Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

You are rocking it, Trixie! Good luck with your physical.


Welll I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna get the job. I hope I do, but it did not seem to promising


Checking in on Day 117,

Put my kids to bed last night and i just sat there and said the longest prayer. Sometimes you feel down cause youā€™ve been struggling so long. For me, itā€™s been decades. Decades of secrets, lies, deception, and struggle. I fight shame/guilt everyday cause i know where it leads. Iā€™ve been doing alot of therapy podcasts to help with my thinking and it definitely helps. This one podcast ā€œTherapy in a nutshellā€ on spotify really has helped me when it comes to controlling anxiety and negative thoughts.

Got a sleep score of 84 today which for me is awesome, 7 hours 39 minutes. Sleep does help with stress. I take a magnesium supplement called ā€œcalmā€ before i go to bed with some Taurine and i have crazy dreams but really deep sleep. Iā€™ll trade great sleep for morning exercise at this point.

Have a great day everyone.


Congrats on all your milestones Jasmine. Always appreciate how you take the time to check on people in your post before you address where you are. You are a good example of putting others before yourself. Appreciate you! :people_hugging:


$16ā€¦ wow! Someone would drink their way to the cost of a jersey pretty quickly.:rofl:


Day 320ā€¦ I find myself double and triple checking the counter as I enter this because I know how invaluable each one of those 320 days are ā€¦and donā€™t want to get overzealous or discredit myself.:wink:

Hope everyone has a great day.


Checking in day :four::five::zero:! Got a touch of something over the weekend so had to take it easy despite having a lot planned. Feeling a bit better so far this week. Itā€™s my last week balancing my full and part time job which is very exciting :raised_hands:t3: Also a short week for me since Iā€™m going on a quick trip Thursday-Sunday Iā€™m looking forward to.

Sending kind and loving energy to everyone as we get into the swing of holiday season

Hope everyone has a terrific sober Tuesday :sparkles:


:sunny: Checking in :sunny:
Day 653
Morning TS fam! How is everyone? This morning will be busy as im off to the grocery store to pick up 2 weeks worth of groceries. Then home to do a workout and some cleaning. Thats about it for me today. Hope everyone has a great day! :butterfly:


Day 157. Off today. Back at work tomoroā€¦ Aiming to now retire in 6.5 years and then move a few hours north so the trip to Liverpool is easier long term.

Feeling unsettled. Going to watch elf and see if that makes me feel a bit more grounded. Canā€™t figure out if itā€™s better to pay more off my mortgage or save it. But ffs thatā€™s such a nice position to be in.

My dad was good. We took my family out for a Sunday roast (15 of us all together) and it was nice to be able to treat folks.

So aware of how tight things are for people financially. I need to try and stop my mind racing as I am planning the death out of the future. I know it stems from my divorce and getting hit badly from that and having to start againā€¦ I am tho struggling with my mood
. I just feel flat.


Morning all. Still feeling irritated over last nightā€™s confrontation with my son. Iā€™m not sure this will go away anytime soon, as it is a pretty big deal. However, it wonā€™t dictate how I act or not act. It is just another drop in the bucket of another day.

Be kind to yourselves and.make today a good day.


That sounds great @Rockstar24777 the 1,264 days so er and clean and the heading out to the mountains.
Have a wonderful day!


Iā€™m so sorry @anon68572606 this must be a hurtful situation for you. I can imagine that. You have to set boundaries even it is hurtful. Youā€™re in my prayers . Sending you love and strength :people_hugging:


Thank you both @happyfeet and @mx_elle

In the end, the only one being innocently punished is his son/our grandson. Thatā€™s not fair to him and that weight is on our son to bare.

I believe in karma, and I know that our son is completely incapable of parenting and sustaining it, sadly. Weā€™re giving him a short window of time before we tell his ex about his habits while having supervision because at the end of the day it is our duty to keep our grandson safe.

I hate to admit it but our son is a bad parent, and wouldnā€™t have parental visitation without us. I admit itā€™s been an environment that needed attention on both sides (his abuse, entitlement, laziness, immaturity, and our enabling that we werenā€™t aware of in the beginning) and we have been doing our best to make it better. Telling him that he cannot stay here for visitation until he can start providing food and other necessities that he takes us for granted for. We had to enforce him buying diapers, wipes, clothes, etc. and then when he started doing that, we raised the bar a little to food for them both, laundry pods, etc. This was because times are tough financially and he is a capable adult who works and makes money but takes advantage of the situation in every way. He would walk outside to vape, smoke, whatever not saying a word leaving his younger siblings to watch his kid while we were out, not say a word to them, then scream at them when his child would do something he shouldnā€™t have been doing. No matter how many times we correct that his ODD and ADHD just never improve to where he doesnā€™t have an abusive over-reaction where he will not even in the slightest accept any blame on his part.

Sorryā€¦ That was a vent. Right now as extremely hard as it is to know it may be awhile before we see our grandson, not having our son here is a blessing. I hope that this is a wake up call for him to grow up, mature, and own his sh*t.


@mossy91 how are you doing today? Hang in there friend ā€“ it does get easier.
@shybert keep working your recovery odaat and the days will keep adding up. You are doing great with your 23+ days! Keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@cindy1010 Hey itā€™s awesome that you got right back on the sober train ā€“ great work on Day 2! I know the initial reaction is to be angry / disappointed with ourselves for relapsing. Donā€™t hold onto these emotions. Be proud of yourself for your sober time and the efforts you are putting into your recovery. :hugs: For myself I would when possible try to learn what caused the slip and plan for it in the future.
@mindofsobermike Well done with your 2 weeks Mike!! :muscle: Wishing you luck with your interview today ā€“ have yourself a fantastic day :heart: just saw your update ā€“ fingers crossed that you do get the job but even if you donā€™t you took the step to try and put yourself out there. Donā€™t give up hope!
@selflove_42 thanks friend. The community really is my safe space and recovery home. Being able to help others and be honest with everyone about my journey is so helpful in my own recovery. :hugs:
@vikingsfan 320 is awesome! Totally understand the need to re-check as some days I am like how did I get here ā€“ especially when I can remember thinking that life without my addictions was not a possibility. You should be super proud of your achievements!

checking in on Tuesday morningā€¦
i was awoken by a brightness last night around midnight -thought the moon was in my room :laughing: not sure how or why but we got snow and the reflection was coming through the curtains (they are not thick but not sheer or light either) so i was baffled that the glare through the curtains woke me up. :thinking: Well, then i just couldnā€™t get comfortable, my mind was a mess and it took me till 3:30 to fall asleep. Doctors appointment went well today and i did get to spend some time with my mom before and after the appointment. I am exhausted and will try to sleep now but they are working on the deck right outside my window (will do my best to tune it out. I am sure it could be worse.
I hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Mood has been up and down but hanging in there thank you


Thank you Jazzy, you guys keeping me sane right now!


Day 11

Mood has been all over the place the past few days feeling drained and very little energy finding it very hard to sleep aswell but holding on in there


Iā€™m still here, checking in. The thing that keeps me going is the fact that I feel so much better. Everything is better. I still have evenings when I struggle, but one thing never changes: Iā€™m so grateful when my head hits the pillow and Iā€™m sober. Thatā€™s the best feeling in the world. Thatā€™s freedom.



One. Day. At. A. Time.
Iā€™m going old school @Dazercat here today. ā€œIā€™m not drinking today and I probably wonā€™t drink tomorrowā€. Alcohol is a liar.


Deciding that right now Iā€™m going to take some time to myself. Shut my phone off, disconnect from everything.

Too many things coming at me all at once.

I appreciate the support.

Talk later.