Checking in daily to maintain focus #57


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Day 55 :slight_smile: so nice to hit Friday and not be planning what wine or beer to drink from five p.m.

Feeling much more content in myself this week. Sleeping better finally. Have a good day folks


Day 50 - Alcohol
Day 5 - Marijuana

The past few days were horrible. I was angry at everyone and everything. Today I am feeling much better.

I tried giving up cigarettes along with the weed, but that did not work out as planned. I just could not do it. I will have to wait for a few weeks and let the Marijuana withdrawals subside, before I try giving up cigarettes.


Day 130 checking in


I think we’re heading into David Lynch territory . . .


Are there things you could schedule for the weekends so you don’t have so much free time on your hands?


As for me, day three begins. Probably up earlier than I should be, but I didn’t feel like falling back asleep.

Fresh coffee beans and a new carton of half&half are in the house.


Oh Sophia…thats a huge burden you are putting on yourself. Honestly, i think we are programmed to not think the worst especially if the pain isnt intense and you do have a logical answer of what it could be… like food poisoning.
You also did what you could to stay home and then get him to hospital right away after work when you saw he wasnt well.
Grateful that they were able to do surgery and get him on antibiotics. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Much love my friend. Sending you comfort and mamy hugs.:people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


Day 11 check in.


Days PMO free: Day 15
Days with PS5 in the closet to close the day: 23
Days went to bed the same time with my wife: 23

Just checking in. Have a great day everyone!


Second check in

I got the help we needed, so I was able to do most of what has to be done today :+1:

I often see folks on here who are overwhelmed with stress and / or triggers. Yes, sometimes the pressure is a lot. I’m in exactly that same position right now. Plus my period is about to start soon so PMS is just around the corner.

You always have a choice.
It’s easier to say “this or that made me drink / use” but it’s not that, it’s you.
You made the decision to use.

No drug will make this pressure go away. In the end, when you’re sober again, the problems will still be there and are often worse by then.
I understood that and deal with the pressure in another way, but I won’t use.

Stay strong, stay sober :muscle::kissing_heart:


7 days*

Excited and overwhelmed. Decided to renovate my kitchen last weekend- paint, new light fixtures & dimmers, new pantry, reorganize. What a fun stressful mess this has been. Finished painting, lights, and cabinetry so everything is finally coming back together and it feels great. So much hard work but the results are starting to show.
The wedding set-up is taking over. I had to move my work computer to my bedroom yesterday to escape the noise. I turned the TV on loud in the living room to try and distract my dog from the tents and trailers and workers outside but she’s distressed. Will be grateful once this is over.


Hope your ok @Binx xx



vacation begins NOW . let the adventures begin

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Day 972,

On my way home for the weekend. Mother of my son texted me she is in the ER for heart problems. Don’t know what the say more, just praying.


Checking in for day 25 AF.


:sunny: Morning check in :sunny:
Day 551
So grateful today for the cooler weather! What a relief!! Is supposed to rain at noon so my son and i will be taking care of our errands in the morning.

I woke up again this morning for a workout. Did legs and light cardio. It wasnt easy lol but im grateful that my legs feel a bit stronger. Also planning to have another good day with my eating. Im feeling very optimistic.

Todays plans are to go to Walmart to get school clothes for my son and a few odds and ends. Then print out some pages for my DBT book. Hit up the dollarstore also. And do my usual cleaning. Thats about it!
Hope everyone has a great addiction free day :butterfly:


Day 38😊Happy Friday, all.


@Rob11 Im so sorry to hear this :frowning: praying she is okay and that this will be a quick recovery.
@Ceeds congratulations on 1 week of freedom ☆
@Pagan glad that ur feeling a bit better today. I agree tho, sometimes quitting everything at once cam be too overwhelming and too hard on the body. Glad ur not giving up tho on quitting smoking. I like ur plan about waiting a few weeks
@Saturn81 congratulations on day 5 :sparkles: If things get to be too much over the weekend, make sure to come on here first so that we can help u with the cravings. You are stronger than u think :slight_smile:


3months7days no alcohol
Back to day 0 no weed…ughhhhhh staring at 12am
31 days no smoking today

I smoked some pot yesterday. My wife hates when I go back and forth to quitting to not quitting. I’ve been doing it for a long time. I told her I hate smoking because my communication gets very much weak and I feel like she deserves the best so when I smoke and I’m not at my best I feel sooo bad. I was tought by my family weed is bad. For a long time weed was all I thought about.

3months 7 days no alcohol
My wife took a pic of me my first day off alcohol and we got the exact date of my last day so that’s pretty cool

Today will be 31days smoke free. I’m so happy. I’m nouvuse I’ll end up buying nic lozenges today though after 2 days without them
I might but some yummy chewing gum instead or some yummy mentose or yummy mints
I hope today I can stay away from the lozenges


On our way to a hike with kiddies. 2 days in a row son slept till 730. Maybe THATS also part of why I look/feel tired! He wakes up betwren 5-6, usually 530 each morning. Honestly never thought it just thought: well this year has been stressful, smoked more then I ever did in my whole life (4-8 a day) and Im getting older!!! Well maybe 2 less hours sleep each day is also part of that equation :joy:

Love these cherubs, love my life and hope to keep up with you lovely people here. Thansk for being here xo.