Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Checking in from my nightshift.
100 days now for me and I start to feel stronger with every day.
Thank you everyone for being here and support one another. This community is awesome :pray:


say 613 of no self harm

I’m not sure if I like to think that I have no reason to feel this way or not. having no reason makes me feel helpless and like I can’t fix it but if I acknowledge the reasons it’s too much to handle. I’m chronically ill and in pain 24/7. I live with people who don’t care about me, most of my family at best, deals with me and at worst hates me. I don’t belong anywhere I go. I’m so tired of it. I want to change myself and my situation but I feel like there’s nothing I can do. I can’t change the people I live with and I desperately want to leave but I’m also still too mentally and physically ill to even think about having a job. it’s pathetic honestly. I’m 21 and I can’t even drive. and I have no interest in learning right now either. part of my illnesses is nausea and I have emetophobia so I have constant panic attacks over my nausea. anxiety also makes me more nauseous. so the second I get behind a wheel I’d probably have a panic attack. I used to have goals and things but now it just feels like I don’t want anything else out of life. I’m not going to harm myself or anything but sometimes I wish I would.


welcome to the community and your sober journey Peter. The site does take a minute to get used to – take a moment to read around and it will get easier to navigate. This is one of my favorite threads as checking in daily helps me stay accountable and connect with my sober friends.

Addiction is a nasty disease and hard to shed. For me, having a space of support (on line or in person - with meetings for example), changing up my routines and social circles, drinking lots of water and getting loads of rest helped me get my footing for sobriety. I also kept myself super busy with work, hobbies and games on my phone so that i would be able to keep away from temptations.

Stay strong my friend - together we can fight this addiction :muscle:


Way to go Brittany on your 5 + days of sobriety! I do know that I did a LOT of sleeping and lounging and increased my sugar intake during the beginning of my sobriety. Your body is detoxing and adjusting. Be kind to yourself and allow for the rest. Every day you are sober is a success. :muscle:
@becsta a great reminder that every day sober is a day to celebrate. Super proud of your journey and love your 4.44 years – keep up the amazing work :muscle.
@sunny11 Well done on your 2 weeks of sobriety! :tada: Keep going strong :muscle:
@hidden Way to go on not entertaining the thought. You are crushing it with 47 days and retraining your mind in your sober living. It is a lot and each day sober is a day to be proud.
@tomek welcome back to the community. I am sorry for the recent struggles (depression and intense grief). Grateful that you are maintaining your sobriety and your therapist. We are here with you my friend – sending you comfort and love on your journey. :hugs:
@binx So great to see you checking in and love seeing posts from you :hugs: Happy Birthday to your youngest :birthday: Hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating!
@jennyh wow girl you did have a day and I can imagine that being stressful. Grateful you did not have any cravings and I loved the “love bombed” –I am sure she felt it :heart: I do hope you did get the peaceful rest :sleeping:
@mira_d I totally relate to having a hard time making friendships as I got older. I can make many acquaintances but genuine friendships where you click and can enjoy hanging out is difficult. So excited for your new friend and love all the fun stuff you two did together :hugs;
@sabrina80 WOW – 400 days AF and 3 weeks detox from social media!! You are amazing Sabrina :muscle: grateful you are also starting to see improvement on your hands and feet :heart:

LOVE this Emilie – it is a huge feat and you should be super proud of yourself! I am excited to see you shed the shell that addiction had created and emerge into your badass version of yourself. :hugs:


@catmancam thanks friend :hugs: I do hope you can be kind to yourself. I realize that the binging was a set back but I think you should be proud of the progress you have made. I also have faith that you will get back on track. Way to crush it with 11 months no cigarillos! :muscle:
@goku2019 750 days and going strong!! Sorry the latte caused your night to end early. That puzzle looks awesome – glad you were able to finish it :heart:
@jasty2 UGH! Sorry friend – I do hope it’s a mild case and you get better soon.
@happyfeet SOOO excited to see you at 99 days – about to get that triple digits :clap: Sorry that you are feeling low. For me, I force myself to get fresh air (which is see with your walks that you are doing) and I also surround myself with laughter – usually go with my go to stand up comic who never fails. I do hope you are able to lift your spirits soon – sending you happy vibes :heart: just saw your update – YEAH to 100 days Anne!!!
@moosetracks 14 months is amazing! :tada: :clap: :clap: Keep up the great work :muscle:
@icebear so grateful that you are here with us Drew and working on your sobriety. Keep working the sober path and stay positive my friend :muscle:
@efountains A huge congrats to you and your 14 months of sobriety. Keep moving forward and keeping strong in your journey :muscle:
@deatle_30 Welcome to the community Lindsay and great work on 5 days sober! My nerves were shot to hell and my patience / emotional levels were nonexistent. I would cry over nothing and lose my temper at the slightest inconvenience. It was not pretty. Be gentle with yourself. Your body is detoxing and learning new behaviors. It is also learning to deal with situations / emotions that we used to drown and numb in the past. I am grateful that you did get to the gym and work out that rage. Keep finding ways to work through it. It does go away and it does get easier. We are here with you on this journey – feel free to check in and vent (sometimes writing it out helps release some of its hold on you).
@karenkw way to go on 1 week of sobriety Karen!! :muscle: :tada: Were you able to rest this weekend? The energy levels to get better as you stack on the sober days. Sending you energy and love my friend.

Anything you want to talk about Mulan? Hope your day got easier :hugs:


f o u r . z e r o
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Hey, it’s 11:24 and I’m already getting tired! Maybe I’ll finally fix my bedtime procrastination! Or maybe I’ll do it tomorrow. Just kidding :joy: But seriously, I do like how this clock change makes it easier to get up on time.

Yesterday felt like the longest day ever so today was be a bum day. It was nice bc my body’s quite sore. Think I’m actually gonna go to bed. Rest well everyone :blue_heart:


@mx_elle Nicely done Mel – 30 + days and going strong! Keep kicking addictions ass! :muscle: :boxing_glove: A1XSsTFkLlL.CLa_2140,2000_71uK0syCZiL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_UX679
@sadmemequeen Oh Megan big hugs to you my friend. You are so young - I know it feels exhausting dealing with symptoms, pain and anxiety without having support from your family members. I do hope that you are able to discuss all your concerns with your doctor next week and hopefully get some direction to your healing journey. I can sympathize with you and know that it is devastating to be in a constant circle of fighting with your body and then trying to keep your mind on a positive path. Are you able to immerse yourself in something that makes you happy (listening to good music, watching something funny or talking with a friend…etc).
@zzz way to go on your 40 days! Congrats :tada: :clap:

Checking in on Sunday night
319 days free of alcohol and weed
734 days free of cigarette
I am checking in feeling much better than in the past few days. Grateful for this community and grateful for my mother and her positive attitude. I am again hopeful that i will heal and get back to my former healthy self. Our minds are powerful - we can do whatever we set our minds to :muscle: ODAAT my sober companions.
Wishing everyone had a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m about to hang out with a friend


Oh that great - hope you have a wonderful time :heart: :hugs:


@JazzyS Gracias. It’s a trip being sober this long. I remember going through some brutal withdrawals around this month. I thought I was gonna cave. I’m still putting in the work daily :muscle:. A lot more manageable now. Yeah, no more lattes for me. Not gonna lie. It was delicious, lol. I had a pretty chill day with the wifey today. Can’t complain about much. Staying focused. Living in the moment. Making new memories…sober. Congrats to you, too! Bout to hit the hay. It’s back to the grind tomorrow. Gnite!


Day 48:

Not much to report today, expect that I did sleep a little better. Took a long time to fall asleep and I was awake after 2 hours of sleep, but I opened my window to let the cold air in, bundled back up in bed and slept until 10:00. Only 6 hours of sleep, but that’s the most I’ve slept in a long time.

Spent the day at home alone. Just did work around the house with football on in the background. I did settle in on the couch for the Cowboys game, what a let down. Managed to get my daily November workout in, had a couple hours of work to get done in order to make tomorrow more managable. My ex text me, she’s having a hard time, so it was good to catch up with her and try to lighten her mood.

Doing a little reading before bed and crossing my fingers that I sleep tonight.

Happy to be sober, enjoying getting to know myself again.


66 days AF
Hellyeah :sunglasses:


Double 6’s. Hell yeah!! Love this check in :sunglasses::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well done Anne, triple digits rocks!:facepunch::facepunch:


Day 1876
Day 23 no social media

It’s still weird not to start my morning by checking Facebook and Insta, I deleted them.
To many distraction in life, too many houres waisted.
But still missing it though. I guess it needs more time to change that habit. I’m not going to let it back in.
Today? Having the day off so going for a walk with a friend to catch up time. Top it off with a lunch in a restaurant.
Made this picture yesterday: the Nortern lights in the Netherlands! :purple_heart: I live in the south of my country and I’ve never seen it before!

It’s not as bright as seen more in the north, but it’s there :wink:
Have a good day all TS people!


Awww thank you @JazzyS for the fireworks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Glad to hear you feel a bit better and so good to hear your Mom is lifting you up with her positive attitude. Moms are the best!

Thank you @SoberWalker I’m very happy about the triple digits and I really start to feel the benefits of Sobriety. Still struggling with productivity though, but working on it.
Wow just saw the picture you’ve posted Wow that’s amazing. Have a wonderful day of and enjoy the time with your friend.


Thank you and have a very good day too! :facepunch:



I’m 58 today. Crazy stuff. Very grateful to celebrate sober and clean, even though actually making something of my life is hard work. Not having the easiest of times at the moment but nothing would be made better when I escaped into drinking or drugging. Or indulging in porn for that matter.

The corona shot I got yesterday morning made me sleep more than I have in many years. First five hours in the afternoon. Then I made myself dinner and watched some tv and then slept nine hours more. I’m still not totally rested but it feels totally different from the hangovers I used to wake up to.

I remember everything from yesterday. I remember my dreams. My mind is clear. I did my journaling. I’m ready for this day. After I had another mug of coffee that is. Will have lunch with my sister and see what the day will bring further. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from de Pijp.

@happyfeet Huge congrats on reaching triple digits Anne! Hope you sleep well.


Checking in on day 372 before getting ready for work.

It’s been a busy old week since I got to the 1 year milestone last Monday.
Think I need to call the doc this morning for an appointment, i don’t think my meds are working as they should and i seem to feel tired and sore no matter what I do.

Have a great day everyone.