Checking in daily to maintain focus #57


Beautiful morning. Seems like a good day to :bike: to work. And back. Sober and clean. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.

Pic is from Utrecht on Friday. The street is fittingly called Achter de Dom (Behind the Dom).


Thank you for your support. Yes, I have been attending meetings and I have a sponsor.


Hey all, checking in on day 1162. I hope everybody has a good one!


Iā€™m here Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 6.

We wonā€™t be able to visit my husband today.
They cancelled it.
But at least the tests is a little bit better than yesterday,and that means that the antibiotics works.

So far so good I guess.


Day 323

Another Covid day, I developed a cough yesterday but itā€™s under control. It doesnā€™t feel as tight now as it did yesterday. The headache and the sore muscles are more annoying.

We work in a group of 3 assistants in my office. The other team is in the front office with the Dr and the patients.
All of us 3 got Covid and thatā€™s a disaster because we organize everything. We plan the surgeries we perform 2x a week. For that we have to transfer the patients names, the health insurance number and the medicine theyā€™ll get injected in their eyes online through a specific webpage connected to the pharmacy we work with.
Tomorrow this wonā€™t be possible because we 3 are all sick. The other team that works in the front office doesnā€™t know how to do that.
There we are :-1:

Edited: I was too angry this morning and removed that part. It doesnā€™t really interest anyone and it doesnā€™t help.

@MrsOdh I hope the tests are going to get better and better and that heā€™ll be home soon :heart:

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:


Day 7ā€¦got through the weekend, just, but Iā€™m so f***ing proud of myself, my mood has been rock bottom and Iā€™ve basically been in bed at 8pm just to get the day over with but Iā€™m still here and sober :pray:


Congrats @Saturn81 for getting thru hell week!! I had alot of early nights too. Hold tight! Sobriety gets better if you continue to work recovery


Morning all, checking in on day 730!!! Amazing the changes that have happened and cannot wait for my little girl to get here! Just got done an overnight and have the next two days off!! Going to get some breakfast with the family and then enjoy my day. Hope everyone stays safe and take care!!


Congrats @HillbillyChris!! Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate


Day 974,

My ex and mother of our son has her diagnoses on the heart condition. She is on medication now and the prospects are relatively good. She needs to recover of course, but she will be closely monitored. Itā€™s luck they found it during a screening she was partaking in. Looking back it could have been found earlier. They said she should have been under control for the past 16 years due to preeclampsia. But thatā€™s the past, if it concerns somebody else I can think like that :see_no_evil:.

Had a nice day with my son yesterday. Iā€™m proud of him how he deals with the situation. Just in some ways quit mature and he seems to know his boundaries.

Leave it to this, nap time



Iā€™m happy to hear that they could find out what it is, and that she now has medical help for it.

In my opinion the waiting and uncertainty is almost worse than actually knowing.

Itā€™s hard when itā€™s kids involved too, the best thing we can do is talk about things like that, and let them talk about it in their own way. Most of the time the kids are so much wiser than we think.

I hope it works out to best for all of you.
Take care.


Huge congrats :clap: :tada:


Curiousā€¦what is the daily quota?


I have not inquired.


Either you run the day or the day runs you
I needed to hear that today

My anxiety spiked a few min ago
I felt very uncomfortable like I did when I was a kid be4 I took care of responsibilities, like going to school. Just for a split second I felt that inner child who was so scared.

I have schizophrenia
Unrationalized fear is part of my mental illness

I was craving weed a little bit ago
I had a stomach ake and it sounded like fun
If I would have picked it up, no doubt in my mind, my day would have been ruined and would have been very difficult.

My communication would have been terrible and I know it because I can see these points where me and my wife are talking where I would have been confused if high. Like if I got high I would have had stumbled thoughts and more unrationalized fears. I can feel the high and confusion through recent past experiences with weed while going through this new life.

I took some medicine to help relax myself and Iā€™m so happy I didnā€™t smoke weed. I donā€™t need to relive the nightmare of being high ever again.

Today I will be greafully and respectfully sober


Sorry you started with high anxiety. Grateful that you were able to see yourself getting high and knowing thats not what you want anymore. Hoping the medicine helps soothe you.

That last line is so beautiful- have a wonderful day :people_hugging:


Thanks Sophia, I hope and pray that it will turn out fine on your end too . The uncertainty can be killing indeed. Her life will not be the same, but in the end it might turn out for the betteršŸ™


Thanks for all the support you have given me.

It is greatly appreciated

Stay awesome :sunglasses:


Day 9*
Wedding over and feeling great. Coffee then getting to work on our kitchen. I love Sunday mornings.


Hi Cp25,

I am sorry to hear you are struggling.

AA is a beauriful place and can teach us so much, but if it hasnt worked for you it may not necessarily be because of you ā€™ it may not be the right fit for you, or the right fit right now. I have met people on here who are in AA, not in AA and many live happy joyous and free from alcohol. Didnt know there was another way tbh, and felt the problem was me and shamed for it. Maybe its not whats wrong with you, bjt what could you try differently or thars a bit different? Not sure if thats helpful to hear.

Anyway, not trying to disuade from AA just sharing my journey, because AA gave me the legs I stand on and a beautiful new set of lenses to see throughā€¦Im just in a different place in life now, and AA is not for me at the moment (moment being last 11 yrs lol)ā€¦doesnt mean it wont be again, or thwt I begrudge anyone who it works for. Its not for a lot of people, yet people get sober and people struggle in and out of AA. No one size fits all we all gotta find what works for us xo. Just found out a few months ago people CAN get sober and DO get sober other ways - and arent just dry or trying to cheat around things. Anyway, not sure if any of this is helpful to hear and if not please just disregard.

I am really feeling for you, and hope to see you arpund xo.