Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Thank you so much for sharing this my loveley friend! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


2.87 no pot
47.54 no smoking :no_smoking:
116.87 no alcohol

Iā€™m in a good mood this morning
Iā€™m leaving for work in 40min but Iā€™m out in the early evening

Me and the wifey had a very serious talk about everything last night. She had some things on her mind that I accidentally dug up from her past because of my paranoia. I should have talked and took the answers she gave me and if itā€™s in the past, I should just let it be until she would need to talk about it. She has ptsd so it not easily talked about
We learned a lot about each other but not under easy conditions. All I can do is be there for her. We are both in a much better mood this morning

Thatā€™s all for now
Take care


Thank you for sharing this. Iā€™m inspired to write one. I admire your tenacity, too.


Hey all, checking in on day 1177. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking with 9 days AF :dancer:t4:

@Just_Laura Way to go, Laura!! 200 days!!! Congrats!!! :clap:t3::tada: Iā€™m glad you are able to adjust your shifts to get more time with your daughter! As I watch how quickly my kids are growing up, Iā€™ve realized how much more valuable time with them through these years is so much more valuable than money! :heart: Glad you are sober and enjoying it! (I hate rhymes with wishes!) thereā€™s always tomorrow!
@Juli1 Congrats on 3 days, Julia, you got this! Hell week sucks! My mantraā€¦ Keep Fucking Going!
@CATMANCAM that was beautiful, Camden! Thanks for sharing something so raw and vulnerable with us! :heart:
@Mischa84 I feel your pain! :joy: Boo on your tribe for saying you donā€™t do anything!! When my people get me pissed off, I go on strike. They panic, apologize, and are working on negotiating my return to duty by dinner time! Lol Definitely a 2nd coffee before cleaning! Maybe a 3rd. You clean when youā€™re good and ready!
@Soberbilly keep it up, Billy! Iā€™m just here to save my front row seat for when you hit the number we will (still) not mention! :clap:t3::clap:t3:

Edited to add: Happy Sober Labor Day!!! (US peeps)


Day 1118

After getting Covid I got the biggest coldsore of my life, it was getting better, but it feels like it is coming back again. Old immune system is still not 100% it seems. The kids are back at school, so am back to checking on homework, making sure I do washing daily so they have clean school clothes and so on. I was at home all day alone and binged a J-drama on Netflix, but still finished my reading for the book club later.


Day 233.

So tomorrow is NEW LAPTOP DAY. Iā€™ve been actually jumping around the room in joy. It might sound sad, but Iā€™m so excited to have a laptop that doesnā€™t lag when I work. My productivity should go way up. AND itā€™s go a keyboard that lights up, so I will be able to type away in less than favourable light conditions.


Checking in for day 42.


Checking in, day 54ā¤ļø


Checking in
@Just_Laura 200 days is fantastic you should be so proud of that :heart:
@CATMANCAM that was lovely to read and emotional thanks for sharing it
@Juli1 your doing great, lets not drink today :blush:

I went for my lunch and it was nice to have a catch up with some friends Iā€™ve not seen in a while, it was very difficult sitting while my ā€œhot tubā€ friend was guzzling down wine and kept asking why I wasnā€™t drinking, and everytime I told her my drinking is out of control and Iā€™m stopping she just shrugged it off and said ā€œyouā€™ve said this beforeā€ and laughed.

I have said it before many many times, like everyone on the planet who has woke up to a horrendous hangover and said Iā€™m never drinking again, but this time I mean it, I didnā€™t go back to my friends for drinks and hot tub and dropped one of my other friends off home and went home too.

@Soberbilly you are right, this friend is not a supportive friend at all, she drinks like I used to and the amount of times she asked me to just have a wine, leave the car, come back to mines and get my husband to pick me up, drink drink drink, and your right, I donā€™t need to make excuses either, my other 2 friends that were with us are lovely and supportive and Iā€™m now having to think about who I want in my life now, because the lunch was hard but my friend made it just about unbearable.

But I didnā€™t drink and I can say Iā€™m 8 days sober :heart:

Hope everyone has a great day :blush:


Checking in for day 71 :white_heart:


Hi, Michelle! Iā€™ve been looking forward to your post-lunch check in today! 8 daysā€¦ hell yeeeahhh!!! :muscle:t3: Glad you made it through lunch! So sorry your ā€œfriendā€ made your get together unenjoyable! But happy to hear you had a couple friends present that were supportive. Itā€™s so hard when we have to question friendships. Even though you found it nearly unbearable, Iā€™m sure with reflection youā€™ll find things you learned about your boundaries, triggers, sobriety, and friendships. Regarding your ā€œfriendā€ who was pressuring you, Iā€™ve found people like that are insecure about themselves and deal with their own internal shame by keeping others down in the mud with them. Misery loves company!! Your sobriety is threatening to someone who isnā€™t in a good spot. If you stay drunk with her, she doesnā€™t have to fear your judgment or look in the mirror. Stay strong friend!! :heart:


Day 989,

Back in the centre. Had the make a family constitution during therapy. Made may mother, father, brother, mother of my son and my son out of clay in symbols. Never ever did I feel part of a normal functioning family. I did put myself far far away from them (my ex and son not included). Those emotions are making me very tired if not for the thyroid. The therapist asked why I then went to go the sleep at my parents place on Friday. I just keep looking for acknowledgment, but I know I need to start giving myself some grace or whatever. Resentments towards them is building up while typing. Medication for my ADHD didnā€™t start today due to an error, but will start tomorrow, hopefully that has a positive effect on my busy head and energy level.

Greetz :pray:


Thanks for your beautiful post :cry::pray:


Day 3 and 12 hours

Sober and at home.
No shit in the fridge.

Some important decisions todayā€¦

  • Decision to joyn an online meeting in refuge recovery. I felt welcome. I felt connected. Didnā€™t share yet. But I feel having a place I can go to. The inventory of stressors helped me with the cravings yesterday.
  • Decision against wanting this guy anymore.
  • Decision to swim alone this morning.
  • Decision not to swim once more in the evening to c him, although my body needs resting.
  • Decision for an evening at home, some yin yoga, skincare and a healthy dinner.
  • Decision not to let my landlord trigger me or push any buttons with his blabla shit and behavior. Itā€™s just these 1,5 seconds I have to get, to smile calm (and a bit creapy lol) and answer uninterested and calm (and most important not sharing things of my life, as i need to protect from this person - boundaries).

So, I made a lot of decisions and I am sober! I wonā€™t drink today and probably not tomorrow :heart:

I noticed that I was deeper in a toxic bullshit ā€œfriendship anythingā€ then I realised. I made a mindshift, that this is not at all the kind of person I want closer in my life. I pushed him down the imaginary podest, I feel less attraction. I keep on working myself out of these tendencies (eg by setting boundaries in more simple situations in life) and hope for healing experiences one day.

Bit more of my life on day 3.
Much love :black_heart:


Second check in

The day was really good. After arriving at home from work I immediately started baking for my birthday tomorrow. I made a lemon cake and snicker dates. Both extremely yummy :yum:
Now dinner is on the stove and I finally have time to sit on my couch to write this.
After eating Iā€™ll shower and then finish the cake (frosting).
@Juli1 good job girl :muscle: Onto the next 24 hours :+1:


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 568
Today is a holiday so there isnt much going on. Hubby went to tattoo and im staying home with our boy. Its a very cool, rainy, and smokey day out there. Not very plesant lol

Anyway, I woke up early for a workout and am going to prep my salad for lunch shortly. Going to eat well today and work on my DBT book. Will probably do my nails later and will find some fun things to do with my son also. Just a very relaxed day.
Im praying we have homecare for my aon tonight. We havent received the schedule for Sept and i found out that our nurse for tonight and tmrw night is on vacation. Soooo praying that someone shows up at 10pm for their shift. I tried to call the office and someone did answer surprisingly (even tho its a holiday), but idk if this person can access the schedule and find this info out for me. They are going to try their best and call me back. I just want to know so that i can maybe prepare myself in case I have to be awake again all night. These overnights are brutal and it literally takes me about 2 days to recover from them.

Not much else happening today. Just another clean and sober day! Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


I felt totally fed up after I got home but now Iā€™m sitting sober in my garden with Coops relaxing in the sun, and thinking I shouldnā€™t be feeling fed up I should be proud because I f***ing smashed today :joy::muscle:

Your right about my friend, she demands and expects a lot from everyone, especially from me as I was her wine buddy, she seen today how serious I am about stopping drinking and iā€™m working my ass off to change, so it wouldnā€™t be a huge surprise if contact from her slowly started to dry up, but unfortunately I come first :woman_shrugging: thanks for thinking about me today and the support itā€™s really appreciated :heart:


You are doing really great ODAAT :muscle::heart:


Beautiful reflection on today! You should be damn proud!!! :heart: Feeling fed up is totally valid after your experience at lunch. Not drinking about it, but choosing to instead take a pause, sit in your feelings and come to that conclusion is a huge step. :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: Also a huge accomplishment to fucking smash today instead of getting fucking smashed!!! Great that you and Coops are soaking up the sun in the garden, Iā€™m sure it is a much better time than you would have had sitting in that hot tub with a questionable friend! :dog: