Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Feeling thakful and good this morning and very pleased that i reached 30 days. Sugar is still a frutch but no drinking and no cigarettes is a good thing. Feeling blessed.


Hey all, checking in on day 1264. I hope everybody had a good one!


Today I booked an appointment regarding my liver as it is not functioning well according to some routine labs ordered from my PCP. A bit worried about the consultation with GI about next steps. Good news is Iā€™m not in liver failure. Bad news is staeotosis. ā€¦ The results also showed sparing liver. Id like to hear someoneā€™s definition of sparing liver bc I researched a little and all I get are scholarly articles with terms way out of my vocabulary! :joy: If u have experience with sparing liver or know more about it than I do, comment plz :pray:


Day 111*
I think Iā€™m happy. I remember the lows I had in my twenties so vividly. I was sure that no amount of supports, therapy, friendships, fulfilling employment, or anything would bring me to a place of contentment. Trauma and grief just felt way too deep and overwhelming to be able to move through and live an independent life. I donā€™t know. Even with some steps backwards in the healing process everything is so different today. The last five years have given so much change to my life - things I was convinced would never change about myself. Iā€™m grateful suicide attempts were unsuccessful. Iā€™m grateful I kept trying. Everything feels really impermanent and that feels wonderful.


Thank you Menno, but not my birthday! :sunglasses: Just the same age as mom had :hugs: But happy still :confetti_ball:


Day 1,266 clean and sober today. Really enjoying the time off work. Taking time to recharge and care for myself is essential to my recovery. Super proud of everyone here, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 76 and all is well except hubby and me both sick. Not too bad, though. At least itā€™s not COVID!


Awesome job @Mno, proud of you :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Crazy 80 days sober


Working my way through day 19 and although my mood isnā€™t the best and Iā€™m still feeling easily agitated at times, Iā€™m sober and plan to stay that way for today. I am very triggered by behaviors of those closest too me but I need to understand thatā€™s that addict voice trying to give me an excuse to use. I know there is no excuse. Wasting money on my DOC will only bring me down. Iā€™ll just try to keep my head up and remember negative emotions donā€™t last and I have the tools to help shift my thinking. Have a theatrical Thursday wonderful people!!! Happy Friyay Eve! :grinning:


Like @hidden, I was also born in the LDS church, though I am not associated now. Depending on the area of worship (called a ā€œwardā€) you attend, it can be a good way to be involved with a fairly wholesome community (as churches are fundamentally made up of humans and the humans can make or break any experience), as the LDS church is very family/community focused.

There is a tendency to ā€œlove bombā€ people looking into the church, but I donā€™t generally think it is malicious. Like all churches, imo, they do hold some incorrect beliefs, especially about many events in the churchā€™s early past, and I would definitely suggest taking any conversion slowly, but I also wouldnā€™t tell you not to check it out.

The young LDS missionaries are basically ā€œsales peopleā€ for the church, and generally not equipped to answer many contrarian questions about their history (which I would definitely suggest investigating from different angles yourself), so Iā€™d also say to decline engaging in anything you donā€™t feel comfortable withā€“such as you being the one to prayā€“as these are ā€œemotional sales tacticsā€, though obviously they would genuinely not believe this to be the case. If nothing else, it could be a nice experience for you to simply go to services and other events to meet new people and see if you like the feeling of community they provide.

If it is useful to you in your recovery, then do it. I agree with @JazzyS that the fundamentals of all churches tend to be very similar. Itā€™s just the packaging around very core concepts that are different.


Day 119 (3 setbacks)

Just checking in. Been resisting donuts for 8 to 10 months of dieting, start my 6 month journey again 12/1, so today, i had a donut to start the day, OMG so good. My kid won student of the month so there is a ceremony iā€™m attending which is awesome. Doing alot of self work lately, focused on avoiding instant gratification and learning to be more humble. I gotta do the work if i want to get where i want to go, whether that be weight loss or my sobriety. Have a good day all!


Perfect mantra for the day, thanks!!!:pray:


Iā€™m on day 141, and Iā€™m gonna do some work.


Day 1076,

Quiting the meds for now, having a call on Monday to see how to proceed. It is quit a drawback, but picking myself up a bit.

Greetz :pray:


Thank you for checking on me :heart: My body aches are better so Iā€™m very thankful about that. I canā€™t even explain how bad my entire body was hurting. My fever finally broke under 100. 99.6 last I checked. I still have a headache and my brain feel fuzzy. My throat still hurts and I have very little appetite. Iā€™m forcing food down with my medicine. I went to the doctor yesterday and they tested me. I have covid :cry:They gave me an antiviral and Iā€™m taking tylenol cold and flu. My doctor gave me a note so I donā€™t have to go back to work until tomorrow.


Glad to hear youā€™re feeling a bit better then. Hope you feel good enough to work tomorrow.
Take it easy! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Yes, you are a bad ass Mischa :hugs:
Congratulations on your 5 months sober.


Congratulations on your 5 months! Thatā€™s huge! :heart::heart::heart:


Hi, Iā€™m Julia Iā€™ve been cutting for 8 years. BUT, today is day 2 clean! YAY! Just struggling due to other addictions from family members affecting the rest of us. It opens my eyes to see how I affect them with my addiction. Another family member and I were up all night into the morning bc the 3rd member of the family was using and just destroyed the place (with a mess not actually destroying property). Everyone is perfectly safe and thereā€™s no risk of anyone being emotionally or physically hurt by him while he is in that state. Itā€™s just afterwards that we all pay the price and itā€™s really hard for me not to pick up a sharp. Even without that going on Iā€™ve been tempted. Iā€™m in a really vulnerable place rn bc Iā€™m extremely new off a 5 month hospitalization out for a month then in for another 5. itā€™s been a year of hell. But thereā€™s hope because I have trust in God and his ability to heal and guide me through recovery. Iā€™m overcoming skeletons in my closet, things that I donā€™t share too much but this app is really helping so far! Thanks for letting me share!