Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

thank you, I’ve been chatting with a friend trying to work through it


Oh good. I hope you start feeling safer and more at ease :people_hugging::heart:


:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square:
:white_large_square: :five: :two: :fire:
:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square:



Back to day 1. I’m a fucking mess. But I’m back.



Welcome back Karen… Keep fighting. You deserve a sober life :people_hugging:
We got your back so lean on us when you need support.


6months 7days no alcohol
3months 30days no vapes or ciggs
9 days no weed

Took a break from the forum for a little bit but im still kicking

Be strong everyone


Great to see you back and doing so well!


Thank you
Its nice to get your reachout

Everything seems to be going ok

Im gettjng lazy at work but everything looks good here

In my defence im on call for a spill or any mess. Im not ashamed. I did good today

28 more min be4 i can clock out


Hey ya’ll,

Meaning to checj in last night but I was so sleepy. Then I ended up in bed till 11 anyway watching something, instead of the usual reading.

Things are busy, which is really nice. Hubby has sold some pieces to our neighbour, who happened to see his work online and now she has hired him to do work on her place. Its a real sign for him and im so happy. I was really feeling that this would be the path for him, making his furniture and doing carpentry but at his own pace would be such a perfect combo, and now this. Im just happy to see him happy.

Still lots of work to do and im so glad to be as involvee as I am. I think I wasnt sure what it was to do for him, and also didnt want to just take over but I feel we have found a little groove :slight_smile:

Interview Tuesday at a daycare. A little bit of change, so we’ll see.

Riding this little up wave. And 4 months today :slight_smile: xo. Happy 24 everyone


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 642
Have been a bit emotional today. It comes and goes. The MRI went well. He recovered from the anesthetic very quickly so we were able to go home right away. Played a bowling game with my son once we got home and I really enjoyed that. Did some dishes, rested, and will do self care later. Im feeling all sorts of emotions. Mainly sadness and worry for my son and his condition and i cant think like that bcuz hes actually doing very well. I guess im worried about his tumor beginning to grow again and what his future would look like. Its natural i think to worry but i HAVE to stay present and enjoy each moment with him now. Anyway, im grateful for being clean. Im grateful for God and for this forum and the people in it. And im grateful for the little perk that i received today. I bought a 30oz Stanley cup the other day for my water intake and i am excited that i got it today. It was a nice surprise from feeling emotional today. Have a great night everyone! :butterfly:


Have had a good day and evening with the girls. Really haven’t taken any pics at all, we went for a little bike ride. Addie was kinda acting out and sitting down in the middle of the road. But I made homemade Mac and cheese for dinner and the girls liked it. Now we’re taking baths and playing music. Hope everyone is having a good day and evening much love


360 :muscle::fire: chilling put the Xmas tree up the other day felt good to get it done

Pain about a 6 today

Not back at hospital till next mth yey

Happy sober Saturday everyone


Ya know what, sometimes I just wanna scream into the ether or something. It’s 2.30 am and I need to be up in 3 hours to go to this family memorial thingy.

Apparently, the idea is to give alms to the poor at certain intervals after a loved one dies. But my family is doing a morning church service followed by a restaurant meal. Why am I getting at 6 am for this? I don’t need alms. I’m not exactly a church goer. And I don’t get it.

Also, knowing my uncle… he hated these types of events. I can just about imagine him in the corner, lighting his fag and making some inappropriate joke about this whole circus. Shouldn’t honoring the dead have at least something to do with the type of person they were?

This is such an inconvenience. Apparently we need to get to the church for the 8 am service. Why? Why is the service at 8 am? Who the fuck came up with that bright idea? Don’t people in this country work 9-5 in the week and have lie-ins during the weekend like normal humans do?

I don’t understand any of these customs… and I really don’t understand why I agreed to go. I could have just said no. Why didn’t I? That’s something my sleep deprived arse will be pondering all through the day tomorrow. Now… I need to try and catch a few hours. Spare a thought for me.


Checking in at 3 month and 20 days alcohol free

I’m on vacation in Florida with a friend right now.
Weather wasn’t great those last couple of days and the traffic here in the Orlando area is just ridiculously mad …
But hey we’ve got a really nice holiday home here and I have not the slightest urge to drink.
I’m really enjoying my sober holiday.
Have a wonderful sober weekend everyone :pray:


Hey Jasmine,

You are such an amazing, lovely soul. I always appreciate your thoughtfulness and encouragement. Your warmness is felt. Sending you blessings. I am super proud of you keep at it, your walk is inspiring.:purple_heart:


Happy & Healthy
Day 234!!


Praise Jesus!!!




Uck. I just had a sneezing fit. Felt kinda good tho. Work was decent. My daughter left with her dad as soon as she got off the bus. Rained all day so just been chilling. Super excited for bed :sleeping_bed: Mmm. Sleep :sleeping:


1153…5:50am and bed in about 2 hours. Used to be up all night drinking and taking drugs now I’m up all night working.
‘Im not making a killing but I’m making a living’


Good morning, day 13. Up early, drinking a coffee. Have a good sober day all!