Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

Theres a lot of love in those 3 smiling faces.

Not to make your share about me, but I am feeling so emptional about the men in my life right now (fathers in particular), family & cycles. This IS what its all about & what a gift when we see it - for ourselves & families, particularly the little ones who are forever changed by you/us being there. Damn Im emotional! Beautiful thing & Merry Xmas to you & yours, thank you so much for sharing this.


Maaaaan all my anxiety turned out to be nothing, like it always done. Tonight was great. I ate an amazing meal with a great honest and true friend. Then I sat in a dark theater with strangers and listened to some very moving Christmas choir music.

On the ride home I almost had my friend swing by to pick up a 4 pack of THC sodas but we talked it through. Iā€™m at 46 days totally sober from THC. Alcohol was always my DOC and I have 600+ free from that. Things are good in my life and (mostly) in my mind. Why would I want to alter that. Iā€™ll drink some iced tea before bed and have another great day tomorrow. I donā€™t need an escape from me. To all those struggling I send hugs. šŸ©¶šŸ©·


Struggling bad tonight. Thereā€™s a blackness in my head that I canā€™t escape. I feel like hurting myself really bad. This is an awful feeling. I feel like in the water and Iā€™m trying to swim to shore but as much as I try Iā€™m not really getting any closer to shore until eventually I got a point where a wave engulps me further back into the water. Iā€™m drowning over and over again and I canā€™t figure out how to stop it. I need help and idk who to go to or what to do. My feelings are really awful and unsafe. I had a good day so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going on . Iā€™m uncomfortable, angry, hurting and scared. I can see a device I want to useā€¦I want to get up and get it but thereā€™s this push and pull in my thinking. One sides pushing me towards self harming tonight while the other is pulling me away from it. Plz tell me what to do is who to go to! I need to hear it from u guys or else Ill probably just do what I wanna do. Ik whatā€™s right from wrong and I choose wrong a lot but Iā€™m trying to be differentā€¦


Hello all,

Checking in on Day 1,954 Sober.




Felt a lot better this morning but still layed around until I had to get ready for work. Just getting ready tired me out but I made it through work. We got out right at 9! Nice to have a little extra night time.

It took all day to figure out my exā€™s situation. I saw his picture yesterday on the jail app but when I looked today he wasnā€™t there. I called and they said he was there, with no bail, court on Tues, for outstanding arrest warrants from '21. I called his friend who didnā€™t know more than me and he said heā€™d check on the cat. Then, at work, I got a text from his coworker who was supposed to let me know earlier this week that he wouldnā€™t be getting his daughter this weekend, but forgot. He also has been taking care of the cat. And that it was a sanction for drugcourt and he only has a week. Still not sure why but whatever :thinking:

Work in the morning so bed real soon. I need it :sleeping:


Day 7
Checking in.
Being free.

Head is overfilled with hunting thoughts about weight loss and bad body image. Itā€™s very strong. Think it is a coping mechanism ā€œto controlā€ something (like death, that is impossible).
Donā€™t know how to go on with this.
It sucks.

Hugs :heart:


Hoping youā€™re OK Julia. Personally I never did SH directly but I engaged in dangerous and self harming behaviours for years. Getting dead drunk was one of 'm. Dangerous sexual activities another one.

After getting sober I started work on the causes for these behaviours. And after f.5 years of sobriety and 3 years of psychotherapy I can say thereā€™s light at the end of the tunnel. Iā€™ve learned to understand myself, to see what my self damaging tendencies stem from, how to deal with my past, how to understand my feelings. So much so that now most of the time I am able to stop this downward spiral of feeling these helpless feelings you describe and that I know so well from my past.

Youā€™re here. Youā€™re sober. Weā€™re in this together Julia. Big hugs friend. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:



Very glad I could take a :bike: ride yesterday. It was cold :snowflake: but pretty :sunny: and I just had my new winter gear delivered, as well as new tires fitted. Big plus in winter is that itā€™s so quiet on the road. The worst part is that my feet change into :ice_cube: :ice_cube: when itā€™s cold and theyā€™re attached to pedals with cleats. Whatever I cover 'm with. Well. Iā€™ll survive.

