Checking in daily to maintain focus #58

@Dolse71 Wow. Those numbers are very impressive.


In the early days of joining TS I really struggled to string long periods of sobriety together and had doubts that I could ever make it so I am really proud of this and more importantly my daughter is extremely proud of me and that means more than anything. That and the fact that my granddaughter will never know me as a drinker :heart:


YEAH Adrienne - way to go on your 1000 days of freedom! SO impressed with your journey - keep stacking on these days
tenor (20)


Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


309 :muscle: pain still bad still putting weight on so thatā€™s good

Managed to play FF 16 for 6 hrs straight last week longest game session in a long time had a blast

Chilling watching lost

Happy sober Wednesday everyone


Early morning checkin. Could not sleep all night. Will go for a walk in a few mins. Hopefully I wonā€™t be the only person walking.


a day late ā€” sorry ā€” i do hope you celebrated your triple digits!

This is huge Dana! :muscle:



Checking in on day 65.


Checking in on day 94, life has been a little hectic lately, but staying busy is never a bad thing!
Hope everyone is doing well today :white_heart:


Congratulations @adeygaga49! :partying_face:
So glad you never gave up.



24 :lock:


Checking in - day 4.
After ā€œonlyā€ having consumed alcohol 3 times in the last 5 weeks, Iā€™ve noticed a MAJOR reduction in tension in my shoulders, without any other changes to my daily routines.
I understand alcohol increases baseline anxiety and stress responses.
I had been carrying stress and tension in my shoulders and upper body for the last 15+ years, and it is melting away as time with less - and now no alcohol goes by.


Congratulations @adeygaga49 !!
So happy for you!!!


Checking in
422 days no booze
40 days no tobacco
Nothing of any real interest happened today and thatā€™s ok too.


Checking in on day 27

I feel love.
I feel loved.
I feel soft.
I feel able to be loved.

Have a nice day


Had a real hard time waking up this morning. It was one of those days when your alarm goes off and it takes a minute to remember what the day has in store. Then you remember and :face_exhaling:

Lunch shift alone. I dragged a bit in the beginning but it was good. Got home and felt exhausted and almost took a nap but after sitting for 15 minutes I perked up. We went to my parents for dessert and game night. Itā€™s always the same but always fun.

I completely forgot to renew my license, which expired on my birthday, which I learned when trying to buy nicotine pouches. Had to drive out to a country store that doesnā€™t require a scan. Damn addiction wasting my gas. Still grateful I quit cigarettes. Hopefully one day I can kick these too.

Had another mouse sightng, in my room :face_with_diagonal_mouth: It ran outside thru a crack in my window. Cats have been on high alert all over the house. I need to pick up some traps or something. This place is getting out of control. And literally as I just typed that last period my boy caught one and then let it go. WTF! Iā€™m going to bed :angry:


End of Day 9:

Just crawled into bed after another busy day at work. Energy levels are still zapped as Iā€™m still unable to get solid sleep, but thatā€™s too be expected. Have to take the good with the bad, after all i was the one who poisened my body to this point, baby steps.

I have noticed my mental clarity increasing. The last six moths before i quit was foggy, all the days just seamed to melt together in a gooey mess. Also noticing that the redness in my face is fading and the white in my eyes is returning without overdosing on eyedrops. Iā€™ll take the small victories.

Had a drinking dream last night, it was so real. Dreamed that my boss called and woke me up saying he was coming over to my house. Immediate panick because i knew i was too drunk to see him. Woke up frantic and confused, took a whike to ground myself and remind myself it was just a dream. Hated the feeling.

Drinking put me in complete isolation mode, i loathed it, i avoided everyone. I never want to be that person again.

Looking forward to day 10. One more day, i can do that!


Checking in on Day 14, will be 2 weeks by this evening. Really pleased with my progress. I have had a couple of cravings recently, but it mostly seems in control.

I am also telling people I am giving up to get healthy for my surgery. It is part of a bigger thing with the gym and losing weight so they arenā€™t questioning it. I am not feeling brave enough to have the big conversations yet. I will have to with the kids as they get older. There is definitely a tendency one side of my family and want them to be aware. We found out recently my Great Grandad had to give up my Grandad to a childrenā€™s home as he was an alcoholic, suffering from shell shock from WW1. It gave a different context to the whole situation. (Edit to add, this was the medical terminology of the time).

Anyway, my cold is developing which sucks. I am trying really hard to stop the progression. My husband has been quite rough with it so really hoping I can manage it. I am going for a promotion in a couple of months so really donā€™t want to start taking sick days.

Have a good day everyone. Thank you all for sharing. It keeps me grounded and on track.


@Mira_D sending strength :people_hugging: be kind to yourself šŸ©µ
@JazzyS yes, I sm practicing self-compassion, and Iā€™m using my SAD lamp. itā€™s on right now. I have Fibromyalgia & ME/CFS, so pain is always present, some days are still worse than others though.
@Starlight14 sending strength :people_hugging: I hope youā€™re feeling better by now šŸ©µ
@Thumper1213 congrats on 50+ days :tada:
@RNbyDay welcome :blush: congrats on your sober time so far :tada:and good luck for your interviews :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Noshame congrats on 70+ days no vape/cigs :tada:
@Nikki88 welcome to the checking-in thread :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli I hope the Police will step-in to your sisterā€™s situation :crossed_fingers:t2: Iā€™d be worried too. :people_hugging:
@AyBee congrats on 1600+ days :tada:
@Ballroomdaze congrats on 30 days :tada:


@NashNathan welcome back :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Amy30 really hoping for a positive outcome :crossed_fingers:t2:Brutus Maximus :sweat_smile:
@JennyH congrats on 2 weeks :tada: I hope you and your husband are both feeling better soon :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ
@Mno congrats on 8 years no tobacco, no weed, and the beginning of your discovery :tada: sorry for the painful feelings the file arose :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Benji1 congrats on your week :tada:
@Nordique congrats on 1200 days :tada:
@RRB welcome :blush: congrats on 87 days :tada:
@adeygaga49 congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@zzz congrats on your week :tada:
@PositiveThoughts I love this for you :raised_hands:t2: