Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

So Checking-in is not the place to do it ? Or I am doing it wrong ? I don’t get it…


Please don’t feel shy about having your own thread. You obviously enjoy expressing yourself and that would be a great way to do it and track progress. I will look out for your other thread.

Sorry I misunderstood before, but don’t worry too much about past issues. I know the tendency to reflect like that but it is better to let go and move on.

You aren’t checking in wrong I don’t think, I think we were offering another way for you to journal as that is important to you.


Of course you can do this. Sometimes people want to make it more personal. You don’t do it wrong. There is apart from community guidelines no right or wrong in how we can post.


Thank you! I’ll try that. All of it. I mean, there’s got to be a strategy where I actually do succeed in staying sober for real.

I have to talk with my kids. They saw me drinking yesterday. And I feel like I need to explain what happened and that I’m having a new plan. I don’t really change behavior when I drink I’m just as crazy when I’m sober. But I know it worries them when I drink. And I know I’ve hurt their trust drinking again, despite my promise. I can’t skip that talk.

Still feel like shit though even if the hangover is getting better minute by minute.


I’m glad you are still here. We all make mistakes, they’re our lessons.


@JennyH @Diamonster Creating another thread. No I think that would be too much of me. Also I don’t like to talk too much. Sometimes when I do - I do. I guess I became a little bit addicted to just check-in in or creating a gif or whatever is on my mind that gives a lot of information for myself to analise.
Creating another thread. I don’t feel like doing it. Reason was negativity and running away from it and creating new thread just to avoid it does not feels right to me. My point was to solve problems and tension out. So again.

If there are someone that feels offended, or insulted or hurt by me - Please PM me.
Let’s talk



Strange day to begin my workweek for me. Back to the train station and my commute in a couple of hours. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Which includes staying free of our DOC’s or whatever comes our way, or we wouldn’t be here. Love.

@MrsOdh Sophia. As to the why: maybe that’s something to find out later, once you got your sober footing again. I do think it is a thing you should research. But not today. For now just cry out and start again. One day at a time for all of us.
@zzz Day 0 is never the best day for big decisions. Being hungover means feeling negative. Get yourself together first and take your time. This thread is for everyone. Why not do both? Your own thread and post here? Just an idea.
@AlexWayhill What happened Sascha? Any lesson to be learned? For yourself and maybe for all?


Oh no I did not relapsed :sweat_smile:
It’s Day :two::nine:
It’s just that zero become sort of my avatar :o2: for me.
It has deeper meaning for me.


Oww. OK. :exploding_head: you got me there


And :zzz: is not about sleeping, but about waking up. Why to relapse when I am so happy and living my Dreams. Waiting friend to come pick me up and we will do longer run today. He’s driving - I’m on a passenger seat :sunglasses: Trying to avoid driving on weekends after spending like 11 hours a day on wheels at work :sweat_smile:
Ofcourse I will not try to push above 10k because I am still not ready. 5k+ today is a deal.
Better than Yesterday >>>X<<< Not as good as Tomorrow.
It is what you get when you are living in a >>>Now<<<
It’s what I learner from my Friend @Mno :mountain_biking_man:


Dear zzz, I gather that you are a somewhat sensitive person who tries to be considerate to everybody.

However (re: what I quoted): So what? Let them. Let other people feel their own feelings and have their own thoughts and opinions.
You are not required to please everybody (even though you might like to).
If someone really doesn’t want to see your posts, they can click on your profile and set your status to “ignored”.

Sometimes we don’t understand other people. Almost always we cannot control them.
Between humans, attempts at control often result in disappointment, frustration, anger, and resentment.

So my advice is: “Let It Be” :wink:

And please carry on just being yourself.

P.S. – Now I’m a little worried that you might be using a spreadsheet to keep track of who likes your posts and who doesn’t. (JOKE!) :wink:


Just focus on moving forwards. No alcohol at home makes sense.:+1:


Thank u :slight_smile: i am just going to stay focused, humble and keep learning


Yes I am very sensitive but that I do not concider as a weakness. Thank You. You are not on the list :white_check_mark: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
Good Joke :joy: trully laughing


Day 2227. Have to practis a message (energetic head) which I have yo do for real this afternoon. Mike likes it :roll_eyes:


I never cry over anything. I don’t have that ability. What I do is making a new plan if something doesn’t work out. And that’s what I have now.
Honesty I think I know why. But I’m not sure it matters. Guess I needed this, a hard reminder of how bad it actually is. How bad it makes me feel,and that I for sure don’t have the ability to stop or control myself.
A though lession. But at least I have a new plan.
I’ve talked to the boys this morning, to my husband, to friends and family.
Explained what happened, that I have a new plan of getting sober and told them to not bring alcohol here, or gift us any kind of alcohol. Not sure everyone liked it. But it is what it is. Thank you for always encouraging me. I appreciate that.


I’m very glad that you came to this site and that you have the support that you do here. I’m glad that you feel awful today and that you see where you can make a change. And now your day has gone through a good bit and you talk to your family and your children and want liquor out of the house. There’s nothing wrong with wanting alcohol/ liquor out of the house. You can’t handle it.
I’m proud of you for making the steps forward that you did today. One day at a time. Big hugs



“ You became like very close Friends to me. Like Sober Family.”

Both of these. Both of these are very beneficial to staying sober on the drug or food or behavior of choice.
I enjoy your posts and I’m glad that you are here.


Thank you. I’m glad that I have y’all over here to get me through things like this.
And I’m glad everything turned out the way it did.
Hopefully I’ve made it a little easier for myself to keep going forward and stay sober.


I’ve missed our Artists Way thread! The school holidays have meant that my priorities have been the kids, and that’s satisfying to a degree but I really want to get back into doing stuff for myself again. It’s just next week they go back to school and I’m planning on getting right back to the morning pages. There’s loads of odd jobs around the house that need doing too. I wold have replied last night but I fell asleep after dinner (8pm or so) and that was me for the night. I had met a friend for coffee and we ended up going for a walk. I clocked up 16,500 steps so that may be why I got so sleepy!