Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

No need to punush yourself. I don’t think your friend wants to add any more pain

I hope you feel better asap


Evening of day
1 no form of Marijuana
174 no alcohol
105 no vapes or ciggs

Slow night but its reastful
No need to be under the influence


Just cause …

I’m no better than anyone else here but I’m also never less than anyone either. I strive for progress over perfection not only in being AF but in my personal everyday life. The opposite of addiction is connection which in my lowly opinion (lol) is what sites like this are all about … a safe place to explore & find ourselves with others sans our addiction(s).

I’m not here much anymore but when I do check in I like to leave a little hope, strength, and positivity as time permits as well as some advice reaped from my own experience for those still struggling. Nothing more, nothing less. Hopefully it helps someone.

I hope that in spite of the realities of life that you look ahead & recognize the rainbows that appear also in your life. We all have them … it’s up to us whether we choose to see & appreciate them. Best Wishes to everyone always.


Day 1865

Halloween was always a day I would over indulge. This is my 5th sober Halloween and the first time in a looong time I had the urge, or even a craving, to smoke. It was weird, popped up out of nowhere, but then went away pretty quick too.

Anyhow, got the garage set up to pass out candy. The kiddos loved it!



Went trick or treating with my daughter, her friend, and my ex. It was cold but fun. One house asked us if we wanted a drink and my ex grabbed a can before realizing it was a spiked cider. He doesn’t drink anymore and all I thought was ‘gross’. It made it back to my house and he set it on the stairs in the entranceway. It will be gone in the morning.

My body’s pretty beat from walking so much in the cold. My toes are still a little numb! Gonna get to bed when I finish up this movie. And maybe a couple more candies :stuck_out_tongue:


Day 43:

Pretty good day, slept a little better last night. Productive day at work and managed the stress pretty well. Got off work around 3:00 to go to my daughter’s fisrt high school state playoff volleyball game. She killed it and they won, she was ecstatic! That is what makes life worthwhile, watching her thrive and have joy, me being sober and able to be apart of all of it!

Going to try and get some sleep, have to go to work at 6am tomorrow morning and then going to the Utah Jazz basketball game tomorrow night with a friend.

Should be another great sober day.

Happy Halloween and goodnight everyone!


12 days clean! :blush:🩷



Checking in sober from alcohol.
Staying clean, drinking is not an option and will lead to hell.

Have a nice day.



Short night between two late shifts. Got to go to meet my group therapist this morning and talk what’s next. I haven’t totally made up my mind about it yet. Trying to keep an open mind while reminding myself this is for me and should be beneficial for me (duh! but this is actually something I have to remind myself of still).

Biking home to and from work on my commute late last night it was raining so hard it made me laugh out loud. Actually lifted my spirit quite a bit and I still feel it. Interesting how my brain works :thinking:.

As always have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Pic is from a year ago, the beach at low tide on the east end of Texel. Would like to go on a little beach walk. Maybe tomorrow. I’ll be off for five days then :sunglasses:. Love.


Congratulations Julia!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Glad I didn’t miss this milestone of yourse, well done :facepunch: 2 whole months!!


Day 1047,

Did a long sleep meditation to take steps for the future tonight. And what do I get…? A vivid user dream totally in fuck it mode :rofl::roll_eyes::smiling_face_with_tear:



Day 245

8 months alcohol free! Still proud of myself for hanging in there. Woke up early this morning, journaled, meal prepped, now I’m finishing off my gym session and then I will head home to shower and head to work. Hope everyone is doing well!


Night time on day 622. I finished my 12 hour shift and don’t have time for much more than sleep tonight. It is great to know that I can maintain sobriety with no one else in my house. Honestly, the sneaky thought crossed my mind a few times. Not a craving but more of a “no one would know”. I’m happy that me knowing was enough of a deterrent. I’ll be checking in tomorrow a.m. too. Thanks for being here all.


You would know and thats all that matters, you keep you sober no matter what the situation is. Glad youve kept checking in here for support though, your doing great Emilie :heart:


Morning everyone, checking in from the car park outside the office on day 367 ( day 02 of year 02 ).

Listening to the radio whilst driving to the office, the news report said that “Police in London will no longer respond to emergency 999 calls related to mental health - unless there is a threat to life”. How do we all feel about that?


Yeahii… Thank you :tulip::white_flower::two_hearts:


Checking in Day 12)

Todays my first day at my new job. Despite being in the kitchen, it’s still a pub. I had my reservations because well, it’s still a pub. I’m really pulling on the “If you don’t need to be there, don’t go there” today because I do actually need to go there. It’s still the only thing I’m any good at and can earn a good living doing.

I’m optimistic that I’ll be able to achieve a lot of my goals because a lot of them are money driven. Step 4 is really tugging on me today (mostly the need for financial and emotional security, less the sex relations part as explained in the book about the 12 steps)…

I feel like I’m back in my old head of “Set lots of ambitions and lots of goals” and this seems to be where I operate best; having lots of things to work towards. I never did master the old adage of “One Day at a time” and focusing just on sobriety because sobriety to me doesn’t look like that.

Does anyone else feel like this? Just that need to be busy and have 100 things going at once - not for the sake of avoiding the problem but because you’re a natural problem solver and it makes you happy to solve problems and to get past the post?

People keep telling me to slow down; I can’t! It’s just not in my nature. That I bite off too much at once but I’m my best self when I do! It’s almost psychotic I’m sure of it! I wish I could channel it into something entrepreneurial because then I’d be busy and have my brain active all day long.

Verbal diorrhea appears to be my brains way of arranging stuff today. Ugh!


Congratulations @Juli1 ! So happy for you! Love the affirmation, too!

Congrats nice to see you

@TrustyBird you’re doing great, glad you are checking in during this different time for you. Glad you’re being aware and careful. Big hugs for your conscientiousness and care ….

@GC1111 awesome!!

@HoofHearted thats really cool

@Mno enjoy your day, rain, sun, walk, work. Nice to hear you laughing in the rain! Big hugs :purple_heart::people_hugging::purple_heart:

@ everyone else. Congrats on each day without your DOC, each hurdle you’re trying to overcome to make it through your day, and each joy coming around in your days!

Big hugs.


The police either don’t have resources or won’t respond to much like this anyway. I don’t know how I feel z the world is a cruel travesty to life. Maybe they are all tied up policing marches and other political wrangles… :eyes::eyes:


No idea why I checked in at 37 yesterday, must be eager.

A lot to do. Feeling slightly stressed but steeling my will to remain methodical and control what I can.

My holiday is rolling in quickly, just like the new storm front…:disappointed:

Too much to do at the minute including some Deed of certificate for my flat which seems utterly shit and stupid: asking for emails of pdf leases and such, so I can email it back to them. I honestly could hang my head in my hands over this EWS and fire safety palarver. And I don’t imply it doesn’t need addressing, it does. But it seems like the upkeep of the zoo has been left in the hands of monkeys…

It beggars belief :grimacing::see_no_evil: