Checking in daily to maintain focus #59


Got some good sleep :+1: Had a good morning/afternoon. My daughters father was able to make it to town in time to get her off the bus (usually he picks her up from my parents). He recently switched jobs and I havenā€™t received child support since so I brought it up and he said, for the 4th week in a row, heā€™s working on it.

Then, out of no where, he asked if he would be able to claim our daughter on his taxes. I didnā€™t think that made any sense since heā€™s only been employed since June, plus Iā€™m the custodial parent. He kept trying to argue how it made more sense and most of it would go to me bc of past due child support. I said no and right before they left he used the bathroom. I walked them out and came back in to a broken toilet. Handle snapped right off.

I immediately assumed he did it on purpose out of spite. He didnā€™t answer when I called. I canā€™t prove it, but I know how he is. Petty. Idk. I could be wrong but it put me in a bad mood right before work. It didnā€™t last long tho. Work makes me happy. Even tho it was deathly slow.

Itā€™s pretty late, even for me, so Iā€™m off to bed and able to sleep in as long as I want :raised_hands: Hallelujah :pray:


Happy Birthday Dana! Happy you had a good one :green_heart:


Congratulations on your 5 month milestone :tada:X


Happy Birthday Dana :heart: X


Congratulations on 600 days ! Wow :star_struck: X



Checking in

My skin calmed down a bit :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:


Firstly, congratulations on 600 days, thatā€™s amazing. You had joined this community and got clean probably about 60 days or so ahead of me when I last got clean. I would have about 540 odd days now if I hadnā€™t taken the fuck it bucket to the beach. Im on 13 days now again and I am in the flushes of first love with sobriety again, but donā€™t get me wrong I have urges too. I just wanted to say that you are doing it, you are day to day kicking ass.

I would also be interested to see what others say to you, those with some heavy numbers behind their sobrietyā€¦ It sounds as if maybe you need to look at HALT perhaps and apply some self love to reward your efforts around your sobriety? A bit of you time?



Congratulations on your 30 days :kissing_heart: X


7 months !! Wow :clap::clap::clap: X


Thatā€™s shit. I would be fuming also. Try not to let it ruin your zen.


Amazing, that feeling doesnā€™t get old.


Those first Sobers are the bestā€¦ Just wait till Christmas!

Happy birthday to you!


Day 105. Going to have a lazy day. Go for a walk to the shops, do some gardening, wqsh the cars for once in their lifetime and chill


Great job Wolf :sparkling_heart:



I see lots of craves and urges and thoughts about using around. Maybe itā€™s the moon or the stars, for I had some too last night. I donā€™t get those often these days. Last night I felt miserable. Group therapy left me feeling lonely and isolated, while it is supposed to help me feel more connection, to others and to myself.

The search I conducted for my own past and that of my parents and sis in the last weeks left me feeling empty and tired. Alone. Physically I didnā€™t feel too swell either. So in bed, when I couldnā€™t sleep and all these thoughts and feelings kept racing through my mind and body, I felt the urge to use and be gone from this world.

Recovery is building ourselves a life we donā€™t feel the need to run from. Itā€™s daily work. And some days are better than others. I had a bad day yesterday, and maybe a string of not so good days before that. Sometimes itā€™s hard to keep going. Sometimes I want to escape into nothingness. Thatā€™s what I crave when an urge to use hits. A longing to not be here.

So what I need to do is keep working and keep building that life I find worth living. One day at a time. To keep looking for connection. Recognising what I need on any particular day. Deciding to rest and do nothing on a particular day is working on my recovery too. Iā€™m going to have as good a day as I can friends. Sober and clean. Hope you do too. Love.

@Butterflymoonwoman Keep going Dana. Nothing is worth using over. Life is still life and life sucks at times. But thereā€™s absolutely nothing using would make better. Congrats on 600 :people_hugging:

Pic is Oostkapelle Beach, Zeeland, 2019. Good memories. Weā€™re in this together.


Thank you for this post. Iā€™ve read your words for many years now and they always have a way of bringing hope. I know theyā€™ve helped me. Appreciate your honesty, transparency, vulnerability, strength and compassion. Now put that miserable day behind you and make today a much better day! Much love!


Big hugs and deep thoughts for you when you are feeling the hurt, emptiness and aloneness you felt last night. The bad days, urges, and I cannot even imagine

you gone.

I know when you quit drinking you had felt that so much prior. Oh, if it was all so easyā€¦ but, alas, it is not.

Deepest admiration and respect for you for your honesty about your ā€˜recovery and discoveryā€™, sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings, and how sometimes, oftentimes, it is a very hard time for you personally.

As much admiration and respect for you for to keep looking and to make it a better dayā€¦ and to try for the best day that you can.

I hope today ends up being super, better, better, better, than yesterday, and that you will feel better and go to bed with a lighter heart and spirit.

Hugs for your hurts, hugs for your joysā€¦ hugs for the bad, and hugs for the good.

:purple_heart: :people_hugging: :purple_heart:

Be safe and be well. Heart, mind, body. Sobriety.


Checking in for day 342.

Been to a gym class this morning to clear the head, and now in the house with a coffee watching the rain and flooding outside.

Have a great Saturday everyone.


Hey all, checking in on day 1210. I hope everybody has a good one!