Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

I put off my 4th for a while after knowing what to do. Best advice I got in the rooms was just do it. Get it all down on paper and don’t dwell. I found the 5th step a bit more emotional but once it was done I felt amazing. It helps to unpack it all and leave it behind. Think about that if you’re struggling. It’ll be over the faster you get it done.



Quick check in. Good day. No complaints, besides this super painful 3 headed zit that’s right beneath the bridge of my glasses :confounded: ouch. Finishing up a movie and heading to bed.

Goodnight :heart:


Day 4 AF
Checking in.
Today will be my dad’s funeral :heavy_heart_exclamation:
I am okay.


Day 72:

Another sober day in the books. Typical day, gym to start the day. Hard cardio heavy workout, nice wake up call. Work was just alright, morning meeting that went on and on and on. Meetings should be limited to 45 minutes, everything beyond that sounds like the adults from the Peanuts cartoons, wa wa waawaaa wa Wawa wa! Got a few things accomplished though. I’m noticing a big change in my ability to remain calm during my work day which is hugely beneficial, sobriety has limitless rewards.

A little longer work day because of the meeting, still home by 4:00. My friend was suppose to come over, but her work day ran long as well. That was ok though, I’m tired. Got my November workout done, second to last day and it was brutal. Feels good staying committed though and getting to the end, tomorrow’s workout, the last one, will be brutal.

Time to end this check-in as I’m dozing off. Good night sober people!


Good to see you checking in, sending strength your way.


Thinking of you @Juli1 , sending love and strength and I hope some comfort from here, too. :people_hugging: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :people_hugging:


Day 25, working to get out of bed. It’s bloody freezing today! Starting to get that Christmas feeling, along with thoughts of the accompanying booze that goes with it… but coffee, hot coco and soda will suffice for me this year i hope! Have a great sober day all!


Morning its 7am :scotland: enjoying my morning coffee & doing my journal. Onto day 4 & feeling massive appreciation this morning :sunrise_over_mountains: im filled with gratefulness :heart_eyes: went through a tough time yesterday nearly went to shop but i didnt i kept going! Just thinking 1 day at a time :fire:


Woke up in my bad ass t-shirt and
I became one apparently :wink:



I woke up with that feeling in my gut and stomach that I have felt so often in my life. An unspecified feeling of dread and anxiety. But instead feeling totally powerless over it and it slowly increasing ever further as my morning progresses, this time I took the time to think about what actually might have caused it.

I wrote about it in my journal, identifying different possible causes. I thought of five things. Three I could do something about and two not. I already did something about the three -I can do more , but for now it’s enough-, and now I’m working on letting go of the other two over which I have no power or influence.

And slowly I’m beginning to feel less anxious. Conscious breathing helps too. It’s Thursday, my last workday of the week. Tomorrow I’m saying goodbye to group therapy. I’m sober and clean and in Recovery and I’m not alone. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from my commute.

@Mischa84 Yay you bad ass!!!
@Cindy1010 Yay you too!!!
@ShyBert Don’t hope Jospeh, make it so.
@Juli1 Strength to you today and every day, but especially today :people_hugging:


Thank you so much for sharing this - I totally relate and that sounds really tough - it’s almost like a gaslighting as you say you’re there with burns and a black eye and you know that a natural view is concern and your caregivers are not providing that. On the contrary - they are trying to claim this is normal? Being heard and validated is so important from a parent it’s all we need. Not money or them to help us get treatment just for them to BELIEVE us and hear our voice and treat us not like a child in that instance.

I’m now day 5 and I’ve already messaged my mother and told her I’m seeking help and she can support me or stay silent but I won’t hear her pushes. She has responded well but I’m prepared for it.

Feeling better


Thanks for your advice Laura - I feel like my step 4 will take me a millennium. I’ve been a bit shit


Day 159. Working 8_8 today
But it’s nearly the weekend and I am off on Monday :slight_smile:

Looking forward to a sober Christmas :slight_smile:

Today I’m not drinking alcohol. Nope
Weather is pants but all good otherwise



How are you doing today @Runningfree Jennifer? I hope you will feel a little bit better? Sounded like you where feeling very bad last time you wrote something up here.
Where I life you won’t get a flu ore covid test nowadays. Just the advice to rest and take a paracetamol. The stores even do not sell covid tests anymore. Fingers crossed you feel better! :crossed_fingers:


I will, thank you :slight_smile:


Morning all, checking in on Day 77. I wasn’t feeling great but seem OK now, hopefully my body is fighting any germs successfully. Hugely helped I am sure by not also swimming in wine!

Have a good day everyone


*Day 1899 :walking_woman:
Got the result from the test for breastcancer, all is good! :confetti_ball: Happy with it.
My mom got breastcancer as in the same age as I am today (55) and died from this disease 5 years later. So that’s confronting.
Had to reset my sugar daycounter, not that I had a long stretch in the first place :hugs: But continue where I left it and at the end I keep consuming less sugar so that’s still a good thing.

I found something sweet in my shop a few days ago. It’s called a “achterlatertje” (leftbehind) in Dutch. It’s made and left behind somewhere to make a stranger smile.
The pink paper says translation:

“Dear lovely you
I’m not lost ore forgotten
I’m specially laid here for you
To bring you a smile
:heart: Happy day :heart:

(Hope the translation is correct)

I hope today will bring you a smile as well. Hope reading this will bring a smile to start with and may many follow. And spread it out!

Happy sober day TS friends :raising_hand_woman:


Good for you, very proud of you. :heart:


Huge congrats on the test results and your birthday C !!! Or translated: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met de uitslag van het onderzoek en met je verjaardag!!! Keep smashing it Lady XXX