own mental health and recovery journeys. I know you are really struggling with, and suffering from, your eating disorder, but remember that new hope is now in sight. I know you will engage with the help and support, and I have faith in you even though I know you have doubts. I’m learning how I can be here for you, which I understand is new to you, and I may have to earn your trust, but I’m rooting for you every step of the way. Please try to remember how far you have come, and to give yourself some grace. I care about you more than you may ever comprehend.

All my love,


Feel extremely vulnerable sharing that here, but in a good way I think. I don’t know where it came from, I didnt read the example letter nor the prompts, I just typed.

Insomnia has me awake tonight, haven’t slept at all and it’s now 6:30am. I need to go to collect my parcel, and I need to shower before catching the bus to therapy.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@CATMANCAM it was very heartwarming to read, I truly adore it, yours letter to yourself. I hope one day I will be ready to do this for myself as well.

“Funny” how I often hear I’m not doing anything at home, especially cleaning, but last 2 days I didn’t feel good and I really didn’t clean and now house is in such a mess I don’t even know where to start. I think I will start with 2nd coffee :slight_smile:



Monday off. Two early shifts to go. Then no more work for the rest of the month! I love my job but I am ready for a break. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love. Pic is another one from my commute yesterday.
@CATMANCAM Thanks for sharing Camden. Beautiful. Hope your therapy is good. Hugs X
@Mischa84 We’ll have that second coffee together. Gezellig! :coffee: :sunglasses: