Checking in daily to maintain focus #60


I can’t just have the one :wink:


lol I guess that’s a good thing in the case! :joy:


So sorry to hear you have such down days @Deelzebub
I guess this time of the year doesn’t make it any better. I hate November anyway, when it’s all dark and wet and cold. But I hope you’ll find a way out of the depressed feelings. Sometimes it helps me to just put on the warmest clothes I have and go for a little walk. No matter what the weather is like. Sometimes I just accept that I don’t have any energy and stay on my sofa all day.
Maybe you can get your notepad and a pen to your bed and write or drawn something. You’re such a creative person.
Hope you feel better soon Delia. Big hugs :people_hugging:


Morning check in on day 120

Wow I’m a bit impressed be this number, don’t know way but it makes me feel … not proud but … lucky and blessed.
Yeah blessed might be the right word.
I remember watching others turning into their triple digits and I always thought what an achievement this is and I always wondered how to get there …
Now I’m here on day 120 and I never felt that comfortable and safe in my sobriety.
Go on sober peeps… One day at a time… It is possible and it is so f… worth it.
Have a great sober Sunday and never give up the good fight :people_hugging::pray::people_hugging:



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@chey.o belated congrats on 500+ days :tada:
@JazzyS I am so grateful you stopped yourself when you wanted to black out, proud of you. 🩵
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope your pain and other symptoms have settled from the other day. I also really hope it doesn’t happen again that any child(ren) go interfering with your son’s wheelchair or tease/bully him in any way, sorry it happened. :people_hugging:🩵 also, congrats on 650 days :tada:
@SelfLove_42 I hope you’re feeling better by now :people_hugging:
@KarenKW congrats on the new job offer :clap:t2: :tada: and on double digits :tada:
@Rob11 I hope you start to feel the benefit of the new med asap :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:
@Mossy91 welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@Xlexenex welcome :blush: congrats on your sober time :tada:
@Sabrina80 proud of you for asserting yourself with your doctor, I hope the med starts to help assp :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:
@Alycia sorry your sister’s aren’t respecting your boundaries :people_hugging: but proud of you for staying strong with them. Sending strength 🩵


@TheWolf congrats on 200 days :tada:
@residentevil belated congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Mira_D congrats on the new job :clap:t2: :tada:
@Starlight14 oh nooo, I hope you feel better soon 🩵 had to laugh at the last part of your check-in though! :rofl: sorry about your ex too :roll_eyes:
@Timetochange congrats on 5+ months :tada: I hope you’re enjoying your weekend with your family :blush:
@Lisab3 welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@zzz congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Mindofsobermike congrats on double digits :tada:
@DresdenLaPage congrats on the job offer :clap:t2: :tada: sounds like your creativity is really flowing at the moment :grinning:
@Vikingsfan welcome back :blush: congrats on 10+ months :tada:


@mx_elle congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Chuckie22 feel better soon 🩵
@Englishd congrats on 6 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@hdrew95 congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Deelzebub sorry youre struggling this weekend :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵

1202 days no alcohol.
667 days no cocaine.
182 days no vape.

Checking-in for the past few days…

Didn’t get anymore sleep after my check-in Wednesday night, or Thursday night, nor Friday night, so I’d been awake since 10:30pm Weds night. I’ve been okay, until yesterday, but I’ve had no energy, and it’s affecting my mental health now.

I haven’t managed to go in the gym yet, like I was hoping, but I have walked there and back every day, I even made myself do it in the dark when I couldn’t make myself do it during the daytime on Thursday.

I had a bath Thursday night, so I felt good about that, and I went for my Testosterone shot first thing Friday morning, so I felt good about that too.

Yesterday, I felt very depressed, and so very sad with dark thoughts. I tried all of my healthier coping mechanisms but they didn’t help, but I did manage to watch 2 episodes of The Voice, and during the 2nd one, I ate pizza and ice cream. It was a good distraction, but ultimately, I know I need sleep. I’m typing this at 1:25am and I haven’t been able to sleep so far. I will do what I do then see if I fall asleep or if not, then maybe I’ll be able to once I know my check-in is done and I’m all caught-up. :crossed_fingers:t2::sleeping:…I caught up until there were only 70ish posts left, then a sleep wave hit me at 4:45AM this morning, and I slept from 5-11:30am, I feel much better for it.

I hope you’ve all had, or are having, wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Day 72!
I completely forgot to check in on Friday and Saturday, days that were kind of full of post Thanksgiving holiday tasks errands relaxation etc.
All is well :grinning:


200!!! No alcohol (the longest ive ever been)
18 no weed
131 no vapes or ciggs

Just walked into work feeling optimistic about the day ahead

Take care


I managed a bit of a walk and I was able to pick up something for dinner while I was out. It is a lightly drizzly day here today, which I quite like. I’m back home now on the sofa. Thanks for your kind words Anne.


Checking in on day 137. It’s snowing outside! Yaaay!


Eyup sober fam! :heart:

I am grateful to be sober right now, grateful to be here and grateful for you… :pray:


HUGE congratulations on 200 whole days of sobriety!!! Thats a big milestone :slight_smile:


That’s good to hear @Deelzebub Be proud of yourself :kissing_heart:


Congratulations on your 200 days AF Noshame
:pray:t2: :boom::boom: :heart:


4 months Anne!! :boom::boom::boom::boom:
I glad you’re here


I love the way you write TF :heart:
You got a gift there.


Still a little under the weather but I’m ok