Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

I’m diagnosed with bipolar 2, borderline personality disorder, adhd, anxiety and depression so I def have issues without substances too :sweat_smile: it’s like it’s harder to handle without substances, but also only possible to heal those core issues sober. I haven’t kept up with it but a DBT workbook may be helpful I started one last year I have the green one from Amazon. Just a suggestion in case it could help you too my counselor who specializes in trauma had recommended it to me


Thanks @JazzyS . I’m at the airport now. A bit sad to be leaving this wonderful place now but glad to be back home and to see family again.
Will give the GIFs a try when I’m back home.
Thanks for the link to the GIF thread :slightly_smiling_face:


:sunny: Checking In :sunny:
Day 654
Today has been SUCH a lazy day. I got my son on the bus and then went right back to bed until 1pm. Very unusal for me but i guess i needed the rest. I folded laundry and then went to the coffee shop for a caramel toffee latte. Just waiting for my boy to come home now. I have alot on my mind lately and im wondering if thats why ive been so tired or why im choosing to sleep (so that i dont have to think about everything). Its not all bad things, its just alot all at once. I havent been to the gym in 5 days which bothers me. So definitely tmrw i will be going. Havent been eating well either which also bothers me. But im the only one that can change that. I need to be making better choices. All n all tho im grateful to be clean and sober. Grateful for where im at in life even tho i still struggle in some areas (with my health). Hope everyone is doing well today :butterfly:


Hi all, checking in with 76 days. Work is hard but I was able to be productive today. Me and my son aren’t feeling very well. I have that horrible tingly feeling and food tastes funny. I used to drink through these patches, glad I don’t have to worry about that now. Have a good evening all, and get well to those not feeling good either


Thank you @Butterflymoonwoman and @CATMANCAM and @Louloubelle for thinking of me :heartbeat: I really appreciate it :people_hugging::pray::people_hugging:


19 months today :sun_with_face:
On my way to the city for work, I’m feeling okay.
Grateful for where I am, what living sober has helped me achieve so far.
Going on a holiday in 16 days with my daughter and friend for a girls trip. Last time I visited Bali it was a very boozy trip. I can’t wait to actually feel refreshed and rejuvenated after this trip.
Lots of love to you all :sparkling_heart:


Hi and welcome!


Day 43. Happy hump day as the :camel: say haha. A brisk Chicagoland evening here. If weather forcasts are to be believed at least we should be above freezing for the rest of the week.have an awesome day my friend’s!


Welcome! Hope you find support here. :hugs:


It is not shameful to be who you are now. And who you are now is a worthy person (we are all worthy) who has issues with anger, or perfectionism, or whatever. But I truly believe the first step is extending yourself some kindness. Nobody improves themselves by beating themselves with the hate stick. It sounds like you are noticing things, and moving towards trying to understand and change them. That is admirable!

@mx_elle I haven’t been on this thread for a while, but congratulations :purple_heart:


Checking in day 4 evening. Amazing 3 course meal out with my pal which I am so happy I could taste and enjoy, we laughed and shared and I didn’t need a drop of alcohol. I know if I can get through meeting up with pals this week, I will have established myself as good sober and practice it. It just takes a few weeks to build, anyway happy to be sober and to wake up without hangxiety tomorrow! Sleep well all x

Sobriety is a GIFT


Day 78 Checking in.
Hey all, missed my check in the past few days. Been feeling overwhelmed and stressed. A lot of financial problems due to me not managing my finances well and not making good decisions.

It’s hard, but I am pushing forward, excepting responsibility and taking action. My higher power is in control. Also learning to ask for help. I definitely need it when it comes to my finances! One step at a time. Proud of myself for keep on putting one foot in front of the other. I can’t go back wards only forward movements.:grinning::purple_heart:


Checking in sober.

I’ve been in a crappy mood most of the day. My eye infection is no better despite meds, so was back at the doctor today. Headache, exhausted. But pushed past the cravings. Going to bed early. I just got through times of hating everything even when on paper, things are going okay for me.



Thank you so much I really appreciate that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Go and check them out… check out all of the different religions if you’re interested. How does your aunt know her version of religion is the correct one? :thinking: :wink:.


I was raised in the LDS church, yes i was once a mormon. It is like any other organized religion and does a lot of good for a lot of people. I quit going in high school, went back in my 20’s when i got married and then decided organized religion was not for me. But i have a lot of friends and family still involved with the LDS faith and they love it and what it brings to their life. Religion is an individual thing for everyone. If it feels right for you then that’s what matters. Exploring different and new options never hurt anyone. I hope you find what you’re looking for. Best of luck and congrats on your 15 days. Keep fighting.


Welcome to the TS community @SillyAndSober glad you’re here and thanks for saying hi to us all :slight_smile:


After yesterday’s incident with my son, I’d thought it was at it’s worst… But he went further and posted a really hateful, untrue, inaccurate post on his Facebook and used both of our first names. The post was very defamatory and full of slander, so I had to contact a lawyer this morning.

Thankfully the kid read my email that I did so and would be taking action if it wasn’t removed. He was upset and continued his assault today but in a less direct manner.

I’m removing myself from this now as it is not doing me any good. I’m already getting calls from my doctor because there’s some health concerns after my last set of blood work, so it’s been decided we’re all packing a suitcase (my healthy family) and flying to Cali tomorrow.

Definitely looking forward to disengaging from life at this point in time.


Checking in Day 41 just ticked over)

Just another day of songwriting, went to work for a few hours then came back home to song writing. I really can’t wait to share it with you guys (those who will listen!)

My sponsor is away for the next 3 weeks. He’s still calling me on a daily basis and he sent me the stuff I need to start my step 4. I keep hearing in the rooms that this is a really shitty step to go through. Does anyone have any advice on how to make it less shitty? Of course, my sponsor has told me he’s going to go through it with me thoroughly but also to get other peoples takes.

Staying in my lane proved a little easier today. I said what I needed to say to the person I was talking about last night - I shall now put them in a helium balloon and let it go. If God wants me to cross paths with them again, I have no doubt it’ll happen. It would’ve been so fucking easy to drink over how frustrated this person has made me before now; realising that its my own fault for letting it get to that point. Once again, I can’t ask God for logic.

I shall finish this cuppa tea and go to bed. I was meant to meet my friend for coffee this morning but it appears we both forgot.

Hugs not Drugs.


T-Minus 1 day until I’ll be 90 days AF. Woot Woot! Seems like such a journey from the wreck I was when I started.