Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Great numbers Bird
I’ll join ya :blush:


8/9 days

I still feel a lot of panic trying to bubble up and create drama and anger and the volatile. PMS maybe, my own messed up head maybe. Lots of worrying about work and being ‘left behind’ with the rubble of a broken company, seriously 30% of people have been cut. I’m worried, I don’t do stress with any modicum of elegance.

Am going through the ACOA workbook on Audible, very interesting listens.

Nothing else to say, doing the work, day by day.


mood is so down so this is important

I am grateful for 157 days of sobriety
I am so grateful for my wife
I am blessed my father’s heart attack didn’t kill him
I am blessed with a good job and pension
I am blesse with the love of my amazing dog :slight_smile:
I am blessed I am in the warmth and not outside like so many homeless people. There were so many people in tents in Liverpool. The housing problem seems worse not better? It’s awful.

I feel very blessed. My mood is rubbish but I am safe and warm


Day 7, feeling good about thathave had an ok past couple of days, im sleeping so much better, feel like my body clock is getting there, im just going to keep plodding on, and make surexi achieve something each day, however small, what bothers me is going out, i live in a small market town, everyone knows everyone, and i feel so judged, and i know ive no control over how people see me, especially when people i know i think avoid me, it hurts and i feel so embarrassed, its early days AGAIN so the longer im sober the stronger i will feel, so i have to give it time, i hope everyone is doing their best and hugs to you all for being here x


Wow congratulations :tada::tada::tada: @TrustyBird
That’s an amazing amount of days in your pocket :grinning:
Have a wonderful sober day :blush: and enjoy the good work on being sober tomorrow again :people_hugging:


1y 2m 10d AF

Another work day, at least its pay day! Xmas is nearly here so is a break from work, looking forward to it.


Day 318.

Checking in. Sober. And sick as a dog. Must have caught something in London because my throat is on fire and my coughs are absolutely painful. I hate being sick, reminds me of hangover days.


Day 1075,

Just as I get used to my depression meds, and the feeling it really might support me I get allergic reaction towards it. A lot of curse words ………….


Thank you and you too! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Checking in Day 39)

While my sobriety is NOT being tested, my ability to stay in my own lane is. I don’t think i’m wrong to want to check in on someone who says they have a kidney infection, says they’re exhausted, dehydrated and in a lot of pain. This person confuses the shit out of me. I checked in on them…blanked. My sponsor said “Well, hold on, you shouldn’t get pissed off - they could be in the hospital again or with a doctor. This is the thing Josh, they may have told you what’s wrong but ultimately, its not your business.” He’s right. It just begs the question to me, why tell me? I’m trying my hardest not to be critical of the motive - Another fellow said to me “If it were me, I’d question my own motive” - Well, my motive is to see if they’re okay. But then its “Is it because it makes YOU feel better?” Well, yeah it would but I just hope they’re okay. This, I can’t see the problem with. Can anyone in longer sobriety unriddle this for me please? This person also only ever seems to want to talk to me when there’s an opportunity for sympathy. Not to say they’re asking for it but it does seem awfully coincidental. Again, I don’t want to be critical - And I don’t actually give them the sympathy, they get enough elsewhere and they’re the sort of person who seems to take sympathy as assurance to sit on a pity pot. Fuck it, I’m being critical, i’ll let my sponsor know. The serenity prayer usually settles me nicely on this one but I think I’m lacking the wisdom here - What am I supposed to accept and what am I supposed to change? I can’t change them - I don’t know that I should change my caring nature but my caring nature only goes so far where sympathy is concerned; at some point, I will twig that sympathy doesnt always comfort people healthily. Some people need a rocket up their arse. And if its not on me to deliver the bazooker in that very moment, why are they here?

I can rant, I can vent, I can call my sponsor - I can speak with you lovely people. I can put pen to paper and I can let things fester for a while. But I can’t ask God for logic. That’s not allowed.

Hugs not Drugs.


Thank you kindly!


Checking in. Some 1,800 days sober - I’m having a stressful day at work.

Does this ever happen to you? You have an automated system that does a task hundreds of times in seconds. You’ve used that system for years… then all of a sudden, without reason, it stops working.

So you contact support, and a week later, they say “we will look into it.”. But the task NEEDS to be done by this Friday, and the only alternative is to do it manually, but not only will it take days, but its been so long, you don’t remember how? And on top of that, you have training for the next 3 days??? Does that ever happen to you!!!

Its happening to me and I’m about to cry.


Man I can’t stop thinking about my interview today. I feel like I just messed it up, like I was almost to honest. I brought up my addiction on accident. And then when she asked if anything was going to show up on my background check I said maybe a endangering the welfare of a child. And honestly idk if it will show up or not, but as soon I said it the lady really didn’t seem interested in me. And it just sucks bc I need this job so bad and I feel bummed bc I feel like I completely fucked up the interview. Idk I hope what’s meant to be will be .


Checking in sober.

Met my coworker for coffee this afternoon and had a great long chat about everything and nothing. We can talk for hours when we get together. It’s always fun.

Starting to wrap things up at work so I leave things in order and easy to hand off to someone else.

It’s finally getting cold here and I’m enjoying the change. Summers are just way too hot for me. And the moon is beautiful tonight!



Hi Mike, if it’s meant to be your job you’ll get it. If not, it’s not your job. We can’t change the past but can work on improving the future. Good luck


Can completely relate.


Checking in 164 alcohol free
Sick as a dog. The stress of being away from home and caring for 4 dogs has caught up to me! I hate being sick. I’m supposed to stay with a friend for 4 days on my way home and I’m not sure I’ll be up for it.

Done with work for the week. Thank goodness. Complaints from a Senator seeking re-election is annoying as F::k especially since it’s beyond the control of the company but rather an issue with the state. Filibustering is such a waste of time.

Sleep well everyone.


Checking in on day 900 days continuous sobriety. Hope everyone is having a good week.


Awww that’s so cute @TrustyBird
I’ve still not found out how you would send those GIFs :woozy_face: but I love them … And this one is s the cutest ever :heart_eyes:


Thank you all for keeping me accountable.
ODAAT :pray: