Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Congratulations on ur 500 days!!!


Itā€™s been a great weekend. Went out with friends last night who know Iā€™m now sober. It felt slightly strange not drinking. I had really no desire to drink though I did have a non alcoholic beer. Not bad but not great.

It was so nice to go out, not be hungover and realize I can go out without drinking. Wishing the weekend was longer.


Winding down before bedtime. Second sober day in a row. To be continued . . .


Glad to report 33 consecutive sober days, immensely grateful to TS communityšŸ˜Š


Hello everyone,

Bit of a hectic day today, which started out not so hectic and somehow escalated from there lol. Got to our first home exchange and was promptly attacked by wasps that had a nests in one of the log steps down to the water. Son got stung on eye and leg, and was being attacked and I got one on the leg while taking him insideā€¦and the maddness just kept going! He is okay now, and no longer looks like a 2 yo who was just in a boxing match. :joy: (but believe me I was not makinf this face when it happened and it took me an hour or so and a can of wasp killing foam later to settle down).

Things have been a bit of a challenge with our oldest daughter, through tjis challenging year and a half. Weā€™re navigatinf the interesting space between wanting to be understanding, safe space for emotions, also having our own guilt for all she has been through - AND at the same time there are limits to attitude and behaviour. Its a fascinating process to raise little ones, and she has had more loss and trauma in her life then many children her ageā€¦yet, we keep trying and working on ourselves as people and parents and my hope is we can be an example for herā€¦I hope for her to be proud of her parents one day, to fewl safe and secure andā€¦im out of words there.

Just so grateful for this space and community. Blows my mind you have been here all along and how my fear/rejection/dislike/incompetence with technologyā€¦I have just always resisted online spacesā€¦and yet its an amazinf gift you are all here and that I found myself here.

Thank you all and heres to another 24. Even if you are havinf a shit/hard/terrible/no good/frustrating dayā€¦just try to make it to your head hitting the pillow and know you made it, one more day. Its something to be proud of, and helps us ensure maybe just maybe tomorrow can be a little different. Hang in there everyone! Xo.


You go cloudy!! :blush:


Like your posts keep it going. We are all a little different sometimes :sunglasses: and its okay to not feel the need to explain yourself too (somethinf I am learning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:). Thanks for sharinf your thoughts xo.


Wow thatā€™s beautiful! Thanks for sharing.


Ah man Megan that sounds like a incredibly difficult situation to be in. I am so sorry that you are being made to feel like you are the problem. It does seem like a very unfriendly living situation - do you see your aunt and uncle frequently? The openness about hut feelings does seem very one sided. So sorry love - wish i could say something to help make the situation easier to deal with. do want to send you hugs and love - we are with you for support. :people_hugging:

Iā€™m grateful that at least you have your grandpa on your side and someone you can connect with.

I am also baffled by anyone expecting an apology. Grateful that you are standing up for yourself here and not giving into the bs requests.


Oh my gosh was that in that BBC pride and prejudice?!? I have watched that a million times. No wonder I loved seeing it.


Congratulations on 500 free days!!!


I see most of my aunts uncles and cousins every Saturday


@just_laura How did your busy weekend shifts go?
@rainy7 Oh Roxanne I am so sorry that you are feeling so sad / mad about sobriety. I do know you are doing the right thing and realize FOMO is real when we associate a good time with alcohol. You can still go to the game ā€“ have a great time ā€“ drink non alcoholic drinks and be out less cash and guaranteed to remember the day. I do hope your shower and scream session helped get you back on track. I try to remind myself of my health issues and why I started down this path when feeling left out of my usual fun activities.
@brian1965uk wow ā€“ these are some great pics- thanks for sharing
@catmancam I donā€™t think its silly at all to have a different counter for the ice cream ā€“ you know what you are struggling with and if that needs a counter to keep you accountable then so be it. I do think itā€™s a impressive job of staying away from that truck for 5 days! For what itā€™s worth ā€“ I agree with you on doing your colorings for you so use the sharpies if that makes it easier and you happier. Love the idea of letting go of the book once your finished ā€“ a release in a way.

Definitely something to be proud of ā€“ well done on your 28 days of sobriety!
@butterflymoonwoman That sounds intense. Glad you are home and hopefully will be able to relax. Are you still seeing that therapist / counsellor? Wondering if you could dive into these thoughts with someone to help you navigate them safely?
@Kellykelly Congrats on your 500 days!! Love the picture ā€“ keep up the great work!
@mira_d sorry about the wasp attack ā€“ glad you were able to kill them with the foam. I canā€™t even imagine the madness you are describing ā€“ well done on handling it.
@SadMemeQueen Oh man that is rough. I donā€™t think i could deal with family that i didnā€™t get along with on a regular. Sending you massive strength my friend. I do hope somehow the situation gets easier.

Checking in on Sunday evening
235 days free of alcohol and weed
650 days free of cigarettes
It has been a very long and exhausting day. I was able to meet up with my cousins at lunch and have pretty much spent the rest of the day together. I am beyond exhausted and my symptoms are intense but at the same time oh so happy. I love that i was able to spend time with them. Might get in a few more hours tomorrow before my sister takes them up North for a few days. I do feel like iā€™ve exhausted myself to the point of becoming sick. Hopefully a good nights rest will help - its almost midnight so going to call it a night - sweet dreams my friends. Have a positively charged addiction free evening / day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Day 402.
I havenā€™t been checking in on this thread regularly, but life is getting a little life-y, so Iā€™m going to up my accountability, at least for a stretch. Besides, despite the number of posts Iā€™m behind on, I hear the companyā€™s pretty good around here. :wink:

Had a good day. Homey. Coffee. Time in my kitchen and puttering at my desk. A long gab with a pal on the phone while walking the evening trails.

A predictable, comfortable day. Some might call it mundane, but this kind of day, on a Sunday no less, just canā€™t get old.

Onward, friends. Until then, gā€™night and big huge love to all. :orange_heart:


Still killing it and making sobriety look wonderful.
Happy 500 Kelly


Day :three::o2:

That was the easiest 1 month of Sobriety I ever reached.
Iā€™m not even going to AA meetings. I went to 3 meetings. Maybe I will give it a try for more someday. I just donā€™t know how to explain. Perhaps Step 2 is the best answer here. ā€œCame to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."
I remember one particular AA Speakers Tape. There a person said that he just cannot do Step 2. He was not believer or something like that. The sort of Sponsor tooked a chair and told him - ā€œOh cmon, Just try to believe in this Chair for example. Donā€™t you get the whole point is to take off your attention from your Ego!ā€
I guess I finally gived up, or as that tape said I turned off that ego part that was holding me all the time. That point of view gives easier perspective to understand. Yet stil, strange coincidences or I believe - The Higher Power really did the biggest part here. I canā€™t take much of a credit here. I feel like I am on a back seat here, enjoying the ride, doing my job, My part, fullfiling my dreams. If that is not a Higher Power working, than I donā€™t know what it is.

Heaven is a place on Earth. Just we donā€™t see it, because we need to change new glasses!


:birthday: :white_check_mark: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :no_entry_sign: Day 9
:no_smoking: :zero: :one: :five:


Congratulations on 30 days!



Day 317

That was a rough night guys :sob:
I again made the mistake to scroll through my phone and the web for too long while laying in bed. I think I fell asleep around 1am, woke up several times at night and was absolutely crushed at 5:30am when my alarm rang.
And crazy dreams again damn :grimacing:
Now off to work, lets see how many are calling in sick this week and how often the boss will loose it.
She explained to a coworker that she has to take meds at the moment that make her act bipolar. Awesome :worried: I donā€™t know how to handle that.
All I want is to do my job and help our patients and have a good time with my colleagues while doing that.
Weā€™ll see how this Monday will be.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 1. Itā€™s soon been 24 hours since I started over.

Sun is shining, and Iā€™m going back to work in about 2 hours. Needed to edit that,sun is not shining anymore, going to work within 45 mins and is thinking about if I need to pack my rain gear.

Spent yesterday with having a lot of important conversations with my close family and friends.
Played a lot with the kids.

Iā€™m actually feeling good. So glad that I donā€™t have to work like a maniac, that Iā€™m having more days off than actual work days in a week. And that Iā€™m going to be able to really focus on my self, family and friends for this semester.

Which is exactly what Iā€™m going to do.
One of my friends says that I have to get out of my own brain, because if I do that things will turn out fine.

Guess heā€™s right.

Iā€™m having a long day at work today. All Mondays is going to be long. 08.45-17.30.

Iā€™ll be at two different places, all new ones for me.
Iā€™m a little nervous but at the same time, this is probably exactly what I need. A chance to start over, with new focus, a new plan and great hope. Not to mention peace and quiet, not having to worry about doing something wrong at work. And no super long days 5 days a week.

Wishing yā€™all a great Monday.


Amazing pictures! Glad you had a great day :slight_smile: