Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Hi fellow sobers :blush: Wishing a great day! I’m sober just for few days but with clear vision and strong mindset I’m sober for the rest of my life. With your help and support as well, reading your messages and stories to remind myself it’s essential to stay on the target but at the same time to be humble and grateful for everything God or anything what’s around us provides to me. I feel very good, and btw I wear Garmin smartwatch and let me tell you guys even they recognized a good deal of recovery - quality of sleep is better, and most importantly heart is resting more. Be well and have a great day ahead :heart::heart::heart::heart:


A warm welcome @Bunto.
I’m glad you’ve already noticed positive changes on yourself due to sobriety. Your post shows such a positive mindset as well.
Wishing you all the best on this sober journey.
I’m sure you’ll find a lot of support by scrolling and reading through the threads on here.
There are so many lovely and supportive people here.
Have a great addiction free day!


good morning lovely folks :raising_hand_woman:t2::sparkling_heart: i’m 52 days alcohol free :smiling_face::smiling_face: had a dream last night where i drank, and tried to hide it from my mom & dad but my mom discovered the cup and i just felt awful and sketchy. i even reset my timer! was so relieved to wake up and find out it was not real life. so deeply grateful for sobriety and for this community!


Day 47 :+1:
Back to work after a long weekend


Day 150 alcohol free.
It’s a horrible day outside so I’ve spent the morning staying cosy and have done a little more painting. I’m about to get ready for the lunchtime yoga class and then I have to get some groceries and I’m scheduled to give blood before the kids get back from school. My daughter has another Halloween party this evening.

Wishing everyone an addiction free day.


Hey all, checking in on day 1235. I hope everybody has a good one!


Good morning guys. Merry Xmas :christmas_tree::christmas_tree::gift:.
:rofl:. Just checking in, hope you all had a fun/sober night, and have a great Wednesday. Love ya’s :v:


Checking in with 1.5 years free from alcohol and weed. Im doing it by finding community here and in the rooms of AA, doing the 12steps, and therapy. It’s not always a cake walk but it is so worth it to have my life back. I dont ever want to go back to the chains of addiction.

All we have is one day at a time. Peace and love soberonies.


Thank you!! That means alot :heart:

I hope you’re doing well!

2 Likes congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Bunto welcome :blush: congrats on your days so far :tada:
@Deelzebub I’m glad you’re painting again :blush: congrats on 150 days :tada:
@Cjp congrats on 1.5 years :tada:

1177 days no alcohol.
642 days no cocaine.
157 days no vape.

Checking-in for yesterday…

Nothing new, same symptoms, pain is making me feel extra miserable. Hoping it’s just irritation that needs tine to heal now, rather than the infection continuing.

The psychologist cancelled my appointment 50mins before it was due to start, because she was stuck in traffic. I dont know when our first session will be now, she said she would let me know, so I’ll wait to hear something.

I was already on the bus on my way there when she cancelled, and it meant I had 2 hours to kill before the hair cut I’d booked. I tried to be productive about it, walked to the toilets, then to a card shop, where I bought everyone’s xmas cards, then to Starbucks. Still had another hour so I looked around another store and bought 4 xmas gifts. Then I headed to my hair appointment 15mins early.

My hair is shorter than I wanted it, but it will now be able to grow how I picture it in my head, because it is cut into the correct style for it now. So I’m happy with it. It was an hour of total silence, other than the radio and sounds from barbering tools. I didn’t feel too awkward about it though.

Today, I am just listening to my body, trying to help it recover, and managing my symptoms. Will hopefully check-in again later on for today.



@DresdenLaPage I’m in Peterborough, only 2 stops on the train!
@HBT congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Juli1 belly strokes! That cat really trusts you :heart_eyes_cat: congrats on 60 days :tada: feel better soon :people_hugging:🩵
@Pickles congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@Misokatsu sorry about the dream :people_hugging: I’ve had a couple lately too. Sending strength 🩵
@Amy30 ahh that really sucks about your pay and hours :weary::people_hugging: hoping a new opportunity opens itself up to you asap :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: depression also sucks, right there with you :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Liz22 I hope the meeting helped. Feel better soon 🩵
@Englishd awesome costumes! :star_struck:
@Barber508 congrats on 50+ days :tada:
@Frank68 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:


:framed_picture: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square:
:black_large_square: :three: :five: :black_large_square:
:white_large_square: :white_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square:


Congrats on 555. Hopefully youre not away for too long. :v:


Happy hump day. Day 15. Feeling good. My vitals are within spec and i have a positive attitude. Because of the snow the turnout was about 50 kids yesterday for trick or treating. That leaves me with about 150 little bags of candy to figure out how to use.

I have decided to reduce/ eliminate caffeine for now. I drink way too much coffee. Going through at least 1 pot a day

Have an awesome sober day my friends!


@liz22 how are you doing today? Was the nap / meeting helpful yesterday? Sending you strength to keep moving forward.
@englishd Those are some great costumes – hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! 2189 days is impressive! :clap: :muscle:
@rob11 how are you doing today Rob? Hope all is well with your test results.
@hoss CONGRATS on moving into your new house! Grateful you finally got heat and internet :pray:
@SadMemeQueen queen I am so sorry for the memories that this time of year brings up for you. Please do not punish yourself. If possible, find a way to honor and cherish the memory of your friend so that his spirit can live on with you. Sending you hugs and comfort my friend.
@hoofhearted That is an awesome looking garage Dan – you have crushed it!!! So happy the kids and you had fun!
@juli1 61 days and a new attitude! Love it Jules – keep moving forward and kicking addictions ass!
@LIMINAL.REHAB WOOT WOOT – so good to see you checking in and at 8 months :muscle:
@trustybird I find those thoughts creep in when we are tired or have our defenses down. After a 12 hour shift I can imagine that you would be exhausted. Grateful that you were strong enough to ignore that thought :hugs:
@looking4support Love that you are trying to be available for everyone and provide so much support. This is a vast community which operates 247 and it is hard to keep up with all the posts / stories. I know your heart is in the right place in wanting to make sure that no one post gets left behind or not responded to. As Sassy mentioned, by tagging someone to a post it puts that person in a position to answer and that person may not be in a good mental / physical space to do so at the time. I know its hard to leave someone on “read” but it is best if we don’t have the right support to offer in that particular instance.


@dresdenlapage Best of luck with the new job today! You will be in the kitchen and you will be crushing it doing what you do best. I do get the need to be busy and the need to problem solve to keep moving forward but I have recently also realized that for me its exhausting and I need to slow my role. Still working on this so not giving advice just saying I understand where you are coming from.
@bunto great to see you checking in with a few days of sobriety and feeling the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you around.
@deelzebub 150 days and going strong :muscle: love cozy morning when it’s cold / nasty outside.
@jasty2 I see what you did - :laughing: Thanks for the chuckle
@catmancam I am sorry to hear about your symptoms still lingering. Hope it is not an infection – should you go see a doctor? Man- it sucks that your appointment got cancelled while you were on the way to it – grateful you were able to get so much done. Excited for your haircut. I do love when you get the perfect look in progress – hair grows fast so it wont be a long wait. I do hope you are able to rest today and feel better soon.
@Soberbilly hey SB - congrats on your triple 5’s. I do understand the need to step away - ready to lend an ear / shouder when if you need.
We are here waiting your return. You will be missed :hugs:


Checking in on Wednesday morning… i was riding high on Halloween energy yesterday. Felt fantastic. Feeling it today but have to go in to work for a few hours. Grateful to be able to rest afterwards. Today marks 2 years of not smoking for me and it feels amazing! I hope everyone has a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart; :heart:


Checking in for day 100 AF.


Triple digits!!! Keep strong and keep adding on the days :muscle::muscle::raised_hands:


Thanks bunch! Have a great day.


Checking, in, it’s day 112. First day of November, yikes! Love seeing so much progress here. :heart::heart: