Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Congrats on 66 sober days Des, that’s awesome! Sobriety is not the magic solution that makes our problems disappear. But it is the first condition for us, the sine qua non, without which it would be impossible to work on them and make things better. And you are. You’re taking the right steps and you are doing the right things.

You’re sharing. You’re looking for support from your peers, here and in meetings. You’re leaving toxic relationships behind you, however hard it is to build something new from the ruins of the old. You’re looking for connection with friends.

You’re doing everything right. Sorry you’re facing hard times but you are working to make stuff better and that’s all that we all can do. Thanks for sharing, wishing you lots of strength and success in getting better each and every day. We’re in this together. Big hugs Des :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


Hang in there. Being free of alcohol is just the best thing.

Try to fill your time with things you really love if you can, and be kind to yourself.

Maybe tell yourself if you hit 7 days you’ll allow yourself a chip butty, or something small as a reward.

If you like to exercise that’s really helpful. When your mind wanders bring yourself into the here and now. Last summer I used to be riddled with bad memories so every time I started to go over things I’d ask myself ‘what can I smell, hear or see, and what colours are around me, and what details are on the flora around me?’ It’s a method of being present that helps me pull away from those dark thoughts.

Audio books help me too. Music is too emotional.

But keep checking in and ask for advice and support.


Hey all, checking in on day 1251. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hi Mno,

Thank you for your support I really appreciate it. I hear what you are saying and believe it too be true. Change is uncomfortable but this is where growth happens. I will keep pushing through. You are a great example of how this recovery journey is done.
I will continue to check in and share. Blessings to you my friend.


Day 106
Daily tracking recovery vs relapse activity. Day 4

Just checking in.

Kind of an interesting development at my job. I’ve always struggled with when to move on from a company. I have another coworker that’s moving on, i knew immediately when i found out this morning where he was going. We’ve been recruited heavily by one company for years now. Our Ex boss works there (a man i’m not too fond of) but they have work and they pay well. I’m nervous again, as i see where this thing could be going. Is it time to make the move for myself? I dont know at this point. Being Anxious about it is not going to help anything.


Good morning checking in day 66. IOP is done, I’m glad I went, I learned alot. Last day of the weekend but it’s been productive. Today I’ll probably just relax. It’s been a long couple of weeks. Hope you all have a great Friday. :v:


Checking in before going to sleep (down under in aussie) :sleeping:

Feeling good overall… I didn’t quite get my to-do-list ticked off today but it’s nonetheless been a productive day I’d say! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m committed to a better me is what counts! :seedling::sunflower:

Even though the cravings for my toxic old ways are getting far fewer, I’m learning they’re still just around the corner and like to drain, disorientate and catch me off guard with their unexpected intensity and manipulation -usually in times of excess stress or feeling down- and I need to make sure to shut them down before they even get the chance to grow to dangerous levels…

I also need to prepare for better coping/distraction mechanisms when I need them. For precisely those stressful, boring, lonely, anxious or down etc moments when I’m at my most vulnerable… Because when things are going well, addictions/dependencies/escape don’t even cross my mind.

Food for thought anyways as I figure this life of mine out odaat… Something tells me I’ve got this though, you too fam :muscle::heart: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Sending you love and courage whoever and wherever you are in the world right now friend - nobody is alone, unworthy or incapable…

Simple question: what can we do better…? :sun_behind_small_cloud:


Checking in day 439! Officially done the 4th week at the new job- things are going really well. I told all my clients about leaving my part-time job this week. Some can come see me where I am now, some can’t. Some took it well, some didn’t. Feel ok about all of it, and ready to be more free as of December 1.

Have what looks like a good weekend ahead! Have a night in with my bf tonight, a Friendsgiving tomorrow, and a hike with a friend Sunday. Looking forward to some downtime between as well.

Hope everyone has a fabulous sober Friday :sparkles:


:sunny: Early Morning Check In :sunny:
Day 642
Just finished getting ready for my sons MRI appt. Feeling a bit nervous about the results but staying positive. It usually takes a few days to get them. Will treat myself to a nice coffee while I wait. Hope everyone has a great friday! :butterfly:


You’re doing so well , Trixie! Happy Belated Birthday. I’m approaching the last year of that decade, and I totally relate to what you said about listening to your body at this stage of life. Made me smile!
Keep rocking it​:muscle:t3::muscle:t3::heart:


You know what, nothing like a nice coffee while you wait. There is chaos around me today, alot of it, and i’m leaning heavily toward getting me a pumpkin spice latte with oat milk. That’s where i’m at.


Checking in, day 128 for me. Having a love affair with chocolate, trying to tone it down


Im sorry to hear that things are chaotic for u right now :frowning: Thats never, ever a good feeling. Theres something very soothing about a nice cup of coffee or a latte tho. If u feel the need to grab one, by all means do it :slight_smile: They have a starbucks on the 4th floor of the childrens hospital and I was thinking of trying one of their winter flavors. Im wishing u a calm day today friend :pray:


Hello sober peeps! Day 31. I think my mood swings are getting better and im becoming more even keeled. I welcome that big time. Ive been reflecting on why I failed in the past. When I was doing service work and helping others I was happy and didn’t want to drink. When I stopped I then stopped going to meetings and talking with my sponsor. Therefore I think I need to start service work again. Ive never had a sponsee so thats something I’m excited about doing (not now but when I’m ready again). Ill start with volunteering at meetings for now haha.

Have an awesome Friday everyone!!


Made it 5 days!!! Now I’m coasting along til 7:00 p.m. because I am going to make it to 6days.This is where it gets tricky. Been sober all week, feeling good, today pretty great actually, and now we have reached Friday. Payday, the start of the weekend, my “tolerance break” is music to my addictions ears. The difference this time is, I know this. I know what will happen, I’ve been down every single Road and I know the only road that leads to the destination I want, so I’m going to stay on it. I think what’s different this time is I’m starting to understand the difference between sobriety and recovery. I’m not trying to just be sober, I’m trying to recover and move on from this chapter of my life and start a whole new book. Have a fantabulous Friyay everyone!!!


@sobrietyforme How are you doing? Hopefully that craving did not last long :pray:
@maestro How is your day going? Has the anxiety gotten any better for you?
@mno hope you are able to enjoy your social engagements today.
@juli1 77 is so fricking awesome! Love seeing you doing so well Jules :heart:
@lotusflower Hey Des 66 days and going strong is amazing work! Keep working on your recovery and I know you will continue on this path for yourself as well as your children. You are not alone my friend. Grateful that you have moved on from your partner. A unhealthy relationship can never offer anything but negativity. Sending you strength in moving forward with your journey. :people_hugging:
@selflove_42 wow – it is always a challenge figuring out when it is best to move on from a job. For me, I make a pro / con list and review it daily for a few days to see how much one column resonates with me more than the other. Wishing you luck with this decision. Deep breathes my friend – that pumpkin spice latte sounds heavenly – enjoy (I may have to pick one up on my errands today – the power of suggestion :wink: )
@butterflymoonwoman Hope everything goes smoothly for your sons appointment today. You are right to just stay positive and put out positive vibes – I will do so with you. Much love my dear friend.
@pattycake You crack me up :laughing: great work on 128 days Patty! Enjoy your chocolate :yum:

WOW – really well put. It really is a switch in the mind and a understanding of ourselves with our relationship with our DOC. You are stronger than your urges – keep going strong. The weekends are often harder as we have more “free” time. If possible, try to fill all that time with activities or hobbies so that you don’t give your urges a chance to linger. Sending you strength – together we can see another 24 hours :muscle:

Checking in on Friday morning
What a lovely gloomy day. I have had my morning coffee with my mom and now enjoying a cup in solitude. I am going to push myself to move and do things today. They are working on the siding outside so the loud racket is really not soothing and actually giving me a headache. Will try to run errands to get me out of the house.
Wishing everyone a fantastic addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you so much friend. He is in the MRI now and im having a starbucks creme brule latte. Yum. Hope ur day goes well :slight_smile: Hope they finish up that siding soon. I can only imagine how annoying that is to listen to lol


Day 3 were up and watched denace the menace. Kept them home from school so they could be with daddy. Now we’re going to go for a little walk. Much love everyone


Day 268, I rarely post here as I’m active in another group. But, I just wanted to update you all that I do read your posts and they offer me so much hope. I never thought that I would ever reach this day count and honestly in the beginning, I couldn’t even envision going 3 days without alcohol but here I am.

The peace that keeps unfolding for me as I progress through this journey is remarkable.

We are capable of profound change and healing. In the beginning when it’s so dark, hopeless and heavy, it’s hard to see the road ahead. Stay with it. You will be so amazed by what you can accomplish.


Love seeing ur check ins Mike! Congratulations on day 3 :slight_smile: