Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Checking in day 18 no alcohol and day 5 no cannabis with an attitude of gratitude. Ready for the day ahead


Day 164

Still here and still sober thank god. Today I had one of the best performances in my life and Iā€™m so happy to have had a great team and institution behind me. Feeling beyond blessed. One my closest friends is visiting from Paris and afterwards we went dancing with another good friend and it ended up raining but that didnā€™t stop us from getting down to the beat. Such a great day. Iā€™m sending everyone so much love. Thank you all for everything!

This is from my performance. 160 people registered but 300 people ended up coming!!! Everything used in the show is biodegradable and organic so Iā€™m really proud of this one. People loved it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You look so majestic!


Oh my goodness, Delia! Iā€™ve missed you! How are you? And thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Checking in sober day 27.

Thunderstorms came through again this afternoon and making my head hurt. I got a walk in early today then had a lazy day. Getting bored. But not going to drink today.


4 days alcohol free. Today I did something different - started the day with an early morning meditation meeting and wow it really gave me a high for the whole day. I love meditation especially in the group setting.

Driving home from the meeting I passed a store called ā€˜Party Martā€™ that was all lit up with alcohol in all the windows. A bright Mecca beckoning on a rainy gloomy morning. Itā€™s crazy how much my brain still responds to that. But I had zero desire to drink. I observed the thought and reminded myself that itā€™s all just poison no matter how you dress it up. If the feeling had persisted I would have called somebody. I wonā€™t take these thoughts lightly ever again. Happy sober weekend all :yellow_heart::relieved:


Love your picture :heartpulse::heart:
That looks like my kinda thing. Keep posting pictures :blush:


I am so sorry my friend. I do know what you mean and i really donā€™t know how you do it with young kids around.

Have you received the test results back yet? Any luck with the higher dosage of meds? If meds arenā€™t helping - maybe reach out and let you doctor know. You shouldnā€™t be dealing with this much pain and anxiety. I do hope you find relief in your symptoms soon. Sending you hugs my friend :people_hugging: :partying_face: :heart:


Hello friends, checking in on day 792. On holiday with the family. Went for a beautiful hike in the hills today and had a nice dinner at a restaurant. Emotions are a bit of a rollercoaster right now but I feel like Iā€™m ok. Iā€™m way behind here, but I hope everyone is doing well. Much love.


Man what a day itā€™s been. Girls had theyre friend over and her little brother came over too so I had 4 kids I was responsible for. We rode are bikes down to the park and I canā€™t tell you how stressed I was with traffic and two of them on training wheels, ugh I feel so drained and tired. the other two are back with Mom and me and my girls had dinner. Much love


Checking in
Day 545
Today has been decent actually. Beautiful fall like weather out there today. I took my son to get his back to school haircut this morning. Then came home to do dishes. I stayed home today from work bcuz my husband had to tattoo. But once he got home we went for a walk to the bakery and thru the park. We picked up a beautiful loaf of sourdough bread and then we each grabbed a danish for later. Grateful for that time with family. I worked on Chapter 2 of my DBT book. Lots of good info to read and exercises to do. Im learning alot about myself and my ED. Anyway, im grateful for this day and grateful to be clean and sober! :butterfly:


Still kind of blah. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s because Iā€™m not usingā€¦ I think itā€™s my home environment. Depression has sunk its claws in and holding on a little too tightly some days. Iā€™m proud of myself though. Depression used to hit hard and thatā€™s when Iā€™d be like (eh oh well letā€™s just make the call and be numb for a few days) now Iā€™m just riding the wave and holding on to sobriety for dear life.


Checking in 11.88 days free from vaping. Turns out my strategy when i have too much time on my hands is to nap. Just woke up from a 3hr nap. Oh well. At least im not vaping another day


wow - This is awesome progress! I am very sorry for the depression love - i do hope you are able to find relief from it very soon. Sending you much love and strength - so proud of all the hard work you are putting in daily! :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :heart:


Good work crew. Many messages of gratitude and determination, can usually get the medicine I need here is this community.
Went to dinner tonight for my sisters birthday and stayed sober. 12 days now , the longest stretch in over 10 yrs. How about 24 more!ā€¦ good night all


Checking in. 44 days without alcohol.


@trustybird Hey Emilie how are your challenges going love?

Love this ā€“ thank you for sharing!
@Mischa84 Checking in to see how you are doing?
@Katiee You are doing great with 48 days. Sorry that you are dealing with high anxiety today. Saw this post today that you may find beneficial Gratitude and anxiety Hope you had a good Saturday. So good to see you DJ . Glad you are doing well and looking fabulous as usual! Grateful that you had a great show! Have fun connecting with your friend

This is beautiful ā€“ I too find that starting the day and when possible ending the day with meditation really helps keep me centered and helps make it easier for me to fight the urges.

Damn skippyā€”kicking vapeā€™s ass! I did rely heavily on sleep when I quit smoking.

Checking in Saturday night
234 days free of alcohol and weed
649 days free of cigarettes
Yeah - i did not feel well today at all. Pain was intense at times but really the fatigue and non stop itching (luckily i cut nails before too many deep scratches). Rashes again - UGH. I did manage 5k in steps and that is about it - couldnā€™t concentrate on mediation - did watch 3 moves :crazy_face: (Friday the 13th 2 and 3 and Happiness for Beginners). I did manage to cook and bake for tomorrow. I am now super exhausted and going to turn in fully sober! Hoping everyone has a positively charged addiction free day - sending much love! :heart: :heart:


Yes it is! Thank you for remembering Lisa :hugs:


Congratulations @Charlie_C on the 1001 and counting, ODAAT! You have been a tremendous inspiration to many! I looked for a 1001 meme for you but will have to settle for the 1000! So proud of you and your accomplishment! Celebrate every day!


Day 307 sober