Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Oh man @BrOKenWolf what happened to you in the last two years is devastating. I feel your pain. Facing it all clean and sober is an exceptional achievement. I’m glad you’re checking in and share your story.
I’m so sorry for all your losses. Sending love and strength and positive vibes your way.
And congratulations on your 2 years sober :pray:


Day 10 I am really struggling guys


Day 70:

Can’t believe its been 70 days. Had a fun mini vacation and survived Vegas. We just went down fornthe raiders vs chiefs game so no real time in the casinos which was good. I don’t understand how people afford to drink at NFL games. A beer cost $16! My $7 water was much more reasonably priced! :joy:

Good to be home, happy to be sober!

I have a lot of reading to catch up on here!


I just hit 16 days a couple of hours ago. I’m feeling pretty good except my sleep is all jacked up. I’m just assuming it’s another thing that needs to regulate after all of the years of prescription pill use. Also I am really having to confront and deal with my emotions and anxiety in different ways. Exercise, reading on here, journaling and prayer are all my new fave tools instead of popping a pill. I have not had this many consecutive days in I don’t know how long. I’m genuinely happy and proud. I feel like I’m really doing the work and things are clicking for me. I can’t say I’ll be sober forever but I can say for another 24 hours I definitely will. I hope everyone has a magnificent Monday! Good night everyone. :sleeping:


You are not alone @Mossy91


I’ve been struggling too. The struggle is real. :weary: But you made it to double digits woo woo :tada::tada::tada: that’s something positive for sure. Hang in there.


Hi Mossy,

Day 10 is a big deal. Well done! I had struggles today as well. It’s helpful to talk about what’s going on which you have done. Be kind to.yourself and practice some self care if you can. Keep going :purple_heart::pray:t5:


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Checking in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 652
Today was a loooong day. Glad its almost over. Even though im feeling exhausted, i am feeling so, so blessed. My sons MRI results were stable… meaning no growth from his brain tumor. This is such good news!! :pray: I also decorated our apartment today with christmas items from the dollarstore. The lights and garland really make me feel happy :sparkles: I feel sooo blessed to be clean. Pushing thru the hard times and all the cravings and temptations were sooo worth it. Today makes me feel grateful that i didnt cave all those times i wanted to, bcuz amazing things are on the other side. And these amazing things arent anything super extravagant… but for me they are peace of mind, no shame or guilt, being able to be in the moment, to be able to love and be loved, to finally be able to experience joy and a sense of calm. Idk how else to describe it. Being in recovery has given me everything of value in my life. Drugs promised me alot yet gave me nothing. Recovery has given me everything. Hope everyone continues to stick on this path of recovery. Its sooo worth it!! :butterfly:


@englishd Hope you were able to work through the hurt. I know I would’ve been mad as hell for such blatant judgment. Like others said, it is most likely a blind judgement towards addicts. You have come a long way in your 6 years and it is this person’s loss to not have you as a friend in their life.
@mindofsobermike Ah I do hope that going to the gym got you a bit pumped up. Sending you strength to make it to your interview tomorrow. Believe in yourself like we all believe in you. Much love Mike :heart:
@brokenwolf A huge congrats to your 2 years Richard. I am so sorry for all that you have had to endure in the past few years and doing so sober is undeniably remarkable. Grateful that you have been able to be there for yourself as well as your loved ones. Thankyou for coming here to share your incredible milestone and your journey :people_hugging:
@karenkw Congrats Karen :partying_face: – a lot of positive changes for you. Well done on creating the boundaries. Keep doing you OFDAAT! :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman how did it go today? Were you able to get the results for the MRI testing? OMG girl – just saw your update! SOOOOO Happy for you and your son :pray: Many blessings Dana.
@catmancam Had a good appointment thanks Cam. I am grateful that you are seeing a psychiatrist on Thursday. Can you write down in bullet points all the things that you want to discuss so that when you get to your appointment you can show the paper in case the words escape you – happens to me way more than I would like to admit. Also helps me know that I covered all that I needed before leaving the appointment. Hoping that you get some decent sleep soon my friend.
@mossy91 Congrats on your double digits!! :tada: :clap: I am sorry that you are struggling – talk to us – you are not alone. Are you able to log onto a ongoing meeting right now for additional support?
@hidden Way to go with your 70 days of sobriety! Keep going strong Chris! :muscle:
@anon84358113 The sleep does take some time to regulate – just keep practicing good sleep routines and it will get back on track. I also struggled with anger / short nerve syndrome (as I call it) for the first few months… the tools to help deal with sobriety – living life on life’s terms. You are doing amazing – keep it going.

Checking in on Monday night
341 days free of alcohol and weed
540 days free of cigarettes
Grateful for a lovely day. Did get some work caught up but the day dragged on and on it seems. I had a 1 pm appointment but didn’t get done till almost 3:30. Have a early doctor appointment so tomorrow so will try to wind down and get some shut eye if possible.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Hang in the @Mossy91. You’ve got this. One minute at a time.


Checking in day 15 from my last alcoholic drink.


Checking in 163 days sober
Feeling a bit under the weather. My allergies are acting up and I’ve had a headache all day I can’t get rid of. On the count down to my brother returning from Spain. While love watching his house and his dogs, 4 dogs for almost 3 weeks has been a lot.

Hoping I feel better in the morning. Sleep well everyone.


I don’t get livid often but tonight is one of those nights.

My adult son who clearly has bigger issues than we knew just decided to use our grandsons visits as leverage in his entitled selfish abusive behaviours towards us when we finally put up our boundaries when dealing with him and will no longer allow us to see him until we “earn that relationship” he says. We have bought 98% of everything for him, and he only got permission to have visitation with him because his mom and I were the responsible adults that would make sure he was safe, fed, clothed, kept warm.

We dropped off all of his personal items and he is no longer welcome here or to contact us for anything less than a genuine apology with many actions to back up his words.

This time he made his bed and will have to sleep in it.

I could really use a way to release this anger because I know it’s compounding onto the already broken heart I have with my brother and that horrible fate.


Woot woot…i see you hours away fro. 900…Way to go Drew!!!



Im sorry friend …this truly sounds like a frustrating and hurtful situation. Im so sorry :disappointed:

For me when ii get overwhelmed with emotions i find it helps to talk it out internally. Meditate on the situation and see if i can find the silver lining or possibly another way of handling the situation.
I also try to put myself in a comfortable environment and try to practice deep breathing, focusing on the breath.
Taking it out with someone is also helpful. We are here if you need a shoulder.

Its not easy - it does take a lot of time to get the calming sensation but it is possible. I hope that these techniques or something else you try helps you soon :pray:


Yoooo Rob! Welcome back! Good to see you and your beautiful number! I’m sorry to hear things were dark for a while there in your life. I hope what you’re doing now is helping.


It’s so nice to see you checking in with such great numbers. Happy your days finally got lighter and brighter again. :orange_heart:


23 days. Taking it a day at a time. I didn’t think I’d get this far! I say this a lot, but this community, and all of you in it is responsible for my success here. Thank you


Nice numbers :heart: x