Checking in daily to maintain focus #57

thank you I really hope so as well


Thank you so much.


Checking in on Day 1,848 Soberā€¦


1848 days amazing. Thanks for sharing.


Not wrong at all ā€“ I find reading all the stories inspirational. The day 1ā€™s remind me of how hard it was to start. The bigger numbers in sobriety dates are inspirational and something for me to strive for. Great job on staying sober and keeping away from old habits.
@mira_d I think you are doing an amazing job dealing with it all and admire you for seeing / hearing your daughter and doing what you can to make her feel seen and heard. I canā€™t imagine any of this being easy and I am not a parent but do know that its not easy task taking care of another human being as they are growing and learning about EVERYTHING. I also totally understand the frustration of being told to slow down and take care of yourself while being asked to take care of it all ā€“ this is when you have to push back. Its necessary to set boundaries and have others take responsibility. Sending you a big hug and loads of comfort :people_hugging:
@try2change well done on enjoying the party sober ā€“ what a lovely feeling to not be hungover and have no regrets.
@Jasty2 Glad you enjoyed the movie ā€“ Iā€™ve added it to my must watch horror listā€¦ thanks! I needed more good recommendations.

Checking in on Saturday evening
241 days free of alcohol and weed
656 days free of cigarettes
Was a fairly decent day. I feel like I am getting back to enough energy to start my routines again. I did manage to get in 11k steps and 30 min yoga. I did not do my meditation or exercise. Did need to take a 2 hour nap and managed to make my meals and keep kitchen clean, few loads of laundry and a 15 minute walk. Feeling a bit off but all is manageable. I am hoping that I can keep this up this timeā€¦ my swelling is all gone (was so excited to see my ankles today and be able to move my joints with more easeā€“ lol). Its about to be midnight and iā€™m wide awake (damn the nap) ā€“ will do some computer work. I hope everyone had a wonderful addiction free day /evening ā€“ sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Hello everyone. Iā€™m glad to be back in this group. I had 7 months sober and then I relapsed. Iā€™ve been in and out of AA for the past 9 years. Sometimes I feel thereā€™s no hope for me. :confused:


Day 63

Weekend started off rough. My ex husband has betrayed me yet again. I shouldnā€™t be surprised. Itā€™s one of the reasons I left. Heā€™s told many times that he too has had it with our DIL. However, he always out waits him? He gives in and speaks to her again after swearing over and over he wants nothing to do with her. I should know better than to believe he will do anything but defend me.

Heā€™s recently been diagnosed with cancer. Iā€™ve helped with arranging appointments, keeping his insurance straight etc. I was there to support him everyday as heā€™s gone through chemo treatments and radiation. Did he hear from our son once or his horrible wife of course not. He was appalled at h one my parents ashes have been stored and yet here we are two weeks later and heā€™s talking to her again. I asked if he inquired about why our son had not responded to my text asking that he safely return them to me. His response was no.

Weā€™ve had a close relationship over the last few months and over the last few years weā€™ve been supportive of each other. I say that and then realize thatā€™s only true if it doesnā€™t entail him supporting me. Iā€™m an extremely loyal and protective person to the ones I. love. I have weeded out a lot of people over the last year who failed to show up for me. I can see now, itā€™s time that he goes as well. I cannot have anyone in my life that communicates with her at all. My mental well being and serenity are far more important than supporting someone who has shown mr sho they are over and over.

I am sober and Iā€™m grateful for that but he has got to go


Good to see you back Cynthia.
Itā€™s hard fucking work. We get up and we try again.

Weā€™re always here for ya, if you want to use us.


Thank you for your support



17 :black_medium_small_square: :white_medium_small_square: :white_medium_small_square:


Checking in on my last Sunday here in France.
Waiting for the train to go a last time hiking. Temperatures are up again and donā€™t go down at night. 26 this morning at 5am. This is something that I certainly wonā€™t miss.
Will be reflecting about my time here during the coming days, I guess.


Checking in on day 6
with the commitment to stay sober today,
no matter what. Got my reasons clear!

Much love and happy Sunday!


I love France :blue_heart:
Was at France around 2018, was living at Taize monastery for about week or two. Such a beautiful place and people. One of my best memories and experiences.

(photo not mine. tooked from Taize webpage


Welcome back Cynthia. We just need that one time to stick - so donā€™t give up on yourself ā€“ keep fighting for a addiction free life.
Are you getting support with meetings or therapy irl? We are here for you ā€“ hope to see you checking in more often.


Well done love ā€“ sorry that it has come to this but yes ā€“ you come first and Iā€™m grateful to see you putting your needs ahead of taking care of others who do not readily show up.

I am hoping you have a better Sunday! :people_hugging:


I love the feel and sound of walking on boardwalks.

Still here, still abstinent since Wednesday.


That is incredible space of nature. It is an old swamp actually. I was there few years ago. Very beautiful and calming place.

(photo by Saulius Jankauskas)


Wow, that must have been a great experience. :upside_down_face:


Checking in for day 3. :slight_smile:


Just got home from a party.

A young coworker invited me to a surprise-ish birthday for her man, who I also worked with. Heā€™s 27 today. That was my favorite age. He was 18 when I started and she was 16. I watched them become a couple, mature, and have a child during the time weā€™ve worked together. How could I say no? Theyā€™re good people.

Itā€™s been a while but I had a blast! Bottles of liquor and beer everywhere. Shots shots shots. Beerpong and poker. Blunts going around nonstop. None of it was appealing to me. Except the chicken wing dip :yum:

My friend from work, who doesnā€™t drink often, showed up too. So that was nice. I really did have a good time. No one was obnoxiously drunk, or cared that I passed on every shot. And there were 3 kitties :heart_eyes_cat: Iā€™m just a little sore from sitting on patio furniture and my eyes burn from campfire.

All in all a good end to my week. Now for 2 days off that should be for chores, but most likely lounging.