Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

Today is 100 days no alcohol woooo!!
1.50 no pot of any kind
31.81no smoking :no_smoking:

Iā€™m doing very well
Got work in a few and Iā€™ll be out late

Look forward to coming home to my wife after work :heart::purple_heart:
Take care


HUGE congratulations on 100 days sober!! Way to go!!



You are a strong sober soldier
No matter how many times Iā€™ve messed up you have been there to support my sobriety and that shows me strength on your end

You are a amazing person

Thank you


Checking in on day 55. Enjoying my first day off in a week, went to the gym and Iā€™m feeling good. Happy Saturday everyone! :white_heart:


That zero is my avatar for like past years. It becomes my avatar as I always been relapsing Day 0 after Day 0 after Day 0 after Day 0. So I put 0 on my avatar. It is now changed and has deeper meaning for me. Itā€™s not about relapsing, but about reminder from where I came from. About believing. Being myself.
Evolving. Living One day at a time. Living at the moment. Grounding. That number became special to me. Same as zzz - itā€™s not about sleeping, but waking up. About living your dreams.


I do have perspective and idea already. Got this idea already when I started using 0 as my avatar. It evolved with time. I think that is awesome and I feel very exited. I will not answer more as it must be lived through.


Hi taking to figure out to become mia for a while im doing great just want to be away from everyone who has crossed and stabed me in my back. Having to put on a fake mask evey day and not know who i can and cant trust sucks and i feel as long as i stay i cant be safe hope everyone has a bless day


:heartpulse::crystal_ball:ā€¦ Like ā€œitā€™s already doneā€


Iā€™m taking care and lay most of the day on my couch.
Made chicken soup, I know that stuff always supports my recovery :yum: Itā€™s ready in some minutes.
Besides that Iā€™m binge watching Chicago Med :grin:
It didnā€™t get worse by now, I feel tired and a slight cough is developing. If thatā€™s all Iā€™m lucky :wink:


Ooohā€¦glad your lunch is almost ready and you get to relax and binge watch your show.

I do hope that this is the worst of itā€¦:crossed_fingers::pray:

Sending you healing vibes :people_hugging::heart:


Whatā€™s up? Sounds like you have a lot going on


Omg, you are reminding me of when I loved Chicago Fire! They did a couple of crossovers and always thought I should get into Chicago Med. Sounds like you have a good plan, really hope you are over the worst already. Take good care :people_hugging:


Ok, it looks like Iā€™m a lot worse at this daily update thing than I remember but itā€™s fine. Day 8, been mostly good. Killing myself at the gym semi regularly seems to both help and hinder at the same time which is annoying but fine


When Chicago Med is finished Iā€™ll start with Chicago Fire :+1::smiling_face: I love when shows are intertwined like this.


Absolutely! Im always rooting for u friend :smiley: thank u for the compliment. That made me smile.


Second check-in because the first one was slightly chaotic.

Thank you @JennyH and @JazzyS for your words of encouragement, you made me feel a bit less crazy.

Thereā€™s a lot on my plate right now and when I get overwhelmed, I tend to freeze up and procrastinate but thatā€™s really not an option right now. My workload has increased and I canā€™t afford to bring it down because I need money. Yeah, I knowā€¦ shocking! Iā€™m an adult who needs money to live. Stop the bus.

Butā€¦ There are some big expenses coming up and they canā€™t really wait.

If I want to go back to school in the fall, I need to take and pass an English certification test (yeahā€¦ I know. English.). And the testā€¦ you guessed it! Costs money.

Applying for school isnā€™t free either.

Iā€™m also getting some paperwork done because beaurocracy. And that is also money.

Then I gotta take a few trips for said paperworkā€¦ more money.

My shrink wants to see me face2faceā€¦ money.

My medsā€¦ money.

My therapistā€¦ money.

On top of that, I need to find time to study for the damn test while making the money to pay for it. (Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if I failed a test meant to prove I know English?) Itā€™s not as straightforward as Iā€™d like it to be, Iā€™ve been relying on Grammarly and autocorrect lots in my work, if I were to write without said toolsā€¦ wellā€¦ yeah.

And to top it off, one of my clients has gone radio silent.

Soā€¦ yeah. None of it is bad, dramatic shit, but itā€™s my shit and itā€™s stressing me out. Having my parents next door really isnā€™t helping much either.

Butā€¦ Iā€™m sober. And grateful that Iā€™m actually in the headspace to deal with life and my desire to complicate my own existence.


:heavy_check_mark: in. Sitting here in Boston and my addict voice just got real loud


I feel you.
It doesnā€™t have to be bad or dramatic to stress you out.
Even if I think that money,or maybe more the lack of money is a big thing.
The constant chasing to afford to live is stressful and tiring.

I think youā€™re doing the right thing going back to school, knowledge and education is sometime you can never get to much of and that you can never loose.

Personally I just got an email yesterday saying that Iā€™m welcome to start the Math (Mathematic B, itā€™s a basic Math course that I donā€™t have) class Iā€™ve been trying to get in to for years. But have been denied. Itā€™s the city that pays for it, and itā€™s mostly for people who didnā€™t even finish high school. Theyā€™ve said No every time Iā€™ve tried to apply because I already have two PhDā€™s.

This time they had to say Yes, because Iā€™m hired by the city (Iā€™m a pre-school teacher) and I need this class to get in to university and get my teachers certification. Because the city demands that all teachers needs to be certified.

Itā€™s as I said a basic course,that most people get in High school here. It wasnā€™t needed ā€œBack in my daysā€ and I choosed an extra language instead to get enough points in my grades to apply for university. Time has changed ever since.

But Iā€™m freaking out. Iā€™ve thought about telling them that Iā€™ve changed my mind like a million times already.

Iā€™m sure itā€™ll all work out to the best eventually.
Things usually does that.

You can do this!
Weā€™re all here for you, and will cheer for you trough it all.


34 days sober. Feel good. Would feel really great if I did not have to do chores. Sober or not chores remain ever present. :hugs::toolbox::bucket::shopping_cart:


Last update for today.
Nothing new from the Hospital.
We have got a special permission to come and visit tomorrow late afternoon/evening,so they boys get to see him.

One of my husbands close friends is going to take us to the hospital.

Usually they only allow two visitors at a time, and on specific times during the day. But they are going to make an exception and gave us special permission to come.

I have told the boys that he is really ill, and might not look like himself,be awake or aware that weā€™re there. But they still wanted to go.

Havenā€™t told them anything more than that, Iā€™ve decided that Iā€™m only going to tell them if itā€™s getting worse.

Iā€™ll keep you updated.

Once again a huge Thank you to each one of you for your beautiful words, amazing support, thoughs and prayers. I canā€™t even put words on how much I appreciate that and how warm it makes me feel inside. :heart: