Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Oh wow!!! Congratulations on 4 months!!! :confetti_ball:


Didnt get a chance to check-in today so doing it as im about to call it a night (just after 9 here). Good day today. 2 AA meetings, a board meeting for the chamber of commerce, and a full day of work. Need to be up at 5 so have an awesome night my friends.


Checking in on day 245!!!


8 months!!!


Clean and Sober!!!


Praise the Lord!!!


Keep fighting the good fight!!!


You are worth it!!!


Sweet dreams ya’ll!!!



My appetite is getting a little better I’m only 9 days weed and alcohol free but I get so full so fast and it’s just not the same of course​:sweat_smile: I’m actually jealous of people who have eaten all their life without substances and love food because that’s their norm :tired_face: looking forward to my appetite evening out so I can really enjoy food again. I’m scared I won’t even reach the point of being able to fully enjoy it anymore without substances.


@mossy91 sleep is a bitch for sure – recently posted this – may be useful… I have recently restarted magnesium and melatonin at night along with a hot foot soak where I add a few drops of lavender. Then I massage my feet with a lotion or essential oil (depending on the day). Also listen to a soothing meditation – all or a combination of these may be useful for you too? I hope you both get a good nights rest soon.
@trustybird 650 days is awesome girl – keep that number rising! :muscle:
@anon68572606 Totally understand the need to concentrate on yourself and your surroundings. Just know that we are right here to support you when and if you should need. :hugs:
@timetochange Sorry that you are in a funk mood – hope that writing out gratitude’s helped.
@lisab3 A huge congrats on your 1 week of sobriety! You are correct – you will get stronger as you tack on more sober days. Grateful that you are already feeling some of the benefits of sober living.
@rob11 ugh – damn that sucks friend! I too would be cursing. I do hope they are able to find the right meds for you that have not aftermath reactions. :crossed_fingers:
@hoofhearted it has happened in the past and I feel your frustration and anxiety. So crazy how convenient technology has gotten but at the same time how we forget to do the work without it . Sending you strength in getting through this without going nuts and getting it all done in time.
@danam56 Damn – sorry you are feeling ill… I do hope you get the rest you need and start to feel better soon. Sending you healing vibes.


@happyfeet – Safe travels to you tomorrow. 4 months and going strong :muscle: Hopefully this helps –thread to help with posting gif’s
@Mindofsobermike ah friend - we can not change out past. I do hope that the interviewer was able to see your determination and kindness today. Do not give up hope – if you do not get this particular job - keep looking, the right job will come along for you.
@ashley_luvz_starz Way to go with your 8 months Ashley. Love this for you – keep going strong :muscle: :clap: :tada:

Checking in on Tuesday evening
342 days free of alcohol and weed
757 days free of cigarettes

Was a decent day. I am grateful for a good long nap today. Feeling tired now and will be turning in shortly.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free evening / day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Mossy91 sorry you’re struggling :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Hidden congrats on 70 days :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman I’m filled with joy from reading your post :face_holding_back_tears: so happy for your son’s MRI results and your gratitude is palpable 🩵
@JazzyS thank you, that’sca good idea, I will do that today :blush: sleep well friend :sleeping:
@icebear congrats on 900 days :tada:
@DanaM56 feel better soon :people_hugging: I hope the allergies calm down asap :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@Cindy1010 welcome back :blush: congrats on your honesty :clap:t2: and on 2 days :tada:
@Juli1 welcome back :people_hugging::blush:
@SoberWalker sorry about your friend :people_hugging: I hope she recovers well from her injuries and surgery :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on all your nos :tada:
@Mindofsobermike I hope your interview went well :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on 2 weeks :tada:


@MooseTracks congrats on 450 days :tada: enjoy your trip :blush:
@TrustyBird congrats on 650 days :tada:
@Timetochange sorry you’re feeling flat and down :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Lisab3 congrats on your week :tada:
@Amy30 feel better soon 🩵
@HoofHearted that does sound terribly frustrating, I hope it gets sorted asap somehow :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on 1800 days though :tada:
@happyfeet congrats on 4 months :tada:
@Ashley_luvz_starz congrats on 8 months :tada:

1205 days no alcohol.
670 days no cocaine.
185 days no vape.

Had 3hrs of sleep Monday night, better than most nights last week, but still not good, and my insomnia-induced impulsive spending came out. I had 34 days on my counter, which has now been reset.

I attended an online course about ASD yesterday afternoon, it was okay, but I was exhausted afterwards and I layed down afterwards and woke up realising I’d had a 1.5hr nap. I was having a PTSD dream so I’m glad my cat alerted me that it was their dinner time.

No walk yesterday, I was hoping to go in the morning but I had a delivery that didn’t arrive until it was nearly time for the course. Today I will do it.

I fell asleep around 19:30 and was awoken by some cats screeching and fighting outside at 00:40, so I managed to sleep for 5 hours. I’ve been awake since then and it’s now 02:45 so I thought I’d catch-up here before then hopefully I can nap afterwards. It’s now 04:06am so here’s hoping! :crossed_fingers:t2:



Day 71:

Back to a normal day, up at 4:30, good workout at my gym, but I definitely had to drag myself through the door, felt good though. Not a bad day at work, I was tired so driving to all the different jobs was a struggle, but I made it to all the jobs and home by 2:30, phone calls ended around 6:00.

Still recovering from my weekend getaway, had a ton of fun, but that was a lot of driving, over 12 hours, and I rarely if ever sleep well in hotels. Getting caught up on sleep is a must. I need a vacation from my vacation, next week! Really looking forward to my Arizona trip, 5 days of mostly just relaxing in a nice Air BnB, can’t wait!

Did manage to get my November workout challenge in tonight, I’ve really enjoyed that extra motivation and looks like another one is being planned for December. Highly recommend it for anyone looking for that little extra motivation to get moving, plus it’s fun!

Happy to be going to bed sober! Sweet dreams sober peeps!


Congratulations @TrustyBird @icebear @happyfeet @Ashley_luvz_starz on your milestones :muscle: X



Just checking in…

I mean… with more buttons ofcourse :smiling_face:



Evaluation at work went great. I learned so much in Recovery, and these sort of meetings are a nice reference point to remember myself of it. I’m so much less anxious going in to it. I can bring up stuff I want, some critique of management as well, naturally in the course of the conversation without building up some big anxiety beforehand. I’m so much more self assured. While still being me 100%.

I’m not even that surprised anymore when I’m told how much I’m appreciated and how the management tries to help and facilitate me in making my work better and more enjoyable. And how they offer me stuff without me having to ask for it. Except for a big raise that is alas.

Anyway, soon it’ll be no more late shifts for me, just early ones. Much better for my sleeping pattern I feel. And One day a week (to start with) I’ll be relieved of my ‘normal’ nursing duties and tasks and will be working as an expert by experience instead, having much more time to directly work with the folks admitted. It’s scary, as I will have to sort of make my own work and workday, think up my own way of doing this. Scary but exciting.

Keep going all. Recovery is a gift that keeps on giving, just as long as we put in the work. One day at a time and all that. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


Day 3 AF
Back in the game.


Me Too :clap::clap::clap: Lets keep going! :heart_eyes:


Day 3 Lets Do This :clap::clap::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Checking in before heading to the office on day 395.

Looking forward to the big 4-0-0.

Have a fantastically sober Wednesday everybody.


Checking in sober day 17


Wasn’t sure a good place to put this. I’m checking in sober but sick as a dog :face_with_thermometer: I have an appt in the morning to be tested for the flu/covid. I feel terrible. My whole body aches, my head is pounding and my fever hasn’t dropped below 100 since yesterday morning. It hurts to look at screens so I won’t be on here much the next few days. Just wanted to let y’all know so I didn’t end up on the missing thread.


That sounds awful… Get better soon :green_heart:


Hi all, checking in on Day 76. Have been in a chronic fatigue crash but starting to feel more normal. I had forgotten how bad the crashes were. Hopefully I can pace up to full time work and find a balance.

I have missed a lot here I’m afraid, good to see you all.