Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

every Saturday. been doing it my whole life. it’s complicated because I’m allowed to see my grandpa but I don’t drive and neither does he. and my mom works two jobs so it’s difficult to find time to have someone take me. I’m really hoping to get my license soon driving is just so difficult for me


Checking in on day 793. Another bit of a rollercoaster day. Really working through some issues with my past and confronting some of the things that I “drank at” as they say. Feeling really happy to be going to bed sober tonight. Tomorrow is a new day. Much love, sober friends


Checking in day 12.69 free from all addictions. Chewing on straws as needed. Cravings are better today. Fuck that first craving as i wake up. That is all.


A sober day. Drove over to Chatsworth House about an hour away. Home of the Duke of Devonshire since the 16th Century, the family still live here today.






Sober day in Dino Park. Kids excitement - over 9000 :wink:


We just drove back from that part of the world. I really want to go there, but possibly without the kids. Beautiful photos.

Edit to add, I went there about 20 years ago, when the BBC Pride & Prejudice was still fairly recent. Loved it!


@Butterflymoonwoman thank you :blush:🩵 and congrats on 18 months :tada:
@JazzyS thank you 🩵 I’m glad you were able to get out and see your cousin, and I hope you enjoyed the movie :blush:
@HolySquid @Brian1965uk thanks both for sharing stunning photos :camera_flash: :blush:

1098 days no alcohol.
563 days no cocaine.
78 days no vape.

Fell asleep before it even got dark enough to close my curtains or put my lamp on last night! I slept all the way through til 6am too, fed the cats, played the parts of my Pokémon game that I play every morning, then went back to sleep for what I call my ‘meds nap’ (usually around an hour).

Did my morning routine, caught-up with check-ins here begore posting my check-in for yesterday, watered my plants, and read a chapter of my new book about Complex PTSD.

The ice-cream van got me again. It had been 5 days since I last had one, so I guess that’s progress, for me anyway, even though I know it will sound pathetic to a lot of people. I have a separate counter for ice cream, so I reset that today.

It took a lot for me to get outside today, and I dont think I would have if there wasn’t a Pokémon event on, I walked slowly and played that, caught what I needed and played until the event was over, then walked home.

Did all my meditations.

Haven’t done any colouring this weekend, and I think it’s because I really don’t know how to proceed. I love using the Sharpies, but it means every page I colour, will be destroyed. Though at the same time, it’s not really about the pictures, it’s more the act and enjoyment of the colouring, so if I look at it from the letting-go angle, I could just throw the colouring books away when I’m finished. :thinking::man_shrugging:t2:

Been doing some reading here, now I’m tired. I have therapy in the morning, so I’m hoping to sleep well, and wake-up in time to shower and catch the bus there.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Hope you enjoyed my part of the country! I live on the other side of Chesterfield. I do some volunteering, that has led me to spend some days at Chatsworth over the years.
@JennyH Christmas at Chatsworth is magical, although heavily overpriced.


Wow, nice, enjoy!


Checking in sober day 28.

Just trying to survive each day as they come. I’m dealing with a lot right now and trying to remind myself that there is no magic quick fix. Trying to do one thing each day that my future self will be proud of. And if all I do is stay sober, that’s something to be proud of.


This is wonderful Dana :revolving_hearts::sparkles: Well done on 18 months. Life isn’t easy, but you’ve faced it sober and presently for 18 months! Inspired by you always x


Checking in with 502 days :blush:
Monday morning on the commute to work with a new book :tram:
I’ve been struggling with some symptoms of my medication over the last few weeks, some pretty awful night sweats which have been disturbing my sleep pretty badly. This weekend I’ve implemented just about every natural remedy I could muster and I’ve had two slightly better nights. Here’s hoping I’ve found some good supportive natural fixes so I can keep up the meds, because they have been fantastic other than the one or two side effects.
Had a wonderful weekend celebrating 500 days sober with my husband, extremely grateful he is on the journey with me. We celebrated with pasta, snuggles and no hangovers. How good.
Have a nice day friends x


day 529 of no self harm

my anxiety is through the roof today and with everything I said about my family I’m really fuckin struggling.


My sympathies. I wish I had some idea that could help.


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening check in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
18 Months
Today has been a strange day. Work went okay even though it dragged on. It was such a quiet day. But heading home i started feeling a little weird. I began having strange thoughts of my childhood. Memories of when i was a kid. They were fuzzy yet felt so familiar. And most of the thoughts/memories werent bad by any means. But even now i feel like im in a daze. Sort of like when i dissociate but not to that extreme. I honestly dont remember much of my childhood so when i get these thoughts they sort of throw me off a bit. I am feeling quite tired today and i definitly need some self care and rest. We just finished supper and now im taking care of the laundry. Then going to get my son ready and off to bed. Then time for me to relax. Hope everyone has a great day/evening :butterfly:


500 days AF 🩵🤍🩵


Congrats @KellyKelly on 500 days!!!


Just wanted to say a big congrats on those 18 months!

You go girl!


Celebrating Day 310


Thank you Kevin! I appreciate that! Hope ur having a good day friend :slight_smile: