Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Day 403.
A Monday, but a decent day for a Monday.

Lots of smoke blowing in from wildfires in the north (Canada). For someone whose recovery leans heavily on time spent along forested trails, my heart breaks. Hopefully these forests can recover. Already some of the areas burned earlier this summer have new growth. It’s not the same that was there, may never be quite the same (say the biologists), but it’s growth nevertheless. The sheer, determined will to live. To recover.

Reminds me what one of the mods said to me after I relapsed last year: We live to fight another day.

Be it Day 1 or Day 10,000, let’s be proud we did another one, hey friends?
G’night all, let’s do it again tomorrow. :orange_heart:


The end of a third sober day over here.
Hoping everyone has a peaceful [time of day].


Day 23: No grazing
Day 743: no pills


Thank you so much for the shout-outs, @Soberbilly, @JazzyS, @CATMANCAM. You guys rock!

Ending of day 44

Managed a light walk and made some curry coconut shrimp soup. It just sounded good for my head cold. It wasn’t bad, but was missing something…???

Now, I’m just gonna find something short and funny to watch before bed.

Take care, Sober Fam! :people_hugging::heart:


Checking in 1538 days sober

It’s been quite some time since my last check in but I’m still sober and just busy as always. Sick mum, declining-in-health dad, busy playing taxi mum, working, keeping sober, kids birthdays, reoccurring flu… my eyes have gotten worse and so now i have new stronger glasses… oh and I’m still running but have developed a niggling left knee issue :roll_eyes: ahh the perks of hitting your mid 40s lol.

My youngest who is 6 recently reconnected with his now 10yr old half brother who we hadn’t seen for 5.5 years. That’s been huge but amazing, the instant connection these boys had was crazy, very emotional times!! We haven’t had contact with my sons Dad for over 5 years (DV related) and hearing how his behaviour has escalated and reached new levels over the time after I left just makes me so damn grateful to be free of him.
Without my sobriety, it would have been near impossible to rebuild my and my childrens lives, to create a safe and loving space for them to also heal and grow. And I would never have been able to rebuild myself into the strong and empowered woman that I am today. I can finally hold my head up high and be a person that I and my children can be proud of.
I’m not saying that life is now perfect, nor, that I am perfect. Absolutely 110% not but holy crap it is an awful lot more peaceful and manageable now.
Every single day I am so grateful to be sober, no matter how challenging my day has been there is not a night that goes by that I don’t give thanks to the universe for bringing me to where I am today. It took determination, surrender, sweat, tears and the amazing power of support gained from this forum that granted me my sobriety. Just for today. Just for today I am sober. And HP willing, i will be tomorrow as well x


Great to see you checking in :upside_down_face: with all the stuff going on in your life. I love reading how you navigate through your life sober.


Glad you’re here @DanaM56 you’re a wonderful person and you don’t need this man around. Be proud of yourself and let him take control over you, never again.
You’re strong.
Have a great sober day everyone!


Day 381

Early morning on my way to work. We had a thunderstorm that lasted almost the whole night. The laundry I put out to dry got a second wash :joy:
Not more to say for now, maybe see you later.
Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :kissing_heart::muscle:


What a wonderful and inspiring post :heart:
Thank you for sharing it @Becsta


Today was a good day :blush:

I did stay up a bit too late (on here :sweat_smile:), so I was tired when I woke up, but it was nice to have a quiet morning. My ex does so much with our daughter when he has her, which I love, she always comes home tired. We both woke up around 10. Need to start preparing for back to school sleep schedule.

My only plans for the day was to finally get to the pool where I work. Employees can use it on Mondays. I used to go as much as I could in past years, with shooters on hand :roll_eyes: but I’ve either been working, exhausted, or it’s raining this year. Today was the day! Cooler than I hoped. The water was warmer than the air. I’m still shaking the chill. We had the whole pool to ourselves, with 2 very bored lifeguards. It was a blast!

Then we went for sushi. One thing I did while drinking was eat out, basically every day, especially if there was a drink menu. I didn’t want to cook and I didn’t want to clean (still hate dishes). I think I’ve gone out maybe 10 times since I quit so it was a nice treat.

I’m thinking I’ll sleep great tonight after all that swimming. My lower back and neck have been tenser than usual, surely from how hard I’ve been working. Ended up with a headache. Still not as bad as the hangover kind! I’ll see you all tomorrow night. It’s a big one :wink:


Day 52. Rubbish nights sleep. Not sure what that was about.

My day looks ok, i start work at 8am and finish by 3.30. Working from home is ongoing for me, probably may be able to go to a base one day a week from September which would be good


Day 0 again for me. My fiancée celebrated her birthday yesterday, it was a wonderful evening, but I couldn’t resist and helped myself to 2 beers and a glass of sparkling wine. I was far away from being drunk, but anyway it’s still giving in to the cravings instead of resisting. We still have one bottle of beer here, which I’ll empty into the drain after this message.
Have a good and sober day, y’all.



10 :black_medium_small_square: :black_medium_small_square: :white_medium_small_square:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 2.

I’m having the day off today. Definitely needed after yesterday’s long work day.
A lot of information to process.
And I’ve missed my kids all day, even if I had an amazing day at work.

Talked a few minutes with my aunt yesterday, she was just as tired as I was. So she’s going to call me again today. She Said she couldn’t wait to see us Friday.

We’re all hoping for a sunny weekend by the sea when we’re going to visit my aunt on Friday. We’ve also talked about stopping at the biggest shopping mall in Sweden in our way home.
But we’ll see about that. I’m trying to not spend to much money during the weekend because there’s a Circus coming to town next week and I want to go.

We go every year. And every year I feel the urge to join them. (Would probably be a perfect clown with my hazardous clumsy trait) it seems like so much fun working on a circus, seeing new places everyday.

My husband who’s been a former street market fair salesman,Tivoli worker and later a roadworker says it’s not.

Wishing y’all a great day.


Checking in.
Public transport said: take your bike. So it’ll be bike and hike today. :upside_down_face:
If I hadn’t put some sort of fig caoutschuk on my camera lens I’d post some pictures.


Checking in on Day 42.

Only been back at work one day and I am exhausted! I am in a lot of pain right now with my gallbladder, need to ring the Doctor to follow up that referral. I think our NHS system is on its knees, it has been noticeably slower in recent years.

Slept quite badly last night, think I need to make sure I spend more time outside even if it is raining. Slept like a baby on holiday.

Have a good day everyone.



Another night too busy with dreams. One of ‘m had to do with a big communal meal at a big restaurant where I had a big glass of red wine which was (by me?) spilt over the table and over a big number of guests. Not sure if I drank any of it. After that I waited forever for a refund (?). When I finally went and asked the maitre d’ for it I woke up. And got up.

In other news, on a whim and in the spur of the moment, I bought myself a ticket to visit my friend in the Hill Country in a month time. Last time I was going to visit was March 2020. A couple of days before I would fly lockdown happened. Pic is from my last visit there which was October 2019. Only a couple of months sober.

So here’s to another sober day. Work a late shift. Have to do some chores first. After coffee that is. Have as good a day as you can all. Love.


Checking in. ( I hope I’m doing this in the right place and not using the wrong thread!) Day 3 starting. Feel like a wobbly new born Bambi but less sick and managed to eat. So scared about going up to see in laws at the weekend. Fine wine buffs. I’m just going to say it’s my anxiety. Thank you all for being there. :heart:


Can’t go wrong really Twinkle. But this is the most used place to check in yes. Welcome! And congrats on reaching day 3. It’s one day at a time for all of us.

As to the visit to your inlaws: be sure to come prepared. If you really need to go that is. Right now maintaining your sobriety is your number one priority. Make sure you have escapes. Distractions. People to talk to when it gets hard (like us for example). Stuff to do besides drinking. Excuses to make why you’re not. Think about it seriously. There is nothing to be afraid of. You are at the wheel. This is your life and you are choosing you. Wishing you all success! X


3.77 days no pot or gummies or anything like that
27.55 no vape or cigs

I’ve been up for 30 min and still no nic lozenges. Quitting nicotine is a very big deal to me. I’ve been cutting down on it for almost a month so I’ve been fighting a month worths of withdrawal from nicotine. I don’t want to buy any more lozenges.

No weed or anything that has to do with it for over 3 days almost 4. I get through the thought of picking it up pretty easy.

That’s me today
Take care