After that I shared dinner with some of my oldest friends who I both met smoking pot in a coffeeshop some 40 years ago. They still smoke. We talk about it every time we meet. Their lives could have been loads better without drugs. One of 'm tried to quit for years. The other one doesnā€™t care. Theyā€™re still my friends. They donā€™t smoke with me present.

For me itā€™s never again. The longer Iā€™m sober and clean the stronger my conviction becomes. ODAAT and all that. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love.


Checking in on day 399 AF.

Starting the day with an hour in the gym, then home to watch my team Celtic on the TV at 12pm. Lots of great sport on the TV today, donā€™t think Iā€™ll move from the couch until itā€™s time to make dinner.


Day 162. Out for lunch later. Will take it easy today. Thankful to be sober.


Day 28, got some work to do today, and im not too hungover to do it!


You wrote 6 hours ago. To me it sounds like youā€™re asking where you can go to get help.
In most countries you can go to an emergency room. It sounds like you were in a true mental health emergency even saying you didnā€™t like how you felt and you felt unsafe.

If youā€™re in the United States you can dial 911 or 988.

988 is a mental health line.
If youā€™re not in the USA, in many other countries there are similar mental health phone lines and also emergency rooms.

I donā€™t want you to hurt yourself.
I hate you feeling like youā€™re in that black hole and that you feel unsafe. I hope you are able to get some help where you donā€™t feel like that.
Talking to a doctor or a healthcare professional could be very helpful for you.
You are not going to get in trouble you will just get help.
Your thoughts and feelings are legitimate.
Please check in and say how you are doing.
Also, consider getting rid of what you were thinking about hurting yourself with.
If possible, go around, where you will not be alone and be around other people.
Checking in here is good there are people who care for you and want you to get the help that you need.
Big hugs.


Hi all, checking in on Day 80. Wow.

Had a lovely day out yesterday but had to spend the afternoon and evening in bed to recover. Feeling like I have a little more energy today. I felt like I was missing a layer yesterday, just very sensitive and overwhelmed. I used to drink through that feeling but didnā€™t have cravings so my body seems to have worked out that wasnā€™t the solution.

I have a day of making Christmas cards with my daughter today. I felt terrible when I couldnā€™t get out of bed to do it yesterday. She kept saying it would relax me but I just couldnā€™t :cry: Luckily my husband was able to teach her a card game which made her happy.

Was thinking about the amount of 1:1 time my kids get vs what we had as children and it is huge. I just feel so much guilt if I am not the ā€œperfectā€ Mum. Like today, I am preparing myself for giving my daughter extra attention as feel so bad about not making the cards. I still spent all morning and a lot of the afternoon with her. Where does the guilt come from? I used to drink through the exhaustion at the end of the day, but thought it was worth it for my childrenā€™s happiness. Crazy logic.

Sorry, didnā€™t know I needed to get that out.

Have a good day everyone


@Alisa thank you for awesome bday cakes! Yeah, my boys prefer cookies or doughnuts than classic cakes. For now at least :wink:
You gave me idea for Sachaā€™s bday cake :doughnut:
Yeah, we have a busy Decemberā€™s :wink:
@happyfeet How few things like balloons, confetti cannons, funny hats can change the game, right? :slight_smile: Iā€™m lucky they are still at that age when those things means more to them than a fancy gifts.


Beter late then never:
Happy birthday for your twins! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Thank you! :blue_heart:


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Butterflymoonwoman!!! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:


Day 1,269 clean and sober today. Multiple clients and staff are out with Covid at this time which is really pushing those of us who are working to the point of insanity lol. Thats a little dramatic but itā€™s freaking rough for us as we are normally understaffed as it is. I am so grateful to have my own apartment and have a place to decompress. Itā€™s my sanctuary. I hope everyone has an amazing day and I am very proud of every single one of you, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey beautiful ladyā€¦ happy 39th birthday :birthday::partying_face:
I do hope you take time to do something special for yourself today.
Hopefully gratitude and changing focus helped you get out of the funk last night.
Many blessings and love your way. :people_hugging::heart:


I have felt like that many many times Julia, youā€™re not alone in this. Iā€™m glad you reached out here to let those feelings out, great job! I would suggest like others have said that you reach out to a mental health professional who could direct you in the best way to help you through this. Great job reaching out :sunglasses::metal:t2: