Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

Checking back in after a long time off here.
I’m almost done day 2 no alcohol.

I spent the last 2 weeks trying to ween my self down to 0 drinks a day. I haven’t posted for a while, thought I had it under control but here I am again. I do so good for so long than I slowly get right back at it and it gets worse each time. This is my 3rd time trying to stay sober. At this point I’m just tired of it.
I know I just have to stay away from alcohol I fall right back into the same cycle every time. Smoking was so easy to kick the habit I just stopped buying cigarettes but this feels like a curse.

That’s my rant for now. I just needed to post to have something to look back on to keep me motivated for tomorrow.

Congrats to everyone with weeks, months, years Sober. That’s what I’m aiming for.


so lovely to see you back on the check in thread and doing so well :muscle: :clap:
50 days is awesome my friend – keep up the amazing work!!!


Checking in. Today is my 5th sober anniversary.

My wife, bread winner and smasher of the patriarchy, was fired yesterday. They are giving her about 8 weeks to finish projects and to transfer duties to another team. How nice of them /s. She’s not worried (so she says), she’s a well known leader in her small, but in demand industry. However, the news certainly changes our immediate plans in the coming months. So now everything is on hold while we revert back to ramen dinner as we get as lean as possible.

A lot can happen in 8 weeks, so I am trying not to stress about it and keeping business as usual. But I need to be ready to pivot if need be. We’ll be alright. I’m sure this is a blessing in disguise.


Never again Dan! Huge congrats friend. Sorry for your wife’s job but sure something better will come her way. I hope you’ll celebrate today!


Congratulations on 5 years!!! Well done :slightly_smiling_face:


Tough stuff. I hate that sinking feeling in your guts you get with that kind of news. My husband was laid off after I quit my job due to burnout and that was the catalyst for us to move back to the Midwest and start a new life. It was a long road but we are grateful things went the way that they did and are happy with the life that we crafted as a result. It sounds like your wife has a desired skill set and I wish you all the best in the next steps. Hang in there and try to trust the process through this stressful time.

And I already shared my congrats on the Friday thread but I gotta post Beevis and Butthead again!!! You and your 5 years are rockin’!



Welcome back to your sobriety journey and way to go on 1+ days :muscle:

Alcohol is everywhere – its societies go to for celebration for dealing with grief … i mean really any emotion is treated by alcohol. This is such horseshit and what makes this so disease so hard. We have to remember that we can’t moderate, we can’t just have that one.

The lovely part of sobriety is that we start learning how to deal with our feelings rather than snuffing them.

So grateful that you have come to this lovely community - i do believe that we can support each other and keep us focused.

Keep coming back my friend – checking in here regularly helps keep us accountable - you are stronger than this addiction and we got your back! :heart:


Congratulations on your 5 years, that is a big milestone and I hope you can honor your journey, if you are so inclined!

Sorry to hear about your wife’s job. Not a fan of that feeling of upheaval and unsurety. It sounds like she will turn this into an opportunity. Certainly the timing speaks to new beginnings ahead. :sparkles:


Hey Dan — marvelous job on your 5 years my friend! This is such a great way to start Friday!

I am sorry to hear about your wife’s job situation. You are right - a lot can happen in 8 weeks. Sounds like your wife has a very useful specific skill set and will be in demand. Hoping everything works out for the best. So right - this totally could be a blessing in disguise. We can never see this while we are in the thick of it. Much love to you and your family.

Grateful that you are keeping a positive attitude and I do hope you celebrate your achievements.


Checking in, day 8. I am in bed now after a lovely, warm bath. It was much needed after the rain at football training. Definitely Autumn rain rather than summer now :cold_face:

We had an old school Friday night after, me and the kids. Fish and chips with tango (just chips and curry sauce for me), followed by ice cream. I loved it :blush: Women’s football too.

Now I am in bed already tired enough to sleep. Don’t want to make that mistake though as then I will wake up later.

Congratulations on your huge milestone @HoofHearted Really sorry to hear about your wife’s job. It sounds like she will be in demand but must be really unsettling.


day 569 of no self harm

remember how I was upset about not being able to teach? I decided I’ll focus on my college work for now. my next class starts Monday. I open it today to discover I have to volunteer at a daycare for at least 5 hours this semester and find somebody willing to mentor me. by October 1st. I’m really freaking out. i don’t think I can physically or mentally do that. nothing ever works out for me

I’ve been feeling like I did when I was 14 and ended up in a psych ward. never thought I’d get back to that place. the only difference is I’m not self harming

I ended up dropping the class and switching it for something else. (math). there will be two classes that I’ll have to do this but I’m going to try to take those last and hopefully I’ll be better mentally and physically by then (I’m nowhere near close to finishing my degree it’ll be at least a year and half before I have to take those)


Second check in,

Contrast between the treatment centre and tonight couldn’t be bigger. Doubted whether I should go after my release this afternoon but I played some competition tennis and won my match :blush:. It was nice to feel normal again in a sense and being with my teammates.

Greetz :heart:


Congratulations on five years, marvelous :tada::confetti_ball::partying_face:


Sounds like a good afternoon :sparkling_heart:



Latenight checkin…
Yeah I am a granny girl, 10.30 pm
is late-night to me :rofl:

I had a big thing to manage today, as one of the weels of my car was defect and I was not able to drive anymore. On my way to the pool. Everything went well without big extra costs. The circumstances were heavy as I didn’t have ANY paper with me, no credit card, ID card, drivers license or cash. Only 3€ and a seasonal card for the pool! :scream::exploding_head:

A poor vagabond :grin:
I convinced the guy with a low quality scan of my ID card I saved in a cloud. Normally he was not allowed to accept that. :innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Promise to take my papers with me in the future.

If I would have been hangoverish…
I wouldn’t have been able to manage it all very calm and relaxed. Car is fit again.

My mind is fit and clear too.
And so I will bring that head sober on pillow once more :stars:


.Checking in.

Trying to maintain a feeling of gratitude but it’s hard. I don’t prefer arguments with my mom but it’s really draining me. I pray that my mom and i can have a civil conversation before she is lost to dementia of any kind.


3 weeks!!! You’re doing great.


Can’t post in my normal thread, so I’ll post it here. Milestone reached for no disordered eating, we got this!


Checking in at 2 months. Still going strong and I haven’t really had any cravings lately. I got my blood test results today and my doctor said they were “pristine”; everything looked fantastic! I was so shocked that he heard it in my voice over the phone and reassured me that this is good news lol! Very happy about this and it’s one less stressor in my life.


Oof that’s tough. Sorry to hear your plans have to be put on hold. I hope she can transition to a new job easily.