Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

Yeah, I know. I get fed up of myself. I will be doing my best. :blush:


:sunny: Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 589
Last night was rough honestly and im pretty tired this morning. I got my son on the bus to school and Im currently typing this while having coffee at a coffee shop. Just killing time basically until 10am when the mall opens up. Im feeling a bit anxious/fearful this morning. Not really sure of what but im going to contribute this to not sleeping. Anyway, enjoy your monday everyone! Hugs! :butterfly:


Thank you for your comment :slight_smile: i have to remember that i can still pamper myself on a budget. I like ur idea of thrift store shopping. I used to love going to the stores and seeing what i can find. If i have any money left over after the mall today, i am going to go there :slight_smile: hope u have a great day!


Day 113 checking in still sober still struggling with depression. Iā€™m really just waiting on the antidepressants that I started last Tuesday to work. I ended up calling my psychiatric nurse this morning as I was hardly out of bed over the weekend at all. My appetite is rubbish, my weight is down and my sleep is poor. I agreed to go in to the mental health centre to see her in person, and I managed that plus of course it got me out of the house which was good. She wants me to go for a walk or stroll everyday ā€œlike a soldier following ordersā€. And to take the kids out during the next three days that the schools are closed due to strikes. Iā€™ve got such a lack of motivation though and Iā€™m vomiting most mornings. I just have to have faith that I will gradually start to feel better but right now thatā€™s hard to find.
Right now as I write Iā€™m out of bed, dressed and having some tea so thatā€™s a big improvement on the weekend at least.


Day 359
Although the boss and most coworkers are on vacation I was pretty stressed today at work. I think it all started when my train was delayed and yeah, you know, if one thing starts bad and your mood is ruined the rest of the day often is bad too.
I was shopping and found some pretty clothes BUT one thing is a pain in the a*s: sizes! Did I shrink or grow!? Why do I need smaller tops and shirts but much bigger jeans!? :joy: Damn!
Iā€™m very curious how my online order will look like. Too small or too big? Who knows, everything is possible.
Food is on the way, after that Iā€™ll shower and the bed time.

Have a beautiful sober day friends, stay strong :muscle::kissing_heart:



27 :lock:


Have taken the day easy, turned up as much as I can, drank pints of cold water and tea. Had balanced food and vegetables. Plan on going to bed early to read Kindle. One thing that did happen over the weekend that was really good was that we had a bit of a spring clean in the flat. Managed to Freecycle a few bits in my building to other residents. So, the flat looks better. Just going to keep building day by day. Easy goes.


Peace and love


15 days sober and counting! got my new planner in the mail today and it feels so good to be getting organized. iā€™m feeling like this is gonna be my productivity era!! boss mom era!! :joy::muscle:t4: number one lesson iā€™m learning lately is how to let love shine in the rough spots. :two_hearts::sparkles:


Keep at it girl. We were Sober twins, I would have had 15 days today as well if I hadnā€™t messed up. Cherish them and keep going!

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thanks love, no shame in a hiccup, you are still doing great and i hope youā€™re treating yourself kindly today, you deserve it :pray:t3::heart:


ah, here i see you absolutely are treating yourself kindly today! iā€™m so grateful to know this. :smiling_face::smiling_face:


Thank you. Yeah, no moping or sad sorry self. Just promise.

I heard something on a podcast today ā€œyou donā€™t have to be what you are today, tomorrowā€ :pray:


Heavily meditated evening checkin:
Day 24 yeah

Lot of things to manage these days, but
ā€¦ I am able to with a clear mind.
I stay calm and do my things.
One after another.



So, today is my birthday :partying_face: if you didnā€™t see my selfie. I came up with an unusual way to celebrate :upside_down_face:

So thereā€™s this, that I found by chance bc my daughter asked me what holiday it was on some random day.

Imma try to fit in as many of these things into my day! Did my yoga. Found a One Hit Wonder station on Pandora for my drives. Now Iā€™m waiting for a quesadilla from our local Mexican restaurant (unfortunately I drove all the way to my first choice and he wasnā€™t open :slightly_frowning_face: my bad for not checking first). Later, Lobster for dinner with my daughter and parents (Iā€™m their daughter, duh). So far so good!



Happiiiieeeeee bƶrsdayyyyyy :upside_down_face:
I hope you have a wonderful day :blossom::sunflower:




Evening check in, almost 11 days. It will be as have no plan to drink tonight.

My headache/hangover feeling was a migraine so been battling that today. I am not loving the hormone battles that come with your 40s. I am averaging a migraine a week atm. I had lots of thoughts earlier on drinking, to basically ease the pain. Luckily I pushed through that. Think I need to be careful though as something is niggling, like I have no plans to drink now, but a seed has been planted. This could just be the migraine talking but donā€™t want to ignore it.